President Obama!


golden ticket member
Obama Accomplishments



Strength through joy
No, but I did listen to his speeches , especially the ones about his family .
He had trouble keeping his background story consistent . Facts kept changing , little things that a normal person would have no trouble recalling . A classic sign that all was not right .


Engorged Member
No, but I did listen to his speeches , especially the ones about his family .
He had trouble keeping his background story consistent . Facts kept changing , little things that a normal person would have no trouble recalling . A classic sign that all was not right .

Ahh. Do you mean his Kenyan family or his Muslim family?


Engorged Member
hey, way back in 2007 I called him a con man and the left thought I was insane .

You want to really investigate a true con man? Mitch McConnell, American know, the guy that threw a fit when Obama was elected in 2008 and promised to oppose everything? Yep, that's a real American hero. Oh, and he's also one of our most corrupt US politicians...Big Coal has Owl Man in their hip pocket.


Strength through joy
Ahh. Do you mean his Kenyan family or his Muslim family?
Statements like "his father fought in WWII ( when he would have been 9 yrs old ) and he & his half sister declaring different hospitals to be his " official " birthplace . ( which by the way neither have placed any plaques up to acknowledge that incident ) .
And to clarify your request his Kenyan family is Muslim . According to their system his father was Muslim , thus he is Muslim . As was his step father .


Strength through joy
You want to really investigate a true con man? Mitch McConnell, American know, the guy that threw a fit when Obama was elected in 2008 and promised to oppose everything? Yep, that's a real American hero. Oh, and he's also one of our most corrupt US politicians...Big Coal has Owl Man in their hip pocket.
start your own thread , don't hijack this one .


Strength through joy
Report card: School named for Barack Obama ‘fails to meet expectations’
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – It is a sad twist of political irony with serious consequences for students. The only school in Wisconsin currently named for President Barack Obama rates quite dismally on a state report card designed to measure school success.
According to data from the state Department of Public Instruction, for the 2013-2014 academic year the school, listed as Obama Elementary, scored 39.4 out of 100.


Strength through joy
A grieving father is asking President Barack Obama to bring his son, who was killed by an illegal alien, back to life with an executive order on immigration.
“While your Executive Order pad is out, can you write one to bring my son and the tens of thousands (actually over 100,000) killed by illegal aliens back to life and to bring our destroyed families back together?” asks Don Rosenberg in a letter to Obama. His son Drew was killed by an illegal alien who ran over him in 2010.

In the letter, Rosenberg notes that President Obama’s administration refused to deport the illegal alien who killed his son.

“I know that shortly you will be issuing some sort of Executive Order protecting millions of lawbreakers, many of whom have killed people but all of whom share some responsibility for those killed,” Rosenberg wrote. “I know that you want to prevent their families from being separated. By the way, your administration refused to deport the man who killed my son. I was told, ‘He’s only committed one crime of moral turpitude.’”