President Obama!


Well-Known Member
They are however loopholes that allow people to have failed and sometimes wreck less business ventures and leave the people they owe money to unpaid and the person/company filing for bankruptcy protection moves on to ripoff more people.

they are not loopholes but a legal process to organize debt on a bad deal. you need to educate yourself rather then just run off at the mouth.

Chapter 11, Title 11, United States Code
Chapter 11 is a chapter of Title 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, which permits reorganization under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is available to every business, whether organized as a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship, and to individuals, although it is most prominently used by corporate entities.


Well-Known Member
yep. You have the honor of being able to bad mouth him here unchallenged by him while he has the 10 billion in his bank account and the means to laugh at your ignorance.
Like I said it is a legal LOOPHOLE that allows a conman like Trump to get out of paying his debts and ripoff more financial institutions. Trump University comes to mind, only more failed promises with innocent people left holding the bill. A reality show crook that won't release his taxes because he knows that he will be exposed for the LIAR that he is. 10 billion dollars! Please! Tell a republican ANYTHING and they'll believe it. Smh


Well-Known Member
9,5,9.5 my brother.... You are wasting your time trying to use reason and logic on the Morelock and the rest. They have an agenda and directions......No rationale or reasoning will deter them.
I know. I just like exposing all of the ignorance being spewed by SOME people on these threads. It's like that on every social media site. I just like when those people can't answer for their ignorant comments and end up sounding like the fools they are.


golden ticket member
A wise man once told me that "a hit dog gonna holla"! I think the first one just hollered out!! Lol




Well-Known Member
Like I said it is a legal LOOPHOLE that allows a conman like Trump to get out of paying his debts and ripoff more financial institutions. Trump University comes to mind, only more failed promises with innocent people left holding the bill. A reality show crook that won't release his taxes because he knows that he will be exposed for the LIAR that he is. 10 billion dollars! Please! Tell a republican ANYTHING and they'll believe it. Smh

you're grasping at straws in a weak attempt to support a losing position. admit you don't know anything more then the democratic talking points and move on.


Well-Known Member
you're grasping at straws in a weak attempt to support a losing position. admit you don't know anything more then the democratic talking points and move on.
My points are very strong and factual. You can't deny the facts. Bankruptcy=failed business ventures, multiple bankruptcies at that and this guy claims he going to close all of these great deals and " make America great again." More like make America bankrupt.


Strength through joy
In case you haven't been following USA is broke thanks to the last 2 presidents .
No growth above 3% GDP in the last 10 yrs .
This was done by politicians , don't you wish to see how a businessman might do things better ?


Strength through joy
Woman who claims Obama was once a gay prostitute is leading Texas Board of Education vote

Mary Lou Bruner, a Republican candidate for the Texas Board of Education, has never been one to shy away from her keyboard, even if what she says is not politically correct or proven.

In a 2015 Facebook post she wrote: “Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. This is how he paid for his drugs.”

Bruner claims that he has yet to “come out of the closet about his own homosexual/ bisexual background” and since “he is against everything else Christians stand for, he might as well be for infidelity.”


Well-Known Member
In case you haven't been following USA is broke thanks to the last 2 presidents .
No growth above 3% GDP in the last 10 yrs .
This was done by politicians , don't you wish to see how a businessman might do things better ?
No because the President of the United States of America has to wear many hats and balancing the budget is only one of them. If we did elect a business man I'd much rather they not have multiple bankruptcies under their belt.


Well-Known Member
I know. I just like exposing all of the ignorance being spewed by SOME people on these threads. It's like that on every social media site. I just like when those people can't answer for their ignorant comments and end up sounding like the fools they are.

exposing your stupidity maybe.


Well-Known Member
Woman who claims Obama was once a gay prostitute is leading Texas Board of Education vote

Mary Lou Bruner, a Republican candidate for the Texas Board of Education, has never been one to shy away from her keyboard, even if what she says is not politically correct or proven.

In a 2015 Facebook post she wrote: “Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. This is how he paid for his drugs.”

Bruner claims that he has yet to “come out of the closet about his own homosexual/ bisexual background” and since “he is against everything else Christians stand for, he might as well be for infidelity.”
I think I saw this same article in the National Inquirer. That's about right for your reading level.


Well-Known Member
My points are very strong and factual. You can't deny the facts. Bankruptcy=failed business ventures, multiple bankruptcies at that and this guy claims he going to close all of these great deals and " make America great again." More like make America bankrupt.

dang sounds like you're talking about Obama instead of trump. Lets see Trump worth 10 billion = failure in business
Obama - lost 10 trillion dollars a liberal success.