President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
There's nothing hard to understand. You're all wide eyed and desperately spinning your tires in reverse, shrieking "Obama Kool-aid! Obama Kool-aid!" to try and distract everyone from the mess you made in your diaper. Just another day in current events :happy-very:

Sounds like your the only one thats hows the Obama Kool-aid., are ya full yet?:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Your kids are your kids no matter how old they are or no matter where they live!

If your kids are your kids then why do we need the government to force companies to give them health insurance? If you want to insure your adult children go buy insurance. There will be negative effects from this law as there is with most government intrusions into the marketplace. Possibly something like they may not be able to buy better private insurance if they want if they will already be covered under some overbearing parents policy.



Well-Known Member
I love grape and strawberry Kool-aid so what political maroon is serving that up these days?

BTW: I'd bet my paycheck that Jones isn't an Obama Kool-aid drinker and I'm not a gambler at all because I always like sure things.


Für Meno :)
If your kids are your kids then why do we need the government to force companies to give them health insurance? If you want to insure your adult children go buy insurance. There will be negative effects from this law as there is with most government intrusions into the marketplace. Possibly something like they may not be able to buy better private insurance if they want if they will already be covered under some overbearing parents policy.


Why does the US (or US unions) "force" any company to pay for healthcare ?

I guess that answers the $100 trillion trade-deficit question over the past 20 years.

American labor just got too expensive, and yes, now rising.... with companies paying until age 26.
Why not do it like the rest of the world, and pay for it yourself thru higher taxes ?

Can't do that right ? Because..... soo good UPS pays for your bennies......... - don't wanna lose that !!!! right ????

Yup, I get told I 'm sucking off the government....... well, you folks are sucking off UPS, trade deficit, and therefor government, too.

USA, the only country now, that didn't recover in job losses...... nope, not because Obama...... but because of the bennies they need to pay to keep you employed !
They can expand north or overseas...... - wouldn't you, if it was your own company ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Above...... your typical Tea Party/Republican target audience. I will give you guys credit, your great puppeteers...:puppet:


Well-Known Member
Why does the US (or US unions) "force" any company to pay for healthcare ?

If the question is why do companies pay for health care that is easy to answer. During the great war the government forced wage controls on industry in an effort to keep costs of fighting the war down(among other equally stupid reasons). Shocker that some companies were having trouble finding employees so the government in their lack of wisdom decided to exempt health insurance from your wage. Eventually wage controls were dropped but the exemption for health insurance remained. So you'd have to be stupid to not want your employer to pay for health insurance if that portion of your wages is exempt from the income tax penalty. Like I said early on if the goal was to lower the cost of health care in this country one of the things that would have to happen is to include employer provided health insurance as your income. If health care is a limited resource and there is no perceived penalty for consumption with extremely good health insurance it leads to overconsumption of this limited resource. You only have to look at Canada to see how that plays out. The system we have in place only encourages employees to want a higher share of their income as tax free health insurance.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

So the question now. Does one leverage to the hilt now? Or does one wait a little longer for the green back to go below the peso? If the stimulus worked then QE2 would not be necessary. Embarrassing that the fed has to clean up the damage caused by the admin. for a second time.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

1989, how come you never point out that roughly $10 Trillion of our $13 Trillion federal debt was incurred under the signatures of the last three REPUBLICAN Presidents.
Lets look at where the Republicans draw the line is the Purpose of the debt:

--- spending money out the wazoo to grab oils deposits for Big Oil: check

---shovel tons of money to Defense contractors (more than the rest of the military powers combined): Check

---Give Trillion $ tax cuts to the richest 2 percent of the population: check

But spend a few billion to help the common citizens? That would be irresponsible.

But note that the silence of the News Media is MATCHED by that of Obama –under a false pretense of “bipartisanship”.
The Congressional Democrats are possibily going to be decimated in November because of Obama’s silence. That , of course, will make it easier for Obama and Rahm's replacement to sell out to the Superrich using the Republicans as cover. The First Rule of a Democratic Politicans is to always find an excuse for NOT achieving the Progressive goals you championed during the campaign


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

I heard a good one the other day. Obama is like a wind up tin soldier, even when he hits a wall he keeps on walking...................
No cartoon, just a good analogy.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

1989, how come you never point out that roughly $10 Trillion of our $13 Trillion federal debt was incurred under the signatures of the last three REPUBLICAN Presidents.
Lets look at where the Republicans draw the line is the Purpose of the debt:

--- spending money out the wazoo to grab oils deposits for Big Oil: check

---shovel tons of money to Defense contractors (more than the rest of the military powers combined): Check

---Give Trillion $ tax cuts to the richest 2 percent of the population: check

But spend a few billion to help the common citizens? That would be irresponsible.

But note that the silence of the News Media is MATCHED by that of Obama –under a false pretense of “bipartisanship”.
The Congressional Democrats are possibily going to be decimated in November because of Obama’s silence. That , of course, will make it easier for Obama and Rahm's replacement to sell out to the Superrich using the Republicans as cover. The First Rule of a Democratic Politicans is to always find an excuse for NOT achieving the Progressive goals you championed during the campaign

I'm just stating that money is darn near free now and about to be damn near free...Who does that help? Not the common citizen. Free money helps the super rich and large corporations. Free money well than more makes up for the few hundred basis points in tax hikes.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I stepped over the line.........yay!! I belong to the club now!!!

Was it deleted or the source data broke down and won't populate? Maybe I missed something but I didn't see anything that bad and in some cases I've seen far worse in bad taste posted and remain. I could be wrong but I'm not convince it was deleted at this point but if so I stand corrected.

Then again, maybe Hoax was bored!

Just kidding!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Was it deleted or the source data broke down and won't populate? Maybe I missed something but I didn't see anything that bad and in some cases I've seen far worse in bad taste posted and remain. I could be wrong but I'm not convince it was deleted at this point but if so I stand corrected.

You're correct wkmac, No deleting as far as I can tell.

I did however delete Diesel's reference to the clan...:happy-very: Happy, happy, joy, joy....

As far as moreluck's rebel status...We'll just have to let Diesel have it for now...:funny: