President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Liberals always cry about companies that outsource jobs to other countries.

Why in the world --would the crown jewel of Obama--Obamacare ---save or create jobs in Canada --spending millions of Dollars of U.S. taxpayer money ---to a Canadian firm --that developed a faulty website ????

What is the real story behind it --another donor --a relative of Health secretary --there is more to come out !!!


Staff member
So Integrity died and now you're in charge ? So just call me a damn dirty liar and keep those fancy , Sunday go to meetin' words, for your church elders.

Nope. Just the first thing that came to mind. Means nothing...unless of course it does.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This morning, there are hearings on the hill with the designers of the ACA websites. So far, NOTHING has been accomplish by the republicans.

No smoking guns, nothing of any interest spoken by the designers.

The highlight so far, was a republican old man who was extremely stupid sounding, rambling through some prepared text in an attempt to sound intelligent, only to look like a fool and be laughed at by the gallery and the guests.

At the end of his bumbling, stumbling ranting, his question was not even worth answering and he had to yield his time back to the ranking member having accomplished absolutely nothing.

And then the republicans wonder why they are the most hated political party of all time.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Screw the website. What about the FACT that the vast majority of the people that were actually able to sign up were going to be paying a ridiculous increase on their premiums and the FACT that thousands ( likely will surpass millions) of Americans have already been dropped by their insurers thanks to ObamaCare guidelines? Way to go Democrats. You assclowns!!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Screw the website. What about the FACT that the vast majority of the people that were actually able to sign up were going to be paying a ridiculous increase on their premiums and the FACT that thousands ( likely will surpass millions) of Americans have already been dropped by their insurers thanks to ObamaCare guidelines? Way to go Democrats. You assclowns!! Once the lliberal media is out of denial ObamaCare will go down as the biggest political blunder in history.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Fact: The plan was originally a Republican plan
Fact: The Republicans have done nothing to come up with a better plan
Fact: Millions who could not afford insurance or were denied to pre-existing conditions will now be insured
Fact: You can't cure stupid


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wonkbook: The GOP’s Obamacare chutzpah

On Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan became the latest Republicans to call for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to step down because of the Affordable Care Act's troubled launch. "I do believe people should be held accountable," he said.

Okay then.
How about House Republicans who refused to appropriate the money the Department of Health and Human Services said it needed to properly implement Obamacare?
How about Senate Republicans who tried to intimidate Sebelius out of using existing HHS funds to implement Obamacare? "Would you describe the authority under which you believe you have the ability to conduct such transfers?" Sen. Orrin Hatch demanded at one hearing. It's difficult to imagine the size of the disaster if Sebelius hadn't moved those funds.
How about congressional Republicans who refuse to permit the packages of technical fixes and tweaks that laws of this size routinely require?
How about Republican governors who told the Obama administration they absolutely had to be left to build their own health-care exchanges -- you'll remember that the House Democrats' health-care plan included a single, national exchange -- and then refused to build, leaving the construction of 34 insurance marketplaces up to HHS?