President Obama!


golden ticket member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The only reason i send an essay like response is because you claimed and i quote

"Nobody is killing anybody TODAY over Christianity or anything written in the "bible."

Quite simply, you are wrong sir. All religions contain elements of fundamentalist crazy people. This is a fact which you yourself just admitted. Im done here yall have a great time now!
You are a part of the reason that islamic terrorists are able to function.
You have yet to say a word condemning islamic terrorism. But have brought up 2 examples of Christian terrorist incidents that most people have never heard of.
Isn't that ironic.


Inordinately Right
Usually asking questions is a sign that you are on the path to learning something.
With you, I honestly think that you are special needs.
I thought it would be good for you to actually think about why they attacked us instead of spewing the same ignorant garbage.

Ya, sure, they attack us because we're free and they're jealous of how star-spangled awesome we are, blah blah blah. Maybe have a look at the 9/11 commission report and get back to me. The answer to preventing more blowback like 9/11 is not to double down on a terrible interventionist foreign policy.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I thought it would be good for you to actually think about why they attacked us instead of spewing the same ignorant garbage.

Ya, sure, they attack us because we're free and they're jealous of how star-spangled awesome we are, blah blah blah. Maybe have a look at the 9/11 commission report and get back to me. The answer to preventing more blowback like 9/11 is not to double down on a terrible interventionist foreign policy.
Typical liberal attitude. It's our fault they attacked us.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Bin Laden's cause was to get the Russians out of Afghanistan. Once we helped do just that, why would we keep supplying money to them?

Again, you mis understand history.

Bin Laden was born to the family of billionaire Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden in Saudi Arabia. That makes him a SAUDI and not an Afghan. For you to suggest, that the son of a Saudi billionaire, on his own, decided to take on the russian government and throw them out of a country he didnt live in is laughable at best.

Bin Laden, was recruited by our CIA and the Reagan administration. Along with (D) Charlie Wilson, tens of millions of dollars were funneled to Bin Laden after he was trained here in the United States CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia.

His role as a CIA operative, was to recruit fighters from around the region and build a fighting force under the premise that they were going to provide "freedom" to afghanistan after the Russians invaded. Bin Laden named this fighting force "the Mujahideen" or Freedom Fighters.

The USA, didnt want Russia to control the poppy field industry or control the flow of heroin to the world. Also, natural gas in the black sea was at stake and the Reagan administration didnt want the Russians to control those fields either, so the Mujahideen was going to be the fighting force to do the USA's dirty work.

As a CIA operative, the USA secretly provided Bin Laden the weapons of war he needed to take on the Russians, anti personnel weapons, heavy weapons, surface to air missles, anti tank weapons and the training for IED's creation and suicide bombers.

Bin Ladens GOAL was the USA's goal.

Your suggestion to the contrary is straight out of the looney bin.

Once the USA abandoned Bin Laden in Afghanistan after it was discovered Reagan was illegally supplying arms around the world and attempting to destabilize governments, the money was cut off and Bin Laden lost power within the Mujahideen.

The TALIBAN formed and kicked out Bin Laden and Bin Laden went on to create Al Qaeda and a new terror network to pay the USA back for abandoning him.

From there, the USA has created every single middle east monster including ISRAEL with weapons of war.

Today , we fight what is the results of stupid leadership by Reagan and the republicans who continue the Reagan policies of arming our enemies.

ISIS wouldnt have been created had the BUSH administration not let out all the terrorists who were being held in prisons with terror ties and now are the leaders of ISIS.

One could suggest, that releasing these men was a larger part of creating more wars so the defense industry could continue to produce weapons that otherwise would sit and rot in a peaceful world.

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Well-Known Member
Rob Lowe, Strong supporter of McGovern and Dukakis, came to the light and
tweeted the obvious.

His Tweet:
"Hold up. Is it true that a woman who eats cereal out of a bathtub gets to meet with the President and the Prime Minister of Israel does not?"

A least a few from the left have enough guts to share the obvious.


Well-Known Member
Rob Lowe, Strong supporter of McGovern and Dukakis, came to the light and
tweeted the obvious.

His Tweet:
"Hold up. Is it true that a woman who eats cereal out of a bathtub gets to meet with the President and the Prime Minister of Israel does not?"

A least a few from the left have enough guts to share the obvious.

Crap, I clicked your link thinking Nick Lowe in my head. I don't know actors from dirt.



Well-Known Member
Rob Lowe, Strong supporter of McGovern and Dukakis, came to the light and
tweeted the obvious.

His Tweet:
"Hold up. Is it true that a woman who eats cereal out of a bathtub gets to meet with the President and the Prime Minister of Israel does not?"

A least a few from the left have enough guts to share the obvious.

The way the Welfare State of Israel plays the welfare queen and picks the pockets of US taxpayers, the President refusing such a queen and rather to meet with a girl who eats fruit loops in her bath tub makes this victim of statist thievery feel a bit better. I mean at the worse, as a statist theft victim, I figure being forced to pay for more fruit loops are cheaper than to foot the bill of a bunch of zionist jews who worship an invisible sky daddy who is so powerless as to even provide a miraculous display of giving his "chosen people" the basic easy stuff any other powerful god could provide and not even break a sweat.

Some god he is. Doesn't say much for a "chosen people" other than they just are racist wanna-beees via the supernatural plan! ;)


Well-Known Member
Again, you mis understand history.

Bin Laden was born to the family of billionaire Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden in Saudi Arabia. That makes him a SAUDI and not an Afghan. For you to suggest, that the son of a Saudi billionaire, on his own, decided to take on the russian government and throw them out of a country he didnt live in is laughable at best.

Bin Laden, was recruited by our CIA and the Reagan administration. Along with (D) Charlie Wilson, tens of millions of dollars were funneled to Bin Laden after he was trained here in the United States CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia.

His role as a CIA operative, was to recruit fighters from around the region and build a fighting force under the premise that they were going to provide "freedom" to afghanistan after the Russians invaded. Bin Laden named this fighting force "the Mujahideen" or Freedom Fighters.

The USA, didnt want Russia to control the poppy field industry or control the flow of heroin to the world. Also, natural gas in the black sea was at stake and the Reagan administration didnt want the Russians to control those fields either, so the Mujahideen was going to be the fighting force to do the USA's dirty work.

As a CIA operative, the USA secretly provided Bin Laden the weapons of war he needed to take on the Russians, anti personnel weapons, heavy weapons, surface to air missles, anti tank weapons and the training for IED's creation and suicide bombers.

Bin Ladens GOAL was the USA's goal.

Your suggestion to the contrary is straight out of the looney bin.

Once the USA abandoned Bin Laden in Afghanistan after it was discovered Reagan was illegally supplying arms around the world and attempting to destabilize governments, the money was cut off and Bin Laden lost power within the Mujahideen.

The TALIBAN formed and kicked out Bin Laden and Bin Laden went on to create Al Qaeda and a new terror network to pay the USA back for abandoning him.

From there, the USA has created every single middle east monster including ISRAEL with weapons of war.

Today , we fight what is the results of stupid leadership by Reagan and the republicans who continue the Reagan policies of arming our enemies.

ISIS wouldnt have been created had the BUSH administration not let out all the terrorists who were being held in prisons with terror ties and now are the leaders of ISIS.

One could suggest, that releasing these men was a larger part of creating more wars so the defense industry could continue to produce weapons that otherwise would sit and rot in a peaceful world.

This is the commonly perpetuated myth liberal thinkers like to claim. Takes about twenty minutes of research to see both, how it got started, and why they know it's not true. When even Bin Laden himself, in 1993, told British interviewer "we never saw any help from the americans" the myth starts to fall apart. And that's just a tiny piece of the overwhelming evidence that blows this myth apart.


Well-Known Member
This is the commonly perpetuated myth liberal thinkers like to claim. Takes about twenty minutes of research to see both, how it got started, and why they know it's not true. When even Bin Laden himself, in 1993, told British interviewer "we never saw any help from the americans" the myth starts to fall apart. And that's just a tiny piece of the overwhelming evidence that blows this myth apart.

Like a good politician, what Bin Laden said on its face is true, but the truth lay in a much deeper story. The mujahideen (I use the term as a collective while understanding the vast differences of the many factions, Bin Laden as one example) did not get any direct funding from the US in that sense as this war was a covert funded war. Via the CIA's Operation Cyclone, funding and arms filtered through various intermediaries but the source was mainly the US along with England's MI6 and SAS among others. The main intermediary was the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence which many consider a kind of daughter of the US's own CIA. Under some conditions it would seem impossible to see where CIA ended and ISI began.

ISI acted as distributor just as Pakistan itself acted as a staging ground but going further into Cyclone, Charlie Wilson often becomes the face to the public but the real grand architect was a CIA paramilitary officer Michael Vickers. The idea man for arming the Afghan insurgents with Stinger missiles was a Senior Pentagon official, Michael Pillsbury.

In the case of Bin Laden, it could be said that a lot of what he saw came from sources more connected with Saudi Arabia but then one could say the Saudi's were on the US hip as well. In fact, the late Saudi King Fahd who reigned from 1982' till his death in 2005' had as one of his 2 closest friends in Salem bin Laden, brother of Osama until Salem was killed in an ultralight aircraft accident interestingly in Texas in 1988'. Interesting in the fact that Salem was an investor in a Texas oil company by the name of Arbusto Energy which was founded in 1979' for the benefit of one George W. Bush whose father had just concluded a tour as CIA director and about to become VP of the US and then later POTUS. Not to mention connections of the Bin Laden family to powerful business and US political movers and shakers via the Carlyle Group. The Bin Laden family and Carlyle terminated its ties it seems to appear in Oct. 2001 in a move of mutual interests. Among them some potential political embarrassment? But then this could all just be nothing more than coincidence theory.

Ever notice how throughout history it's openly accepted that political courts are loaded with deception, deceit, treachery and the most vile of human action and yet in our era, somehow we've discovered a way to avoid all that and only the most noble and highest order human makes up out political court under the ideal of the just cause? To those who will one day study us as ancients to them, I hope they get a good laugh at our delusions.

As I said, on its face, Osama was being truthful, but once you dig into the details, a whole other story emerges whose massive contradictions seriously fracture the "official" narrative.


Bad Moon Risen'
Much like the Iran-Contra affair in the 80's. We did not publicly support the Contras with cash and arms. The aid was funneled to them covertly via the CIA among others.


Well-Known Member
Much like the Iran-Contra affair in the 80's. We did not publicly support the Contras with cash and arms. The aid was funneled to them covertly via the CIA among others.

Even more diabolical is the Gary Webb/Dark Alliance story. Sad more Americans didn't go see the recent film "Kill the Messenger" as a window into that saga of US treachery.


Well-Known Member
We've yet to come to grips and understand both the legacy and treachery of not just Harry St. John Philby but the British in general to our problems today. But then not that out own vested interests have embraced it for our own agenda.

In various entries in his unpublished diaries, British Mesopotamian officer Harry St. John Philby, on special mission to central Arabia during 1917-1918, recorded the minutes of his many private “interviews” with Ibn Saud. He concluded that the newly re-emerging Wahhabi movement under Ibn Saud would, with British political and military support, effectively serve British military and political objectives in the Arabian Peninsula and beyond during the ongoing war and in its aftermath. Three decades later, with British power receding and the United States ascendant in the Middle East, a new patron-client relationship was forged between the West and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “Our faith and your iron” was how Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, described in 1946 the new post-WWII American-Saudi client relationship in a conversation with Colonel William A. Eddy, the first US Minister to the Kingdom. This relationship remains intact — despite, or perhaps because of, the rise of Salafist militancy that US and Saudi policies purposefully and unwittingly nurtured.

Contrary to much of the current literature on the Kingdom, which essentially regards the creation of modern Saudi Arabia as the result of an aggressive Wahhabi ideology espoused by a politically ambitious, if not religiously inspired, Ibn Saud, a close investigation of the available documentary evidence shows that the territorial expansion of the Saudi state between 1914 and 1927 was the outcome of the implementation of Britain’s imperial policy to achieve its military and political objectives in the Middle East. The personality of Ibn Saud and Wahhabism both served as the instruments to pursue these objectives. The expansion was initiated at the conclusion of the Anglo-Saudi protectorate treaty of 1915, and ceased formally and permanently with the signing of the 1927 Treaty of Jeddah, which granted Ibn Saud a quasi-independent state with borders not of his own choosing, and which, with subsequent minor amendments, constituted the permanent political boundaries of present-day Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Wahhabi Islam in the Service of Uncle Sam

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is the commonly perpetuated myth liberal thinkers like to claim. Takes about twenty minutes of research to see both, how it got started, and why they know it's not true. When even Bin Laden himself, in 1993, told British interviewer "we never saw any help from the americans" the myth starts to fall apart. And that's just a tiny piece of the overwhelming evidence that blows this myth apart.

Psst... look up OPERATION CYCLONE.. and then rethink what you wrote and your position.
