President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Where do you get that from?? and "who" is "US"?


Look it up, health care costs are rising at astronomical rates thanks to Obama. Obama's argument for his plan was it would reduce those costs and save us trillions. Therefore using his same argument if health care costs rise dramatically as they are starting to do then its going to cost us trillions. try to keep up.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Look it up, health care costs are rising at astronomical rates thanks to Obama. Obama's argument for his plan was it would reduce those costs and save us trillions. Therefore using his same argument if health care costs rise dramatically as they are starting to do then its going to cost us trillions. try to keep up.

Prior to the ACA, healthcare costs were increasing at a rate of 400%, and patients were being denied coverage after paying for years.

Surely, you arent dumb enough to believe the "old" way was saving money?

Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot who I was talking to.



Well-Known Member
Prior to the ACA, healthcare costs were increasing at a rate of 400%, and patients were being denied coverage after paying for years.

Surely, you arent dumb enough to believe the "old" way was saving money?

Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot who I was talking to.


that's an incredible stretch even grading on your scale.

So Obama says 30 million poor people were without health care justifying this boondoggle though I have seen other estimates by him as high as 40 to 45 million:

yet in this study by the Washington post it appears 3 million of the 10 million claimed by Obamacare may actually be new adds though its likely Obamacare dumped some of them off their old plans. where are the other 27 million used to justify this boondoggle?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Math not your forte, eh Newfie?
Obviously not yours.

The GAO has already announced that there is not enough full payers signing up to pay for the supplemented poor.

Who's footing the bill for the difference.

Not unions and other Democrat party backers.

The all got extensions on having to pay taxes on their "Cadillac Plans".


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Prior to the ACA, healthcare costs were increasing at a rate of 400%, and patients were being denied coverage after paying for years.

Surely, you arent dumb enough to believe the "old" way was saving money?

Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot who I was talking to.

Before Obamacare, cost were increasing by 400%?

Is that like saying: if it's hot, it's because of climate change?

If it's cold, it's because of climate change?

If there is a storm, climate change?

Gotta love the liberal logic.


golden ticket member
One of the headlines in today's O.C. Register....

"Obama plans to spend much of final year outside Washington"

Travel while it's on our dime!



Dear Obama Lover: You just wasted a decade of your life!
Lots of you continue to get unhinged emails from people on Facebook, your drunk uncle, and various Democrat relatives. Here's a gentle response to them.

Pretty soon Obama will be gone (unless he unilaterally signs an Executive Order mandating that he made emperor for life) and you will have to face up to the fact that you will have lost a whole decade of you life waiting for the manna from heaven to fall into your laps and fell it never did. Many of you are still waiting for your equivalent of 40 acres and a mule , that ain't happening. All of you lost friends, severed relationships with your more prosperous family members, and some of you have even seen your full-time jobs turn into part-time jobs. Some of you haven't even been weaned yet as you went straight from the teat of your mother to the teat of the government.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make any sense...

Care to elaborate?

the effort to delete all history that is deemed offensive in todays world. confederate history in particular is taking a beating. I wonder how the liberal school teachers will some day explain a one side civil war.