President Obama!


Staff member
Social Security and Medicare would both have surpluses if Congress had not "borrowed" from them.

And this brings me to my belief in a coming generational battle. Why shouldn't we gut Social Security and Medicare right now? That's the generation that has been electing the officials who have been "borrowing". They spent theirs already.


Strength through joy
One problem with handing the presidency to someone with no experience in the real world is that once there, they start to act like they have no experience in the real world.


Staff member
Maybe alot of doctors will quit and we will see an influx of MDs from India, Mexico, Japan, China, etc. Don't forget people. We live in a global economy. Doctors can be replaced.


Well-Known Member
Obama --complains about Corporate outsourcing ---He outsources 660 million to a Canadian Co for a website that does not work.

Obama ---complains about tone and harsh rhetoric---Makes speeches everyday with harsh rhetoric and divisive tone.

Obama --tells you that you can keep your same insurance and doctor ----Hello !!! Teamcare !!!

Obama tells us the young must sign up for ACA--to work ---Children stay on parents plan till 26 ?????

Obama tell us young must sign up ---Law states they can buy insurance AFTER- they are sick --pre-existing conditions !!!

Obama --tells you raising the debt is un-American ------ Has no problem when he does it.

Obama talks of "shared sacrifice" ----While he parties every week and takes multi million dollar vacations.

Obama tells us waterboarding is torture ---yet has no problem killing with Drones

Obama tells us U.S. needs jobs and NRG ---nixes the Canadian Pipeline.

Obama tells us the average family premiums will drop 2500 dollars ----???????? l

Obama told us he would reduce the debt by 50% ---------Wow --he has doubled the debt!

Obama draws redlines for the world to see------ Then Russia and China provide real Leadership !!

Legacy --the first Black President --NO--eventually we will see the real birth certificate--with White Mother --White grandparents at hospital with --NO DAD present ---Baby was officially born "white"--on his official and legal birth document.

The only legacy Obama can hope for --is that he will be forgotten !!!:happy-very: IRS, Bengazi, Fast and Furious, entitlement growth,very poor economy,no budget,no plan ,no leadership, no jobs ---nothing --an empty suit etc etc etc--his corrupt administration lies ,hides behind the fifth and is held accountable for nothing. Blame the film or Blame Bush !!:sick:


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wow, off the meds today? If these were not insane ramblings, I would take the time to counter, but instead, I refer you to tonyexpess's sig line.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I'd rather have a doctor who cares about people's health than one who cares about money.

Baba's doctor is moving to Canada, what does that tell you?