President Obama!


Well-Known Member
The difference between you and I is that you seem to think we do need someone to lead us around by our nose rings.

I question the need of nose rings to begin with. I think the best solution to the office of the President is to abolish it completely.

Now you may have a better idea of what I think of Obama or for that matter any other person who might or would hold that office. Changing the person in the office is just as effective as changing the furniture because regardless of either one, the outcome will always be the same as it relates to common folk.

To complain about the expense of $3.5 million may well be a legit complaint. But seems to me if the Son-of-a-Bitch is out of town unable to spend billions, using economics and best use of resources based on available options, I say let the Son-a-of-Bitch along with the other Sons-of-Bitches stay on vacation. Maybe at some point people will then go the next step and save the $3.5 million too.
I don't personally care about nose rings not sure how those enter the conversation about holding Obama accountable for a lifestyle that feasts on taxpayer dollars. Seems like you came running to Obama's defense when the issue was raised.


Strength through joy

Obama’s return to the place of his birth also calls to mind an embarrassing record of legislative stumbles: Since 2009, Hawaii’s politicos have sought to name two schools, an abandoned lot, a scenic overlook and two state holidays after Obama. An effort to put the 1960s-era cinder-block apartment building — where he lived — on the National Historic registry also fell short.

For now, the most famous thing that bears Obama’s name here is the “Snowbama,” a shaved ice that’s a mix of lemon, lime, cherry and passion guava flavors and sells for $4 at Island Snow, one of the president’s favorite vacation haunts.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How many trips did Bush take to go on a TV talk show or star in a reality program ?

The most hated man in America at the time couldnt even book an appearance on FOX news during the last two years of his presidency.

Morevoer, where has BUSH surfaced in either the last two elections or even today in the run upto the next election?

Of course we know that is NO WHERE because he is still so TOXIC, the mere mention of his name will poison a candidate.

Not one single republican will invoke George W. Bush as a mentor, leader or role model for tomorrows presidents.

Thats why republicans like those on this board have to reach into the bottom of the barrel to grasp for Ronald Reagan.
