President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Ive been reading the reviews in Motor Trend and Car and Driver and the Volt is not living up to the hype. They suggest getting a VW TDI instead.
Given the overall cost of the Volt even with all the tax credits and it's rotten mileage, the Prius is still a better buy.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Can't wait to see this hotel bill.

Since Obama is expected to arrive in the afternoon on November 6, and will travel by road to the Taj Mahal Hotel, the entire stretch from airport to the hotel will be under heavy security. The officer said, “There will be no vehicular movement on Western Express Highway at that time. Traffic on roads leading up to the highway will also be stopped. All buildings flanking the entire stretch will be sanitised. However, there is no threat from the snipers as the President will travel in a bullet-proof car with 4.5-inch thick sheets, which are impenetrable for any gun.”
Obama’s personal security staff itself will be huge, and it has already started making its own arrangements in Mumbai. “A team of secret service agents has already arrived, and has surveyed the areas of his stay and the roads and places on his itinerary,” the officer said.

To ensure fool-proof security, the President’s team has booked the entire the Taj Mahal Hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. Since his security contingent and staff will comprise a huge number, 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each in Grand Hyatt and The Oberoi hotels. The NCPA, where the President is expected to meet representatives from the business community, has also been entirely booked.
The officer said, “Obama’s contingent is huge. There are two jumbo jets coming along with Air Force One, which will be flanked by security jets. There will be 30 to 40 secret service agents, who will arrive before him. The President’s convoy has 45 cars, including the Lincoln Continental in which the President travels.”
Since Obama will stay in a hotel that is on sea front, elaborate coastal security arrangements have been made by the US Navy in consonance with the Indian Navy and the Coast Guard. “There will be US naval ships, along with Indian vessels , patrolling the sea till about 330-km from the shore. This is to negate the possibility of a missile being fired from a distance,” the officer said.

The President will be accompanied by his chefs, not because he would not like to savour Indian cuisine, but to ensure his food is not spiked.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Even the fact that he and the Mrs. are now travelling separately as they stump for the costly to us.


golden ticket member
Check the last set of statistics!!

A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very
interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations
International Health Organization.

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years
after diagnosis:

U.S. 65%

England 46%

Canada 42%

Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received
treatment within six months:

U.S. 93%

England 15%

Canada 43%

Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it
within six months:

U.S. 90%

England 15%

Canada 43%

Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within
one month:

U.S. 77%

England 40%

Canada 43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:

U.S. 71

England 14

Canada 18

Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in
"excellent health":

U.S. 12%

England 2%

Canada 6%

I don't know about you, but I don't want "Universal Healthcare"
comparable to England or Canada .

Moreover, it was Sen. Harry Reid who said, "Elderly Americans
must learn to accept the inconveniences of old age."


He is "elderly" himself but be sure to remember his health
insurance is different from yours as Congress has their own high-
end coverage! He will never have to learn to accept


The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in
the private business sector prior to their appointment to the
cabinet. You know what the private business sector is... a real
life business, not a government job. Here are the percentages.

T. Roosevelt........ 38%


Wilson .................52%


Coolidge.............. 48%

Hoover................. 42%

friend. Roosevelt......... 50%


Eisenhower............ 57%

Kennedy.............. 30%


Nixon.................... 53%

Ford.................... 42%

Carter.................. 32%


GH Bush................. 51%

Clinton ................. 39%

GW Bush................ 55%

And the winner of the Chicken Dinner is:

Obama................ 8% !!!

Yep! That's right! Only Eight Percent!!!.. the least by far of
the last 19 presidents!! And these people are trying to tell our
big corporations how to run their business? They know what's
best for GM...Chrysler... Wall Street... and you and me?

How can the president of a major nation and society...the one
with the most successful economic system in world history...
stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one?..
or about jobs when he has never really had one??! And neither
has 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers! They've spent
most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit
jobs....or as "community organizers" when they should have been
in an employment line.

Do you, after looking at these percentages, agree that real life experiences in business, having employees, owning your home, writing your own checks and balancing your check book, putting food on the table, is more important than book learning. I think they are educated beyond their intelligence. JB

Just in case you have not seen these interesting statistics:

May want to pass this on, we will NEVER see it in the

main street media



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Subject: Gore, Clinton & Obama...

Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all die...

When they arrive in Heaven, God addresses Al first. ''Al, what do you believe in?''

Al replies: "Well, I believe that I won that election, but that it was Your will that I did not serve as president.
I've come to understand that now.''

God thinks for a second and says:
"Very good. Come and sit at my left.''

God then addresses Bill. "Bill, what do you believe in?''

Bill replies: "I believe in forgiveness. I've sinned, but I've never held a grudge against my fellow man, and I hope no grudges are held against me.''

God thinks for a second and says:

"You are forgiven, my son. Come and sit at my right.''

Then God addresses Barack. "Barack, what do you believe in?''

"I believe you're in my chair."