President Obama!


Well-Known Member
The most hated man in America at the time couldnt even book an appearance on FOX news during the last two years of his presidency.

Morevoer, where has BUSH surfaced in either the last two elections or even today in the run upto the next election?

Of course we know that is NO WHERE because he is still so TOXIC, the mere mention of his name will poison a candidate.

Not one single republican will invoke George W. Bush as a mentor, leader or role model for tomorrows presidents.

Thats why republicans like those on this board have to reach into the bottom of the barrel to grasp for Ronald Reagan.


despite your little fantasy bush frequently appears at charitable events. have you ever told the truth about anything?


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Bush stopped golfing out of respect for the troops in the war zone .
Obama never played golf until he took over the office .

My error .

Michelle, was becoming concerned about the increasing frequency of his hard-court injuries -- the sore wrists, black eyes and sprained fingers suffered during pickup games in courts around Chicago. "Why don't you take up something less dangerous?" Michelle told her husband in early 1997. "Like golf".

Bush 43 played frequently before becoming president, often with his father. But he had golfed only 24 rounds when he publicly gave up the game, 34 months into his presidency, as a gesture of support for soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Carter played no games at all .


Inordinately Right
Bush 43 played frequently before becoming president, often with his father. But he had golfed only 24 rounds when he publicly gave up the game, 34 months into his presidency, as a gesture of support for soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Carter played no games at all .
He gave up golfing as a gesture of support for soldiers?
Come on man, you've gotta see what a laugh that is.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My error .

Michelle, was becoming concerned about the increasing frequency of his hard-court injuries -- the sore wrists, black eyes and sprained fingers suffered during pickup games in courts around Chicago. "Why don't you take up something less dangerous?" Michelle told her husband in early 1997. "Like golf".

Bush 43 played frequently before becoming president, often with his father. But he had golfed only 24 rounds when he publicly gave up the game, 34 months into his presidency, as a gesture of support for soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Carter played no games at all .



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
thank god the democrats are not or we'd be nearing a 20 trillion dollar debt and getting our buts kicked by every JV team in the world.

Not to worry, every republican platform being offered drives up the deficit over 25 trillion dollars over the next 8 years, so you will have to call yourself ignorant for voting for them.

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Well-Known Member
Not to worry, every republican platform being offered drives up the deficit over 25 trillion dollars over the next 8 years, so you will have to call yourself ignorant for voting for them


eliminating Obama care alone will save us trillions. does trump get to blame Obama for 8 years like Obama is doing to Bush?