President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
First order of business...repeal Obamcare:

Congress and the White House ran right over the will of the American people and enacted a takeover of a huge segment of our private economy. This is not the America directed by its citizens upon which our nation was founded. Instead, we have been misled, bamboozled and treated with utter contempt by elected officials drunk on power. Even faithful representation has been ignored:

- We were promised the health care act would not increase private insurance premiums or taxes but premium increases have already begun and new taxes are on the way.

- We were promised that senior citizens would not be harmed but with $500 billion in cuts to Medicare (to achieve patently phony “savings”), that cannot be true either and the elderly know it and now fear the future.

- It was promised that this legislation would finally control escalating health care costs but we got the opposite of cost controls. Without such controls, Congress has engineered increased demand against a finite supply of doctors and hospitals—a virtual guarantee that both the national debt and household bills will skyrocket.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was even caught on tape telling a roomful of San Francisco musicians that instead of worrying about finding gainful employment, they should pursue their artistic ambitions--because working Americans would be paying for their healthcare.

With nearly half of the country paying no income taxes, liberal politicians have calculated they can be elected forever with the votes of those who contribute little to the common good but who are given the fruits of the labors of those who do work.

This is what was meant when former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel arrogantly mused that the opportunities presented by the economic hardships facing the American people should not be “wasted.”

The health care law is a blatant attempt to restructure the political landscape to produce more of those who are dependent on redistribution of wealth and subservient to government benefactors. The problem being, of course, that we have run out of taxpayer money to give away and now we must borrow huge sums from overseas to satisfy this cynically false and inherently destructive promise.

Those who ran over the American people to enact Obamacare have been reminded this week about who really has the last word on American policy and politics. Here’s a hint—they don’t live in Washington, D.C.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

YouTube - If You Give A Democrat A Cookie



Well-Known Member
Well, just repeal it. If you can.:happy-very:

They may not be able to repeal it but they will be able to gut the main parts using reconciliation. That will take a new president and with some very winnable Senate races coming up in the next cycle that will be the most likely scenario. I'm afraid we may be stuck with those goofy insurance exchanges however.


Staff member
They may not be able to repeal it but they will be able to gut the main parts using reconciliation. That will take a new president and with some very winnable Senate races coming up in the next cycle that will be the most likely scenario. I'm afraid we may be stuck with those goofy insurance exchanges however.
That is assuming that the voting puplic will give the republicans more than two years to "fix" things.:surprised::happy-very:


Staff member
Not the Republican Heathcare Plan......the Massachusetts/ Mitt Romney HealthCare Plan...not the same thing......................nice try though.

Yeah. The Republican version was the Richard Nixon plan. Of course that is seen as being more liberal than the Obama version....


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The president should've let William Shatner plan his trip to India. I think fatso could've done better than $200 million a day !!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics



Well-Known Member
Yeah. The Republican version was the Richard Nixon plan. Of course that is seen as being more liberal than the Obama version....

I hope you had fun posting that? I know I would have!!!!!!!! :happy-very:

Otherwise, excellent point as so many people forget Nixon wanted to in effect socialize healthcare. Obama like Star Trek would boldly go where no republican had gone before but not because they didn't want too!

Not the Republican Heathcare Plan......the Massachusetts/ Mitt Romney HealthCare Plan...not the same thing......................nice try though.

Amid negotiations with leading Democrats over health-care reform, Iowa senator Chuck Grassley, ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, commented, “The federal government is in the process of nationalizing banks, nationalizing General Motors — I’m going to make sure we don’t nationalize health insurance, and the ‘public option’ is the first step to doing that.”
Grassley is correct, and conservatives are right to oppose Pres. Barack Obama’s proposal to create a “Fannie Med.” But when it comes to nationalizing health insurance, there is more than one way to skin the patient. Indeed, there is talk on Capitol Hill that Grassley and other Senate Republicans may be close to a deal that would nationalize health care smack dab in the middle of the private sector. For an example of how that can be done, look to Massachusetts.

from National Review, Romney's Folly
You don't use google that much do you or do you just accept and believe what you're told to believe?

I bet you're even expecting "change" in Washington after the elections on Tuesday. Really?



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Probably not since the days of the Pharaohs or the more ludicrous Roman Emperors has a head of state travelled in such pomp and expensive grandeur as the President of the United States of America.
While lesser mortals – the Pope, Queen Elizabeth and so on – are usually happy to let their hosts handle most of the security and transport arrangements when they venture beyond their home shores, the United States creates a mini-America on the move to ensure that nothing is left to chance.

Read more:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Odrama is talking to students in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) about mid-course corrections. Don't you think the Americans would like to hear what his plans are ??

I noticed in press photos that the fashion maven accompanied him. What an embarrassment she is as a first class!!

So, would Dr. Bombay from 'Bewitched' now be called Dr. Mumbai ??
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Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I am watching CNN this morning. The President announced $10B in new contracts with India, most notably with GE and Boeing, with 54,000 jobs expected to be created.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

When it comes to what the prez says, seeing is believing. I don't believe a word he says because both Biden & the prez's numbers have been make believe in the past.