President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Another Democratic Lie… GOP Gave CDC More Money Than Obama Requested...

This article is from 01-17-14.

Today: 11-16-14.

Is it possible that things have changed in ten months?

In either case, the CDC didn't quite do anything resembling responsible usage of our tax-payer funded blah-blah-blah-etc. etc.

I feel better; do you?


Strength through joy
Did President Ebola cancel today's fund raising trip because of ....
( 1 ) Ebola
or ( 2 ) It would be raining in RI and no golfing was allowed ?


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Obama did the “let’s throw another layer of government on it” by appointing an “Ebola czar”, when he already had departments and an effective czar dedicated to deal with emergency response for this particular type of situation. Now comes the accompanying obligatory plaint: “We need more money”. Billions have been thrown at the CDC and the NIH, and the lousy response was what we got. It isn’t money that’s needed, it’s competence.

Via The Hill:

The White House is preparing to ask Congress for additional money to help with the fight against Ebola, Bloomberg reported on Saturday.

Citing one official from Congress and one from the White House, the report said that the request could come as early as next week.

The report did not indicate how much money President Obama is preparing to ask from Congress.
White House officials declined to comment on the report.

On Friday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that administration officials “have not made any decisions about whether additional resources are necessary.”

“If we determine that they are we’ll certainly be working closely with our partners in Congress to try to get them,” Earnest told reporters.