President Obama!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
The pres. is suppose to give his speech tonight on immigration....the Latin grammies are on too......coincidence ????
Now with certain networks not carrying his speech, do you think he's pissed?


golden ticket member
You can bet that Obama always has ulterior motives. He telescopes most of his moves........they are planned in a way that he'll be in the best light. 'Calculated and controlled insanity'....describes him best. (imo)


The Nim
Do you agree with your equally clueless partner that Obama planned this speech to coincide with the Latin Grammies?
I heard on the news coming home tonight, abc news, that the second hour of the Latin Grammies will be preempted to air his speech. Sounds like a political move to me. Whether or not it's true doesn't really matter to me, I'll hear the highlights of the speech at a later date because most of the major broadcast networks won't be airing it live it seems.