President Obama!


Strength through joy
Obama Admin Announces 'Retroactive' Obamacare Subsidies

TOS, I'll give the highlights ;
As CBS News reports, "Those who stand to benefit the most are Democratic governors who plunged ahead and ran into problems" because "Republican governors basically defaulted to federal control of online sign-ups in their states."
This will be the 29th adjustment he has done without Congressional approval .


Well-Known Member

Or we will have the IRS target them !!


nowhere special
Another FOX victim faces scrutiny for her claims.... most of which were untrue as Harry Reid says they are...


Again you failed to read your link. Even MSNBC did not try to claim that woman's story was untrue. They just tried to spin it by claiming it wasn't a typical example without any support for that assumption. So even MSNBC was admitting that Harry Reid is a liar.


Well-Known Member
The White House talking points are out ---Biden, Reid, Schumer, all the Democrat talking heads ----Obama care has covered millions of people that never had coverage.
The facts that Millions lost their Healthcare that as FREE American's they were happy with plus losing THEIR Doctors ----the government --took THEIR freedoms away --now most of them must pay triple for Obamacare coverage.

Back to the "GOOD NEWS" Democrats ----the millions that are now covered by Obamacare ----are now having their healthcare paid by the working middle class.
The working middle class has been royally screwed by Obamacare !!!

But the working people are all "LIARS" - according to Reid.

When all the exemptions run out --including for Unions ---Obama will be long gone ----but the Democrats in the future are going to pay a heavy price -----unless all the illegals get to vote --convicts can vote and dead people can vote along with many voting numerous times ---because they will show those ID'S for welfare ---but never to vote !!

Just a few years ago --you never heard UPS union members speaking badly about Hall and Hoffa --now ---First they came for Hall --then they came for Hoffa ---when Teamcare collapses --Obama will be gone !!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What a crock. A false and mis-leading cartoon.
#1 Stimulus never works. Ever.
#2 We need our government to spend less. Right now the USA spends $41,000.00 a second that it does not have.
#3 I believe it was Obama and Reid who would not negotiate with the Republicans. The Republicans kept calling for negotiations, but the Dems said take it or leave it.


golden ticket member
Harry Reid calling constituents liars......signs of Alzheimers if you ask me. He's suppose to represent ALL people in his area.....not just Democrats.

We drove by the Searchlight exit today and I gave Harry the one finger salute !!


golden ticket member
Via Oregon Live:

Nearly 4,000 applicants for a state program that provides undocumented immigrants with pregnancy services were instead enrolled in full Oregon Health Plan coverage, contrary to federal law, thanks to problems with the Cover Oregon health insurance exchange.

State officials say they discovered the problem several weeks ago and are correcting it.

The pregnancy program goof, however, is just one of many little-known problems that Oregon Health Plan members, providers, care groups and state officials have wrestled with as Oregon’s system for enrolling people undergoes chaotic change.

It’s the flip side of the Cover Oregon debacle, where much of the attention has focused on the travails of people applying for private or commercial insurance.

Two thirds of Cover Oregon’s enrollments — more than 70,000 — have gone into the low-income Oregon Health Plan, the state’s version of Medicaid. Combined with other enrollments since Oct. 1, OHP membership has swelled by more than 200,000, or about a third — a favorite talking point of state officials.


golden ticket member
Fool me once........

Yes, $1.8 billion for a website.

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s top health officials said Tuesday they expect Congress to front the money needed to fund Obamacare’s federal marketplace in fiscal 2015 as they work to make operate better this fall.

The Health and Human Services Department said it needs a projected $1.8 billion to maintain the federally run exchange it operates on behalf of about three dozen states. The exchange is a web portal where consumers without health coverage can compare and purchase plans, often with the help of government subsidies.

About $1.2 billion of the funding will come from fees tied to Obamacare, while $600 million will be sought from Congress, officials said in HHS-specific comments about Mr. Obama’s new budget proposal.

“If Congress funds the president’s budget … this would fully fund the ongoing implementation of the Affordable Care Act,” HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said.

The agency also vowed to improve before the second round of open enrollment begins on Nov. 15, after software glitches and capacity issues ruined its Oct. 1 debut last year and nearly derailed the overhaul in its first year of implementation.