President Obama!


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
[h=1]Federal government now requiring churches to get permits for Baptisms[/h]
As if it wasn’t involved in people’s private lives enough, the federal government wants to regulate baptisms, requiring a special-use permit for ceremonies in public waters.
The policy was recently enforced by the National Park Service, which — spontaneity be damned — requires a 48-hour advance notice of baptisms, according to Todd Starnes at Fox News.
“If the Holy Spirit is working on Sunday morning, you’re going to baptize Sunday afternoon,” Dennis Purcell told The Salem News, according to Starnes. “You may not know ahead of time.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

I stopped using snopes when an exposé came out about how just about every "fact" leans toward the Democrats. It has been so long ago I don't remember the proof but it was substantiated.

​I don't care if it is true or not. It is DAMN funny!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Now the President won't even take responsibility for his comment on the "red line". It is a very sad and embarrassing time in our democracy. Nothing like pointing fingers at the international community when you want them to get behind you. This is another mark of "true leadership".

​What is next?


Strength through joy
Did snopes ever move out of the garage that they were using as their home base back in 2007 , when they broke the news about bhos' birth certificate ?


Well-Known Member
Did snopes ever move out of the garage that they were using as their home base back in 2007 , when they broke the news about bhos' birth certificate ?

Sir, I will reiterate my argument against your tic about Obama's birth certificate...

Since a full half of the current U.S. government is dead-set against Obama (and has been since 2008), and will do anything and everything to thwart Obama at every turn:

Do you find it reasonable that if, in fact, Obama was not a U.S. citizen, that he wouldn't have been stopped in his tracks, well before he even made it to the primaries in 2008?

Don't forget, this is the age of the NSA, big data, and an Orwellian command-and-control of digital reality, backwards and forwards.

I'm not sure the 'powers-that-be' would have cleared Obama if he wasn't actually a citizen of the Good Ol' U.S. of A!

Your premise of Obama somehow sneaking his alleged non-citizenship past the REAL gatekeepers makes little sense...

(Full disclosure, I voted for Obama, and I've been as disappointed with Obama as I have with every President I've ever voted's a game and it's a scam, so there's not much to get upset about, unless you want to get upset about the Matrix, but that's a different discussion...)

History will judge Obama's performance as President, just as History has judged Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, etc., and history will be as kind/harsh as it's wont to be.

And that's basically irrelevant, because:

The world is run by corporations.

You're complaining about Obama, might I turn your attention to:

Barclays, State Street, JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Société Générale, BNYMC, on and on and on and on and on ad infinitum....


golden ticket member
Question for libs: If they can’t even get a website right, how in the world are they going to manage the U.S. health care system?
Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange Website Still Plagued By Technical Glitches — Reuters
Technical glitches still plague the display of new healthcare plans to be offered to millions of uninsured Americans starting in 26 days, including how medical charges and deductibles are listed, industry officials say.

Health insurers planning to sell policies to people who are currently uninsured, under President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform, say they expect the problems will be remedied by Oct. 1, when consumers will be able to buy health insurance from state exchanges.

On Wednesday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the lead Obamacare agency, said it was on schedule to sign final agreements with insurers between Sept. 9 and Sept. 11, allowing them to sell specific policies on the exchanges.

“Our timeline remains the same,” said CMS in a statement, “and we are working to ensure that any issues are resolved before open enrollment.”

Although the signing of agreements with insurers is a mere two days behind the original schedule, it led to speculation that there were serious technical snags. Late last week a conference call between the government’s information technology contractors and insurance industry representatives revealed some of those problems, which centered on how information about health plans, such as charges for medical claims and deductibles, was displayed on a “preview” website, according to people with knowledge of the call.