President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that “passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’.”

Barack Obama is the leader of a contemporary Oceania. In two speeches at the close of the decade, the Nobel Peace Prize winner affirmed that peace was no longer peace, but rather a permanent war that “extends well beyond Afghanistan and Pakistan” to “disorderly regions and diffuse enemies”. He called this “global security” and invited our gratitude. To the people of Afghanistan, which America has invaded and occupied, he said wittily: “We have no interest in occupying your country.”

John Pilger in The New Statesman


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Vice President Joe Biden will lay the wreath at Arlington instead while Obama is at the service in Illinois. The President while be in Chicago for the weekend with his family for a vacation his first trip back to his home since February 2009."

Big deal, he'll get back from Arlington and say, "Where have I been?"

The president will be acting as though he was the gov. of Illinois. He's not even fit to be the gov.
Arlington ceremony will represent ALL STATES, not just Illinois. Our pres. just doesn't get it!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

A Tale of Two Americas On Memorial Day 2010

So what the hell do these conservatives want out of Obama? And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb?
--David Corn

We are now so clearly two Americas and this conflict about how to observe Memorial Day symbolizes a cultural divide which started in the 1960s and now seems all but unfathomable. That divide was brutally and crudely stated this week by the “progressive” journalist David Corn, editor with “Nation” Magazine, when he wrote in defense of the first family’s decision to treat this weekend at a “vacation”:
So what the hell do these conservatives want out of Obama? And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb?
David, I will tell you what we want. We want a president who holds sacred certain beliefs and traditions that are the very essence of what we see as being an “American.” In a world of such political correctness where we are constantly ordered not to offend, we are the people who on this sacred day are offended beyond any ability to express, offended by our president’s actions, offended by your soulless mocking words. . ."throws some leaves on a tomb. . ."
If that is indeed your belief, and the belief of those who are apologists for yet another insult by our president to sacred traditions, there is only one answer. We are a house divided against itself, we have become two Americas with all which that implies and such a divide, in the end, will be resolved one way or the other and come November, of this year and in 2012 we will remember.


Re: Obamanation here today

So mr realist you are not for deep well drilling, but because of government's mandates which forbid shallow water drilling ( you can thank a tree hugger for that ), the only oil leases that they sell ( yes they sell the rights to drill , darn profiteers ) are in deep water.
So yes the government is at fault. They told the oil companies where they could drill, they had oversight, and they had a plan in place ( 1994) to handle the spill that they did not bother to use.

So what if Mr. Realists points were out of touch with reality. It sounded good and thats all that matters.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

A Tale of Two Americas On Memorial Day 2010

So what the hell do these conservatives want out of Obama? And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb?
--David Corn

We are now so clearly two Americas and this conflict about how to observe Memorial Day symbolizes a cultural divide which started in the 1960s and now seems all but unfathomable. That divide was brutally and crudely stated this week by the “progressive” journalist David Corn, editor with “Nation” Magazine, when he wrote in defense of the first family’s decision to treat this weekend at a “vacation”:
So what the hell do these conservatives want out of Obama? And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb?
David, I will tell you what we want. We want a president who holds sacred certain beliefs and traditions that are the very essence of what we see as being an “American.” In a world of such political correctness where we are constantly ordered not to offend, we are the people who on this sacred day are offended beyond any ability to express, offended by our president’s actions, offended by your soulless mocking words. . ."throws some leaves on a tomb. . ."
If that is indeed your belief, and the belief of those who are apologists for yet another insult by our president to sacred traditions, there is only one answer. We are a house divided against itself, we have become two Americas with all which that implies and such a divide, in the end, will be resolved one way or the other and come November, of this year and in 2012 we will remember.

Tie's God and Hero (reagan) missed it 4 times !!!!!
Bush W, twice !

May 31, 2010 7:00 AM
Obama Not the 1st President to Miss Memorial Day at Arlington

Some conservative talk show hosts and pundits have mounted an effort to politicize Memorial Day by questioning President Obama's plan to visit a national cemetery in Illinois instead of attending the annual ceremony at Arlington.

RedState blogger and CNN contributor Erick Erickson tweeted, "Obama skipping the Tomb of the Unknowns this weekend for Chicago is offensive."

Radio and TV talker Glenn Beck (on May 25) said, "Obama is skipping out on a Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington Cemetery because he'll be in Chicago on vacation." On his show, Beck incorrectly asserted that the president "has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day."

Beck said, "Maybe this has happened before. I don't recall it."

I think Beck has become your God now. Go buy some of his gold, you fools !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama's speech got cancelled !! The skies opened up and God said, "You aren't suppose to be here!" Rain like crazy, wind & lightening. Good message!

Fox broke away to cover the speech and their signal got knocked out.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama's speech got cancelled !! The skies opened up and God said, "You aren't suppose to be here!" Rain like crazy, wind & lightening. Good message!

Fox broke away to cover the speech and their signal got knocked out.

Your funny and I admit that was funny !:funny: Thanks for the laugh.. needed that actually :)


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

This Saturday. Cuba is on sale too, now... just over $500 flight, hotel, all meals and drinks.... might be my next trip...Only thing I don't like, the flight is almost

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

This Saturday. Cuba is on sale too, now... just over $500 flight, hotel, all meals and drinks.... might be my next trip...Only thing I don't like, the flight is almost

10 hours is worth it to see your buddy Fidel Castro and you can see his great country and healthcare system...its so great there that people risk their lives on rafts to leave. Maybe you should go see Chavez should be cheap. Make sure you leave your papers at the hotel if you go...:wink2:


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

You guys are just jelous. Cuba is a great vacation destination for Canadians...has wonderful resorts, with white sandy beaches.
I don't think Canada ever issued a travel alert to Cuba, or has any Canadian tourist ever been robbed, kidnapped or murdered there.
Probably because Florida took all the Cuban crooks and gangsters in.:peaceful:

Besides Mexico, I think Cuba is #2 winter vacation spot for us.

I don't care about mexicans, puerto ricans, cubans, haitiens, and so on, leaving their own country to try it in the US.
They still have wonderful beaches in their home countries, and the dollar goes very far on them.
I'm not there to make a living.

You just wait, once the US-Cuba embargo ever stops... you'll see all cruiselines heading there. And many americans booking travel there.
As far as I know, Cuba opens their greeting arms to Canadian tourists, same can't be said about China.


Strength through joy
Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model

By Claire Sibonney - Analysis Claire Sibonney - Analysis – Mon May 31, 2:38 pm ET
TORONTO (Reuters) – Pressured by an aging population and the need to rein in budget deficits, Canada's provinces are taking tough measures to curb [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]healthcare [COLOR=#366388 ! important]costs[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], a trend that could erode the principles of the popular state-funded system.
....a few provinces are also experimenting with [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]private [COLOR=#366388 ! important]funding[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] for procedures such as hip, knee and cataract surgery.
Healthcare in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded system, which covers all "medically necessary" hospital and physician care and curbs the role of private medicine. It ate up about 40 percent of provincial budgets, or some C$183 billion ($174 billion) last year
Ontario says healthcare could eat up 70 percent of its budget in 12 years


Für Meno :)
Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model

By Claire Sibonney - Analysis Claire Sibonney - Analysis – Mon May 31, 2:38 pm ET
TORONTO (Reuters) – Pressured by an aging population and the need to rein in budget deficits, Canada's provinces are taking tough measures to curb [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]healthcare [COLOR=#366388 ! important]costs[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], a trend that could erode the principles of the popular state-funded system.
....a few provinces are also experimenting with [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]private [COLOR=#366388 ! important]funding[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] for procedures such as hip, knee and cataract surgery.
Healthcare in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded system, which covers all "medically necessary" hospital and physician care and curbs the role of private medicine. It ate up about 40 percent of provincial budgets, or some C$183 billion ($174 billion) last year
Ontario says healthcare could eat up 70 percent of its budget in 12 years

I don't know what your point is. But, because Healthcare is under the government, yes, it's in every budget, every year.
They look at ways to keep those costs under control.
Kind of like the education budgets.

Personally, I love the idea, that politicians need to look at cost saving messures, including healthcare, in every budget.

Unlike in the US, where only insurance, pharma, and physicians dictate the price (basically get any increase in pricing they ask for).
That is why the US spends more then double on healthcare (on average), then any other industrial country.

DS, who lives in Ontario, myself in Alberta seem to be very happy with our healthcare system. I wouldn't trade it with the US style one , ever.
And, the US hasn't heard the last of Healthcare reform. Costs, definity need to go down there.
It;s all over the news, even Bill Gates himself was last week speaking, more healthcare reform is needed in the US.
He added it puts a huge competitive disadvantage on american goods and products, due to the extra healthcare costs, US employers need to pay, compared to all other countries.

Yes, every country on earth is facing higher healthcare costs... but the US costs have been out of control for some time now, and continue, without a real healthcare reform.


golden ticket member
"Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model."

To me, that automatically means there's gonna be cuts.....less service, more restrictions on what you can have done, etc... No matter what, it's the people who suffer.


Für Meno :)
"Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model."

To me, that automatically means there's gonna be cuts.....less service, more restrictions on what you can have done, etc... No matter what, it's the people who suffer.

It depends what you consider suffer !
What would you rather have :
High healthcare costs, 10% unemployment (where basically these 10% suffer), uncompetiveness in the Global market, rising federal and state debts or
a responsible government, looking how to control costs, has the largest GDP growth of the G20, balances it budget, but has a waiting list for some non-urgent medical procedures ?

Besides, telling big pharma to lower their costs... doesn't really effect someone's health if the medication is less expensive.
Other examples are not paying an RN, to wipe down patients butts. They are highly paid nurses. Some "helper" without such a degree and high wage could do a better job.
(trust me, that was brought up in one of our parlamentary briefings).

There are many savings available for such a large industry.. from pharma, to treatment, over administration costs.
Kinda like saying the old office from the 1960's with all typewritters was just as efficient as todays computer era. NOT !!

Every private company looks at cost savings, even UPS. You might say service has gone down with UPS, but customers still receive their package.
But, where is that motive of cost savings regarding healthcare in the US ? It's there, alright. - In profits ! Not back to the government or the people though.


Well-Known Member
It depends what you consider suffer !
What would you rather have :
High healthcare costs, 10% unemployment (where basically these 10% suffer), uncompetiveness in the Global market, rising federal and state debts or
a responsible government, looking how to control costs, has the largest GDP growth of the G20, balances it budget, but has a waiting list for some non-urgent medical procedures ?

Besides, telling big pharma to lower their costs... doesn't really effect someone's health if the medication is less expensive.
Other examples are not paying an RN, to wipe down patients butts. They are highly paid nurses. Some "helper" without such a degree and high wage could do a better job.
(trust me, that was brought up in one of our parlamentary briefings).

There are many savings available for such a large industry.. from pharma, to treatment, over administration costs.
Kinda like saying the old office from the 1960's with all typewritters was just as efficient as todays computer era. NOT !!

Every private company looks at cost savings, even UPS. You might say service has gone down with UPS, but customers still receive their package.
But, where is that motive of cost savings regarding healthcare in the US ? It's there, alright. - In profits ! Not back to the government or the people though.

When you make posts like this I start to wonder if your just a troll as I have a really hard time believing you are that stupid. When cuts are made in healthcare they affect somebody and or some certain group who needs that healthcare. Doctors don't work for free, and neither do the nurses or other required staffing for hospitals, offices, etc. The buildings, utilities, supplies(both medical and non medical), liability insurance, medicines, etc are not free. They are a cost, and those costs have to be made up somewhere. When incoming money is reduced outgoing services must be reduced along with it. Those reduced services may mean a longer wait for a cancer patient to be treated. Perhaps certain drugs are made unavailable to sustain the life of an elderly person, or a baby who will have severe longterm medical problems will not get the healthcare it needs to survive. These are the issues with government run healthcare, as the money becomes lessened so does the care and someone will die because of it. I know you won't agree with me on government run healthcare, but certainly an unemployed drunk can understand that changes have to be made in budgets when income is reduced or cut altogether.