President Obama!


Strength through joy
[h=2]Tennessee State Senator Brian Kelsey presented HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius with a gift of Websites For Dummies during a Memphis ObamaCare event, evoking annoyed, constipated looks from the people around her .[/h]


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The ACA has turned into one massive disaster. 6 people that's right 6 people successfully signed up on day 1. Hell doing it all on paper would of went smoother. Now they are saying all kinds of small businesses are renewing their policies before jan 1. Because costs could go up 35-100%. I've said it all along if this was a such a great thing why wait so long to roll it out.


Inordinately Right
That's pretty bold for a Nobel Peace Prize winner to brag about his own war crimes. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need to judicially revisit the constitutionality of the War Powers Resolution, or lack there of.

Furthermore, the disturbing trend of the “double tap” — bombing the same place in quick succession and often hitting first responders — has become common practice.

A 2007 report by the Homeland Security Institute called double taps a "favorite tactic of Hamas" and the FBI considers it a tactic employed by terrorists. U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings Christof Heyns said that if there are "secondary drone strikes on rescuers who are helping [injured people] after an initial drone attack, those further attacks are a war crime."



Nine Lives
Tennessee State Senator Brian Kelsey presented HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius with a gift of Websites For Dummies during a Memphis ObamaCare event, evoking annoyed, constipated looks from the people around her .

While funny, it exposes his ignorance.
The problem is not the website but with the unlying querying engines and databases.


bella amicizia
I haven't been here in a while, and am choosing not to read all the previous posts. It is my understanding that this website was originated under Bush. No, I am not blaming Bush. My point is that this corrupt company that is being paid millions to build this website 10 years in the making is a miserable failure. They should be fined every penny they were paid. amazon should be handling this.


golden ticket member
I haven't been here in a while, and am choosing not to read all the previous posts. It is my understanding that this website was originated under Bush. No, I am not blaming Bush. My point is that this corrupt company that is being paid millions to build this website 10 years in the making is a miserable failure. They should be fined every penny they were paid. amazon should be handling this.
The same company is/was also in charge of distributing Hurricane Sandy money....weird coincidence?.


Strength through joy
I haven't been here in a while, and am choosing not to read all the previous posts. It is my understanding that this website was originated under Bush. No, I am not blaming Bush. My point is that this corrupt company that is being paid millions to build this website 10 years in the making is a miserable failure. They should be fined every penny they were paid. amazon should be handling this.
Good idea , but ACA is all bhos' fault .


Well-Known Member
The ten to twelve million being tossed off their plans now ---are individual purchasers --because of the individual mandate---Why Did Obama put off the employer mandate for a year ???
There will be over 90 Million people forced off Employer plans when the "employer plan" does not cover all the Obama mandated items -----the employer will have to pay way more for each employee --or simply drop healthcare and pay a fine --that will be much less than providing healthcare.
Also as we see now --many Employers making early moves --like UPS and Teamcare ---UPS was not going to be on the "hook" when the employer mandate kicks in next year. No caps --contraception--etc etc etc --will drive up the cost of Teamcare.

The real disaster will be after the 2014 election ---Hillary better look closely at 2016 as she praises OBAMACARE !!!:sick:


Strength through joy
Under ACA exchange policies are prohibited across county lines .
So everybody needs to move closer to your doctors & hospitals .