President Obama!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Under ACA exchange policies are prohibited across county lines .
So everybody needs to move closer to your doctors & hospitals .

Thats not true. STATES have laws that prevent insurance crossing state lines and the ACA has to fall in line with those states that prevent it.

An insurance company has to be licensed in the state that it sells insurance. If it is licensed in california but not nevada, then an insurance company cant sell it in nevada. This is a STATE law and has nothing to do with the ACA.

Thanks for the misinformation though.



Strength through joy
[h=1]WaPo's Capehart: GOP 'Sabotaged' Obamacare by... Not Giving it More Money[/h]
Democrats attacked reasonable Republican policies for health care reform. They passed Obamacare without any meaningful Republican input and without Republican votes. They refused to pass delays or fixes as the deadline approached. They laughed when the public blamed the Republicans for the shutdown that followed. No, Republicans have no obligation to fix Obamacare.
That's not sabotage.
It's one-party rule.
Enjoy it.


nowhere special
The Democrats who voted for Obamacare and are fighting for reelection are hiding from Obamacare and critical of it until after the election. After the election it will be right back to the same story about blindly following Obama regardless of what the people want. If Obamacare was so good they would be bragging about it and using it as a platform for their campaigns - which of course isn't happening.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
WaPo's Capehart: GOP 'Sabotaged' Obamacare by... Not Giving it More Money

Democrats attacked reasonable Republican policies for health care reform. They passed Obamacare without any meaningful Republican input and without Republican votes. They refused to pass delays or fixes as the deadline approached. They laughed when the public blamed the Republicans for the shutdown that followed. No, Republicans have no obligation to fix Obamacare.
That's not sabotage.
It's one-party rule.
Enjoy it.
What exactly was,is the so called rep plan????

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This dabacle may be BOs Watergate moment. As the wave continues to build and sticker shock sets in, more and more regular folks will see through the lying and attempts to cover up those lies. It is this topic that affects most Americans in the pocket book and that is how you get their attention.

Isn't it remarkable that the Liberal Progressives are still defending BO and his administration through this ACA rollout? No one with a business background and proven experience was put in charge and they can't figure out why this is failing. ...Big government at it's very best!

Very bitter-sweet…. But it does make you want to chuckle. Most of us know that Obama would like nothing more than to destroy the Republicans, so watching the reverse take place levels the playing field.

We need a diverse group of people to work together to solve problems… not two bitter enemies trying to destroy each other. It takes a real leader to pull that off.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What exactly was,is the so called rep plan???? 1989, Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation proposed a plan he called “Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans.” Stuart’s plan included a provision to “mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance,” which he framed explicitly as a way to address the “free rider” problem and employer mandates.

Read more here:
The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate - Forbes

'Obamacare' is pretty much the Republican plan. The Republican's oppose it because it was put into place a a muslin, socialist Kenyan, who is not even an American, and even if he is, he's not like the 'rest of us'.

Geez, everyone knows that ;)


nowhere special
Since when was the Heritage Foundation part of the Republican party? They ARE a conservative think tank but any comments they make can't be attributed to the Republican party.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Since when was the Heritage Foundation part of the Republican party? They ARE a conservative think tank but any comments they make can't be attributed to the Republican party.
Too lazy to read the linked article?

Republican support for the individual mandate
As far as I have been able to find, Stuart’s 1989 brief is the first published proposal of an individual mandate in the context of private-sector-managed health systems. In 1991, Mark Pauly and others developed a proposal for George H.W. Bush that also included an individual mandate. While others credit Stanford economist Alain Enthoven with the idea, Enthoven’s earliest published reference to an individual mandate was an indirect one in the 1992 Jackson Hole paper.
In 1992 and 1993, some Republicans in Congress, seeking an alternative to Hillarycare, used these ideas as a foundation for their own health-reform proposals. One such bill, the Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993, or HEART, was introduced in the Senate by John Chafee (R., R.I.) and co-sponsored by 19 other Senate Republicans, including Christopher Bond, Bob Dole, Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Richard Lugar, Alan Simpson, and Arlen Specter. Given that there were 43 Republicans in the Senate of the 103rd Congress, these 20 comprised nearly half of the Republican Senate Caucus at that time. The HEART Act proposed health insurance vouchers for low-income individuals, along with an individual mandate.
Newt Gingrich, who was House Minority Leader in 1993, was also in favor of an individual mandate in those days. Gingrich continued to support a federal individual mandate as recently as May of last year.
It would seem that 1990s conservatives weren’t concerned with the constitutional implications of allowing Congress to force people to buy a private product. “I don’t remember that being raised at all,” Mark Pauly told Ezra Klein last year. “The way it was viewed by the Congressional Budget Office in 1994 was, effectively, as a tax…So I’ve been surprised by that argument.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Since when was the Heritage Foundation part of the Republican party? They ARE a conservative think tank but any comments they make can't be attributed to the Republican party.

The desperation of the Liberals points to the irony of trying to associate the Republicans with this fiasco.

People who take responsibility and ADMIT they make a mistake can gain my respect through their actions. Just the opposite occurs when a coward points to someone else and states it is their fault or they try to qualify what they said after they are caught in a lie. Then there is the fake apology… they are sorry for getting caught not what they did.

The new motto of the White House should be "The buck never stops… it is always moving somewhere else…"


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It WAS an insurance plan that tried to address the problem but was NOT Obamacare.
No, it was called 'HEART'.

In November, 1993, Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I., introduced what was considered to be one of the main Republican health overhaul proposals: "A bill to provide comprehensive reform of the health care system of the United States."
Titled the "Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993," it had 21 co-sponsors, including two Democrats (Sens. Boren and Kerrey). The bill, which was not debated or voted upon, was an alternative to President Bill Clinton's plan. It bears similarity to the Democratic bill passed by the Senate Dec. 24, 2009, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Summary Of A 1993 Republican Health Reform Plan - Kaiser Health News