President Obama!


golden ticket member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I never said $120 million to fix a website was reasonable, I simply said it wouldn't be cheaper to "buy" people insurance instead.....
Oh really?

Let's see.

Ups paid about $18 grand for my family of 5 for hc. That works out to $3,600.00 per person for very, very good health insurance.

At that price, for $120,000,000.00 the us government could insure 33,333 people.

But if the government gave a lesser policy, which they would probaly do, I am sure you could almost double that amount,


golden ticket member
Did you buy your raffle ticket ?? Hurry, hurry !!

The Obama regime continues to demean the office of the President of the United States.
Drew –
Summer’s almost here, but why wait? We can help it get here a little faster with a FREE trip to San Diego!
Sounds pretty great, right?
And we haven’t even gotten to the best part: you’ll get to meet President Obama while you’re there.



Strength through joy
he got caught in another lie .
Claimed that the GOP has delayed 500 bills ( ten times the actual amount ) .
While he was in the Senate , he should have spent more time learning how the system works . Then he would not be so mistaken about how the Senate operates .


Strength through joy
Minimum wage order sends veterans packing from nursing homes
SHREVEPORT, La - Some military veterans are being forced to leave their nursing home. It's an unintended consequence of President Obama's executive order in February to raise the minimum wage for new federal contract workers from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour.

Sandy Franks, public affairs officer at Shreveport's Overton Brooks V. A. Medical Center, explains that nursing homes that have contracts for subsidized care from the Veterans Administration become federal contractors. If they refuse to raise their wages, their contracts will not be renewed.

Franks at the V.A. agrees that this has the potential to be a national problem as more V.A. contracts with nursing homes expire.


Strength through joy
A devastating new McKinsey & Co. report finds that Obamacare's purported purpose – providing coverage for the previously uninsured – has failed.
The report concludes that 74% of Obamacare enrollees at the end of the first open enrollment period already had insurance; just 26% reported being previously uninsured. Of those who were previously uninsured, the figure drops to only 22% when considered alongside whether the individual has activated his plan by paying his first month's premium.
The McKinsey & Co. study also revealed that nearly half (48%) of individuals who said they do not plan to enroll in 2015 were "unaware of the penalty for lack of coverage." The so-called "individual mandate" imposes graduated penalties on individuals who choose not to purchase care. Even after respondents were informed of the penalty, only 29% of those currently uninsured said they plan to enroll in 2015.

Obamacare remains deeply unpopular nationally. According to the latest Pew/USA Today poll, Obamacare's approval rating now stands at a record-low 41%.