President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is the commonly perpetuated myth liberal thinkers like to claim. Takes about twenty minutes of research to see both, how it got started, and why they know it's not true. When even Bin Laden himself, in 1993, told British interviewer "we never saw any help from the americans" the myth starts to fall apart. And that's just a tiny piece of the overwhelming evidence that blows this myth apart.

The operation was so tightly organized, it saw the CIA/White House selling weapons to Israel, who sold them to the egyptians, who sold them to saudi arabia, who sold them to the ISI with money we slipped to pakistan, who then drove the arms across the border directly to Bin Laden and the mujahideen.

Bin Laden was only covering the backsides of his "handlers" and this article proves nothing.



Strength through joy

Bitter Clingers Obama Likes


Well-Known Member
Psst... look up OPERATION CYCLONE.. and then rethink what you wrote and your position.

No one ever said the US wasn't involved in funneling arms and such to the Mujahideen through Pakistan. What the CIA didn't do was fund or arm the Arab Afghans like Bin laden. In fact, the Mujahideen hated the likes of Bin Laden because they were haughty and acted like kings. Even though both elements shared the same agenda, pushing the soviets back out of Afghanistan, there was often blood spilled between them.
As far as the CIA was concerned, we didn't need the Arab afghans when there were hundreds of thousands of Mujahideen eager to enter the fight. As for Bin Laden, he didn't need our help. He had his own money.
In the long run there are two facts that never go away. One being that the greatest atrocities ever committed against Muslem people are committed BY Muslem people. Number two is number one leaves the rest of the world a choice. We can either look away (as we were trying to do with Europe in WWII) or we can try to intervene on behalf of persecuted peoples. Intervention also leaves us a choice. Direct confrontation via military action, as we did when Iraq invaded Kuwait, or by trying to arm an insurgency in the hopes that they can librate themselves. The latter rarely works out well as you generally end up with just another dictator committing just as many atrocities. Only now they have our sticky fingerprints all over them.
Bush's efforts to exact a "regime change" came with the plan to keep troops and order in place until a representative government could be formed and a well trained military could take over the daunting task of keeping radical elements from overrunning things again. Iraq was taking longer than we would have liked, but it was on the right path.
Now, because we pulled out in spite of everything the generals on the ground said would happen, Iraq has become a total bloodbath and stronghold for the worst terrorist organizations yet.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No one ever said the US wasn't involved in funneling arms and such to the Mujahideen through Pakistan. What the CIA didn't do was fund or arm the Arab Afghans like Bin laden. In fact, the Mujahideen hated the likes of Bin Laden because they were haughty and acted like kings. Even though both elements shared the same agenda, pushing the soviets back out of Afghanistan, there was often blood spilled between them.
As far as the CIA was concerned, we didn't need the Arab afghans when there were hundreds of thousands of Mujahideen eager to enter the fight. As for Bin Laden, he didn't need our help. He had his own money.
In the long run there are two facts that never go away. One being that the greatest atrocities ever committed against Muslem people are committed BY Muslem people. Number two is number one leaves the rest of the world a choice. We can either look away (as we were trying to do with Europe in WWII) or we can try to intervene on behalf of persecuted peoples. Intervention also leaves us a choice. Direct confrontation via military action, as we did when Iraq invaded Kuwait, or by trying to arm an insurgency in the hopes that they can librate themselves. The latter rarely works out well as you generally end up with just another dictator committing just as many atrocities. Only now they have our sticky fingerprints all over them.
Bush's efforts to exact a "regime change" came with the plan to keep troops and order in place until a representative government could be formed and a well trained military could take over the daunting task of keeping radical elements from overrunning things again. Iraq was taking longer than we would have liked, but it was on the right path.
Now, because we pulled out in spite of everything the generals on the ground said would happen, Iraq has become a total bloodbath and stronghold for the worst terrorist organizations yet.

Everything you just said is nonsense.

First, you are completely wrong on bin laden. Without the USA , Bin Laden was nothing. His extensive training at CIA headquarters along with Ayman al-Zawahiri created the two most influential figures in the middle east. "Their" freedom fighters, as they were called, were all recruited with money that the USA provided. Those fighters didnt fight for free.

Second, we NEEDED the mujahideen to do "OUR" dirty work in a proxy war with Russia, as we were not about to do it ourselves. Hopefully, you understand that.

Thirdly, in WWII, it was only the REPUBLICANS in congress that wanted to stay out of WWII and it was FDR who told them to pound sand. The republicans tried desperately to keep out of WWII, and its no wonder, there were many connections to the nazi regime through family members... Aka: granddad Bush.

Financial ties to the german government would result in catastrophic financial losses for those doing business with the nazi government.

Fourthly, BUSH's war was nonsense from the jump, and NO plan was in place to fix anything. In fact, in 1994, Dick Cheney said this:

Everything Cheney said came true, the country is falling apart.

Lastly, it was the GENERALS who recommended taking our troops out of IRAQ, not Obama. Like its been explained a thousand times before on this board, but guys like you just refuse to listen, the USA and IRAQ could not agree on a status forces agreement that included IMMUNITY for our soldiers who were committing crimes and for that reason, we had to pull out of the country.

Something that is ignored in this country, the dozens and dozens of crimes against humanity by our troops in IRAQ from murder, to rape, to sodomy of children, to burgulary to robbery, there are hundreds and hundreds of court martials in the military for these crimes.

Leaving troops in the country would not have solved or prevented a single thing. The Installed government we put in were committing attrocities against the Sunni people and like Cheney said, on part after another would simply fall into chaos.

"mission accomplished" circa 1994.

For you to believe anything otherwise shows how little you understand about the middle east, Iraq or history.



Bad Moon Risen'
The Sunnis and the Shia have been fighting each other since the 7th century. We could have stayed in Iraq for one hundred years and then left. They would have started killing each other in the 101st year. Iraq War was a lost cause.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
="Packmule, post: 1515968, member: 33558"]No one ever said the US wasn't involved in funneling arms and such to the Mujahideen through Pakistan. What the CIA didn't do was fund or arm the Arab Afghans like Bin laden.

you also said "When even Bin Laden himself, in 1993, told British interviewer "we never saw any help from the americans" the myth starts to fall apart. And that's just a tiny piece of the overwhelming evidence that blows this myth apart. "

You called it a myth. Operation Cyclone says differently.

You got called.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Sunnis and the Shia have been fighting each other since the 7th century. We could have stayed in Iraq for one hundred years and then left. They would have started killing each other in the 101st year. Iraq War was a lost cause.

Exactly. And the fallacy of "nation building" is explained.

But wait, they had "blue thumbs".



Inordinately Right
Even more diabolical is the Gary Webb/Dark Alliance story. Sad more Americans didn't go see the recent film "Kill the Messenger" as a window into that saga of US treachery.
Tried to find it when you first mentioned it but couldn't. Finally found a blu-ray torrent yesterday. Thanks for the recommendation, not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


Strength through joy
According to barry , he is the first president to brew beer in the WH since George Washington lived there .

( kind of strange since John Adams was the first to live there , but barry loves to re-write history )


Well-Known Member
you also said "When even Bin Laden himself, in 1993, told British interviewer "we never saw any help from the americans" the myth starts to fall apart. And that's just a tiny piece of the overwhelming evidence that blows this myth apart. "

You called it a myth. Operation Cyclone says differently.

You got called.

Called? By what? A bunch of unsubstantiated rhetoric? Easy to throw out all these claims, but in the end a lot harder to provide names, cases, money trails and sources that don't have an agenda of their own.
Believe what you wish, but I shall never be one to negate the honorable service records of hundreds of thousands of US servicemen because a few scumbags raped women and children. Nor will I ever lose my faith that this country is basically a very noble one with the best of intentions. Whether it was Europe in WWII, or the Middle East today, no one has a right to look the other way while atrocities are being committed. And the last time I checked, the US Congress and the president were the ones with burdened with the responsibility of deciding to go to war or abstain. Not some wealthy businessman. Tired of hearing about this alleged conspiracy perpetrated against the poor and middle class by some nameless faceless wealthy person.
as for the link between the CIA and UBL, everything I'm able to find on it still says no link was ever found.
And who cares? Even if your claims are true, it doesn't justify killing 3000 American citizens.
With the middle east, we're either going to liberate and educate them, or we're going to have to exterminate them cause they never were, and never will, give Obama the luxury of claiming he brought about peace on earth.
Sorry, but realty has called out the liberal mantra. That's why they took such a kick in the teeth last November.


Well-Known Member
Interesting perspective. Sensible to a point. Difference is no one in Texas is gassing villages to squelch any local uprising. But perhaps you're right. Not our problem. Let's just get on with the great American dream and leave these people to their own demise. Long as they keep it out of sight, it'll be out of mind.