President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

If you are unable to interact with the adults perhaps you should stick to facebook or Twitter.

Interact with a baffoon like yourself? I have to go put on a ups hat and look at myself in the mirror and say, " you are a great ups employee just like upstate guy".


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Interact with a baffoon like yourself? I have to go put on a ups hat and look at myself in the mirror and say, " you are a great ups employee just like upstate guy".

OK, time to stop it Unionman..
If you looked and read some of Upstates posts... he is political neutral, or even leans on the Obama side.
Not extreme liberal, like you, - but openminded.

I have switched my votes in the past, and may do so in the future.
I want the best man/woman and party to win.

And for Upstate it sure wasn't Mc Cain/Palin.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, time to stop it Unionman..
If you looked and read some of Upstates posts... he is political neutral, or even leans on the Obama side.
Not extreme liberal, like you, - but openminded.

I have switched my votes in the past, and may do so in the future.
I want the best man/woman and party to win.

And for Upstate it sure wasn't Mc Cain/Palin.

I'm not talking about his politics, I just don't like him and he don't like me.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Despite Soaring National Debt, Congress Goes on Spending Spree

Taken together, the Democratic-led U.S. Congress is trying to find a way to pass about $300 billion more in unfunded spending before Memorial Day -- a spending spree that rivals anything drunken sailors have been accused of.

The debt-fueled spending would only add to the $13 trillion national debt, which breaks down to $42,000 for the average American.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

It's official, Lucy is the cut and paste champ of brown cafe for the tenth time. Do you ever have anything to say or are you just ignorant? Yeah, the debt is 13 trillion because 9 of it belongs to you know who and this recession is the biggest reason tax revenue is down and that is why the debt is going up so much. Just look back to Clinton and you might see the light. NOT! That bulb has gone out in you long time go GI.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

If 9 of it belonged to you know who, then why didn't B.O. start reducing it instead of growing it more??? Because B.O. is a spendthrift and thinks it's all Monopoly money. He's an idiot!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

If 9 of it belonged to you know who, then why didn't B.O. start reducing it instead of growing it more??? Because B.O. is a spendthrift and thinks it's all Monopoly money. He's an idiot!!

Let me see, just about every economist in the world believes that the economy needs to be stimulated. Kind of like China, and half the worlds economies did. And you blame this crap on Obama, get real Moreluck, your delusional.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

You never know... Who's gonna win the stanley cup? Blackhawks or philly?

Thats actually a tough one to answer.
Chicago is the better team, Philly is on a roll, and found a new high.

If I had to bet money on it - Chicago .


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today


They weren't just any helicopters – they were Marine One and five other choppers that descended on Marlboro Airport on April 1st.

The President was all smiles, but months later, the visit is all a memory, and airport owner Bob Stetson is digging in his pockets to try to patch all of the damage left behind.

Stetson says the presidential motorcade took its toll on the state's oldest privately owned commercial airport, and damaged the grass and the edge of the runway.

He says it is his mission in life to preserve this airport for future generations, but it will cost about $100,000 to repair the damage.

Stetson hopes the federal government will help him out.

Unfortunately, regulations prohibit privately owned airports from receiving federal funding for repairs.


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't he just sue ? That's the American way !

So what are you saying Moreluck, that our big government should nationalize an oil company, or all of them, so as to be able to drill oil-wells and have the equipment/technology to stop a gushing well?
Heck, lets have the Coast Guard conduct all exploratory oil drilling so that the government has the means to stop 5000'ft deep disasters.

Sorry Peggy but I consider myself as a Realist, and I am in no way pegging this environmental disaster on our President, try the Private Sector.....If anything our Gov't should have had tougher regulations on these windfall profit makers....


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Heck, lets have the Coast Guard conduct all exploratory oil drilling so that the government has the means to stop 5000'ft deep disasters.

Sorry Peggy but I consider myself as a Realist, and I am in no way pegging this environmental disaster on our President, try the Private Sector.....If anything our Gov't should have had tougher regulations on these windfall profit makers....

So mr realist you are not for deep well drilling, but because of government's mandates which forbid shallow water drilling ( you can thank a tree hugger for that ), the only oil leases that they sell ( yes they sell the rights to drill , darn profiteers ) are in deep water.
So yes the government is at fault. They told the oil companies where they could drill, they had oversight, and they had a plan in place ( 1994) to handle the spill that they did not bother to use.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Daddy, did you plug the hole yet"?

"No i have not sweetheart. The oil spill is the furthest thing on my mind when i got to bed at night and the last thing i think of when i wake. The first thing i think about is how to give all the illegals Amnesty."

"Daddy i was not talking about the oil spill, im talking about the big friggin hole at the border of AZ and Mex that the illegals are getting thru."

"Oh that not worried about the honey...i like big holes".