President Obama!


golden ticket member
And other people are plagued with the burning question.......will Grey's Anatomy & Scandal be broadcast??? In CA. time zone, the pres will be interrupting people's dinner.....just turn on cartoons to avoid the indigestion..


Engorged Member
The pres. is suppose to give his speech tonight on immigration....the Latin grammies are on too......coincidence ????
Now with certain networks not carrying his speech, do you think he's :censored2:?

By design. Obama knows that his reform is going to generate millions of Democratic voters. In contrast, the GOP is going to fight this to the death...their own. Why? Because America is no longer going to be a white-dominated nation, and the Democrats realize this. Actually, so do some intelligent Republicans, who understand that alienating minorities will kill their party eventually.

So, "Emperor" Obama will kill two birds with one stone tonight. Oh, did FOX remember to tell you that Reagan, and both Bush presidents also signed Executive Orders regarding immigration status? My bet is that they didn't. Ooops.


Strength through joy
So Sorry MrFedx .
Your talking point is false .
Reagan & Bush were working with Congressional passed laws .
Unlike your dear leader who is taking this all on his own .
I guess CNN forgot to inform you .


Strength through joy
Pop quiz time. Who said the following?

Number one: “There’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border — a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before. Not all of these fears are irrational.”

Number two: “Taxpayers simply cannot continue to sustain new populations the size of San Diego or the state of Nevada every year.”

Number three: “If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy … it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already over-burdened safety net.”

Number four: “Americans have sat freely around a bountiful dinner table. The table is becoming overcrowded. People are squeezing in and elbowing each other to get what they want. Unless changes are made, our dinner table eventually will collapse, and no one will have security and opportunity.”

Number five: “Native-born Americans suspect that it is they, and not the immigrant, who are being forced to adapt.”

The answers are: Barack Obama, numbers 1, 3 and 5. Harry Reid, 2 and 4.


golden ticket member


Inordinately Right
Communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher of Tennessee:

Predictably, Lauten's bizarre rant about how the president's 13 and 16-year-old children looked like bar slags was poorly received, drawing fire after a screenshot was shared on Twitter by The Root's Yesha Callahan. As somenoted, the comments seemed particularly ironic given the numerous alcohol-related charges racked up by Bush's daughters during the last Republican presidency.