So do I....
I would love to see Cain vs Obama in 2012. Then I could attend another inauguration ceremony! FOR BARACK!
Oh I would so love to see the floor be mopped of Obama 2012 stickers when Cain wins.So do I....
I would love to see Cain vs Obama in 2012. Then I could attend another inauguration ceremony! FOR BARACK!
Trumps out !
So do I....
I would love to see Cain vs Obama in 2012. Then I could attend another inauguration ceremony! FOR BARACK!
As Bill the Cat would say, "Aaaaaccckkkkk!"
Trumps out !
I also said from the get go that he wouldn't run....just like I said Huckabee wouldn't either. Trump is a showman and a money maker and he does well.Trump shows how desperate the republicans will dig for a candidate. I am surprised they havent dug up reagan and propped him up on a stick and made him run again.
As many of us said in the begining, Trump was nothing more than a self promoting blowhard without a clue. He bit into the birther issue and that killed him. His latest polls show him trailing all other candidates with 1%.
From hero to zero (you know what im talking about, right baba?) in a flash. Game over.
I also said from the get go that he wouldn't run....just like I said Huckabee wouldn't either. Trump is a showman and a money maker and he does well.
A smart businessman who got the left all stirred up....funny to see the hate flowing from the Liberals. Some will die early from all the stress. LMAO!!!
A smart businessman who got the left all stirred up....funny to see the hate flowing from the Liberals. Some will die early from all the stress. LMAO!!!
Dont count on it, were busy laughing our butts off!
Trump released a statment saying that he didn't want to leave the private sector, but that he would have beat Obama if he'd stayed in. He's dreaming, and is a major maroon.