President Obama!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Can you be a bit more specific? I haven't seen anything to support that insane idea.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
When it was UPS not covering 15,000 was all over the news.

Now not covering 110,000 IBM retirees is on the down low.
From your Fox News link:
The move, which will affect all IBM retirees once they become eligible for Medicare...

How is this different from what hourly UPS retirees have?


Well-Known Member
Can you be a bit more specific? I haven't seen anything to support that insane idea.

I agree that Moreluck could never provide any basis of support for the claim but that doesn't mean the claim is without support.

Is Al Qaeda in Syria? Everyone seems to agree on that point but let's establish the claim anyway.

Syria - Who are Jabhat al-Nusra? - Truthloader - YouTube

But Al Qaeda in Syria and our aiding them is another thing entirely. Is the United States aiding Al Qaeda directly? Likely not would be my thinking, at least not at Obama's paygrade because in the past of our involvement in proxy wars, we've always used proxies up and down the line to hide the facts from the American people. There are real reasons things like BCCI and Dark Alliances exist. This is standard MO regardless of party in power or puppet in the WH. Is Obama himself aiding Al Qaeda? No, not directly and knowingly would be my position at this moment.

Like other Presidents, Obama is both a "yes" man and "punching bag" (so was Bush) to take the blame so we never blame the real interests who set agendas and call the shots. Whether it's Bush reading "My Pet Goat" or Obama playing golf and appearing the jet setter celeb, we have something to occupy our time and scream at. Think how meaningless Moreluck's life would be with no golf and vacations. Having to find an original thought would drive her mad. But back to Presidential photo opts, depending on which side of the controlled opposition will determine if a story book is worse than excessive green fees or vice versa.

However, the rules of politics set and accepted by bothsides set the table that allow for a meme like this to stand as valid. Presidents are given all the credit so man up when the ugly side begins to appear. If we accept the President as a hired puppet, then we can have a whole other conversation but you'd also have to face the reality that voting and political parties are meaningless and nothing but controlled opposition as diversion.

So is the United States via proxies aiding Al Qaeda in Syria? I think the answer is yes. And there are claims that Al Nursa leader is a CIA operative. If that seems crazy, lets not forget that accepting as true bin Laden was killed in a raid in Pakistan, look at the rich history that connects the Pakistani ISI to our own CIA. That rabbit hole is well worth exploring too as it leads in many directions and many conflicts the last 30 years.

But what is the CIA's own legacy in mischief making and using proxies with nefarious backgrounds? That is a rich field of study from the 70's Church Committee report to the journalism of the likes of John Pilger to the days of Frank Wisner's Mighty Wurlitzer. One has good cause to question if the Wisner's music has ever stopped.

But what is CIA, in reality a kind of euphemism for the Intelligence/Military Industrial apparatus, and what has it's legacy been in both global mischief making and using others to achieve it's ends? From the 53' Coup in Iran to the United Fruit Company wars in Central America, America thanks to the CIA/Intelligence/Industrial/Economic complex has always been about Sleeping With The Devil. And let's not forget Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's open admission that the "United States created Al Qaeda".

Blaming Obama specifically may well be a stretch but then that raises the question should Obama get credit for a lot of other things he and his supporters will rush to take credit for? And the same would apply to any President for that matter. The one thing I disrespect about the leftwing of our national bird of prey is they don't want to play by the same rules they spent from 2001' to 2009' asserting on the other wing. Even worse is that in many respects they were right too.

Funny how power trumps principle every time but then "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!"

I'll end by making note to read my new signature line.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
wkmac, I have no doubt that AQ is operating in Syria, and that they are able to get their hands on weapon/cash shipments that originate with the USA. I also don't believe that the POTUS has knowledge of these operations, or even John Brennan. There have always been rogue operations with misdirected loyalties.

I am not ready to accept the POTUS as a hired puppet. There still is a difference between the two dominant parties, and that divide is growing. If McCain or Romney were president, we would be fully involved in at least two, perhaps three, unwinnable wars, and the economy would be even worse than it is now. Change comes slowly, unless we are plunged into all out war.

I have more faith in the people that make up this country than you seem to, and hold onto a dream of a better future. The right wing of our Nation has been co-opted by a particularly nasty strain that is hell bent on tearing the country apart.

Also, links to Pravda, or RT are very suspect, IMO. There is a completely different agenda there. They clearly hold the upper hand at this point, too.

I look at the House of Saud and Israel as particularly nefarious characters in this play. Bandar Bush is on the prowl.


golden ticket member
Answer your own damn point was about the coverage.......

The 15,000 news story of UPS was NO HOURLY !!