President Obama!


golden ticket member


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Bottom line is that conservatives are allergic to the opinions and oftentimes facts that differ from their interpretations and therefore, have a terrible reaction to them. Freedom of speech is afforded to all Americans in this country and not only those with conservative ideology. Contrary to their beliefs, this is not a Christian Nation but it is a democracy. where all religions are to be respected....Facts make religionists' heads explode, especially those pesky truths about the savagery of Christianity.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Bottom line is that conservatives are allergic to the opinions and oftentimes facts that differ from their interpretations and therefore, have a terrible reaction to them. Freedom of speech is afforded to all Americans in this country and not only those with conservative ideology. Contrary to their beliefs, this is not a Christian Nation but it is a democracy. where all religions are to be respected....Facts make religionists' heads explode, especially those pesky truths about the savagery of Christianity.
Wrong. We are a republic.


golden ticket member
Was anything President Obama included in his speech untrue?
As I recall, a few years ago -- was it 3, 4, 5 years? -- President Obama did not attend the National Prayer Breakfast and the rightwing came unhinged because he was not there.

I wish these :censored2:s would make up their feeble minds.
He failed to mention that the actions of the crusades were retaliation for the muslims crap back then......


Strength through joy
The Homeland Security Department has set up hotlines for illegal immigrants who believe their rights under President Obama’s amnesty policy have been violated.

In a memo announcing the customer complaint line, U.S. Customs and Border Protection asked illegal immigrants to “please tell us about your experience” if they believe they were treated “contrary to the new DHS enforcement priorities.”

The department alerted “stakeholders” last week of three complaint hotlines: one for CBP, which oversees the Border Patrol; one for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which handles immigration laws in the nation’s interior; and one for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services .


Strength through joy
Obama wants to ask congress for war power.......I thought he could do anything with his pen & phone. He probably just need someone to blame later on.
Since he has been using the permission Congress gave to Bush without question to rage war . This new permission is just another shell game , like Moreluck posted . He needs someone else to blame when things go wrong . Given his current track record as CIC , it will go horrible wrong .


golden ticket member
Bro-mance, not romance was Barrack's Valentine's weekend....maybe his buddy with the past hooker charges was hooking him up.....

According to the Daily Mail:

He is spending the holiday weekend working on his golf game in Southern California.
Obama traveled to Southern California without his wife, Michelle, or their daughters, Malia and Sasha on Thursday.

There was no word from the White House on how the first lady was spending the weekend.

Obama arrived in the desert resort area of Palm Springs on Saturday morning after a short flight from San Francisco and went straight to the golf course on the grounds of the Sunnylands retreat in nearby Rancho Mirage.

He played several rounds on the nine-hole course with Bobby Titcomb and Greg Orme, childhood friends from Hawaii who flew in to meet the president.

Marty Nesbitt, one of Obama’s friends from Chicago, rounded out the foursome, the White House said.
The president had no public events scheduled during his weekend getaway from the White House.
He was expected to spend most of his daylight hours swinging golf clubs in the desert heat, as he has done on visits to the area in each of the past two years.