President Obama!


nowhere special
Obama thinks he knows better than the CBO'd think he was an economics professor too.......!

He is also supposed to know about the Constitution. Though there has been little evidence of that despite him supposedly being a Constitutional scholar.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He is also supposed to know about the Constitution. Though there has been little evidence of that despite him supposedly being a Constitutional scholar.

Thats funny, the supreme court has sided with him throughout his presidency... do you know another constitution he is violating?



The Nim
Thats funny, the supreme court has sided with him throughout his presidency... do you know another constitution he is violating?


I don't know how many times he's supposedly violated the constitution offhand, but the way the court system works it's normally not a quick process, multiple years, before something gets to the Supreme court.

It shouldn't have to work it's way to the supreme court to determine if the constitution has been violated. Congress should be the ones who blow the whistle so to speak when the president exceeds their constitutional boundaries, but the house leadership is spineless and the senate leadership is behind Obama, so nothing will happen there.


golden ticket member
Too damn funny.

Via LA Times:

Amid a big marketing push, California’s enrollment website for Obamacare coverage has suffered an unexpected outage due to software glitches.

The website problems come at a crucial time as the Covered California exchange tries to persuade more uninsured people to sign up ahead of a March 31 deadline.

The state exchange unveiled new TV commercials and radio ads this week aimed in particular at Latinos, who have been slow to enroll so far. The exchange is also urging more people to visit enrollment counselors, who rely on the state’s online system.

Covered California took its enrollment system down for scheduled maintenance and upgrades for 24 hours this past weekend. But problems have persisted and Thursday consumers were greeted by a message saying “the enrollment portion of the site is being worked on.”

Covered California said website errors began occurring Wednesday and it hopes to restore online enrollment by Thursday afternoon.

Covered California’s enrollment portal has been temporarily taken offline because of software malfunctions that were affecting the consumer experience,” the exchange said in a statement.


Staff member
Former director of CBO says that Sebellius is mistaken......there will be significant job loss with the massive regulations from ACA.
Hear what she says after the Uited Rentals ad n the clip......then Rove has his explanation too of why Sebellius is talking out her butt...
So, what did the CBO say about the effect of the sequestration on jobs and what was the Republican response?


Strength through joy
Received a letter today from BCBS stating that the insurance I get from the Teamsters does not meet Minimum Creditable Coverage standards ( Romneycare ) because prescription drugs are not covered .
I get my meds thru Teamster Care .
And as of 01/01/14 the monthly premium costs paid to them for my BCBS are $1139.33