President Obama!




Well-Known Member
Watching the day's news. Death of the Saudi king, the fall of the Yemen government, the rapidly expanding Iranian influence (nuke), and still our terrorist in chief downplays it all and gets angry because Israel's PM is invited to address the congress.
Get ready for a war that will make the war on terror so far look like a walk in the park.


golden ticket member
It's government policy not to meet with foreign heads of state right before elections in their countries, as it could be construed as an endorsement, but since Republicans are perfectly happy with rigging elections through gerrymandering and minority voter disenfranchisement, they're only too happy to call him over...If Netenyahu had any respect for President Obama or the US in general he would have declined the GOP invitation and waited until he got a proper State Dept invitation.If anyone looks small here, it's orange man and Netenyahu....
delusional !!


Well-Known Member
Like it was inappropriate for the WH to offer amnesty to millions of illegals without congressional approval. Not to mention the illegal way Dems passed obamacare-biggest train wreck in US domestic policy.


Well-Known Member
It's just like UPS.
2 peaks ago they said profits were down because there was too much overtime.
This last peak profits were down because they over hired.


Well-Known Troll
Rude? Yes, for Boehner to issue an invitation without clearing it through the White House. That's not how things work, normally.

Hey, how about how Odumba traded one military deserter for 4 (or was it 5) dangerous detainees from Guantanamo without telling the Congress about it before hand.

This president is the most divisive president we've ever had. You'd better work with him, or he'll veto the bills that are put in front of him, regardless of who supports it. If it wasn't HIS choice, then he'll veto. He's going to be doing a big disservice to whatever dem gets the nomination. This is going to shatter dems favorite comment that Republicans are the "party of no".

It's difficult to continue saying that while the pos...err, I mean potus is shooting down bills which make it through both chambers of congress with bipartisan support. Man, it would have been nice if harry reid was still Senate majority it never reached pres' desk