President Obama!


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
The irony is that Obama has actually asserted less executive power than his predecessors, by which I mostly mean Bush the lesser.

I think this is a good thing - the executive branch has overreached for a couple decades, time to take 'em down a notch.

Don't get a chubby because you think this is a take-down of Obama, it's more a course-correction in the balance of the branches of our government.


Democracy works!

(not really, but you get my point)


nowhere special
The irony is that Obama has actually asserted less executive power than his predecessors, by which I mostly mean Bush the lesser.

I think this is a good thing - the executive branch has overreached for a couple decades, time to take 'em down a notch.

Don't get a chubby because you think this is a take-down of Obama, it's more a course-correction in the balance of the branches of our government.


Democracy works!

(not really, but you get my point)

Misrepresentation of executive orders. Bush used them mostly for minor things and a lot of them were minor revisions of previous executive orders. Not like Obama's where he frequently tries to exceed his Constitutional authority (and gets slapped by Supreme Court for trying to do so). What is important is not the number but the meanings of those executive orders.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The irony is that Obama has actually asserted less executive power than his predecessors, by which I mostly mean Bush the lesser.

I think this is a good thing - the executive branch has overreached for a couple decades, time to take 'em down a notch.

Don't get a chubby because you think this is a take-down of Obama, it's more a course-correction in the balance of the branches of our government.


Democracy works!

(not really, but you get my point)
It wasn't Bush's executive orders that were challenged and overturned by the supreme court.


nowhere special

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Misrepresentation of executive orders. Bush used them mostly for minor things and a lot of them were minor revisions of previous executive orders. Not like Obama's where he frequently tries to exceed his Constitutional authority (and gets slapped by Supreme Court for trying to do so). What is important is not the number but the meanings of those executive orders.

Minor things??

You mean like torturing prisoners at quantanmo? You mean like creating the NSA spying on americans? You mean like creating black sites around the world?

cmon man,


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It wasn't Bush's executive orders that were challenged and overturned by the supreme court.

It wasnt the executive orders that were overturned bro. It was the supreme courts view that there was nothing wrong with the executive orders themselves, but rather, the senates sneaky game play of holding session for as little as 8 seconds to attempt to stop those executive orders.

The court ruled that the president couldnt decide when the senate was in session, and the republicans held this country hostage by not wanting appointments by the president, so they held an 8 second session which the court ruled constituted a "SESSION".

Its ridiculous, but that was the ruling.

The court did not SLAP Obama for the executive orders. It ruled he couldnt make them even if the senate held an 8 second session.

Get the fact straight.



golden ticket member
When the senate is in session (no matter how long) he can't make recess appointments. Thus the name RECESS.... Period, the end. He was the one trying to SNEAK through stuff. So he got his wrist slapped.


nowhere special
I know it's so terrible to make sure people eat in this country vs starting two wars that have cost thousands of lives, $ trillions, and never will win or make us any safer from terrorism.;)

Blame the Democrats for voting to send troops to war. And Blame Obama for converting the workforce from full time jobs that people can support their families on to part time minimum wage jobs - that is the truth of the "job growth".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When the senate is in session (no matter how long) he can't make recess appointments. Thus the name RECESS.... Period, the end. He was the one trying to SNEAK through stuff. So he got his wrist slapped.

8 seconds moreluck. 8 Seconds.

Sounds like the republicans attention span. The court said the appointments were fine, if the senate hadnt taken an 9 second session.

Dont misconstrue the facts.

If you believe that we are paying senators almost 200K for 8 seconds, then you'd better stop your bitching about tax dollars being wasted.

Nothing more than a political game by the republicans while the country sits idle waiting for people to be put in charge.

Its people like you, that get led by the nose with nonsense, then spend your days repeating it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Blame the Democrats for voting to send troops to war. And Blame Obama for converting the workforce from full time jobs that people can support their families on to part time minimum wage jobs - that is the truth of the "job growth".

We have had the best job growth in these last 6 months going back to the late 90's and the tech boom..

I realize its hard for you to accept it given your affinity to believe everything you hear on fox news corpse channels, but the country has turned around bro.

Wages are going up and full time employment increasing.

Sorry, those are the facts bub.
