Presidential Candidates other than Obama

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"FOX SPEWS" seems to be the one source of news for many on this board.



golden ticket member
......."Americans know that “solving for x” simply means using the right formula. What’s that formula, you might ask? Working on the right problems. Asking the right questions. Removing barriers to success. Surrounding yourself with the right people.

This is my “common sense” approach to real leadership. This approach is coupled with a steadfast belief that politics should never compromise principles. And my principles are rooted in the Constitutional guarantees of limited government and individual freedom.

I believe in a strong military and clear foreign policy that ensures the safety of our country. I believe in lower taxes, less regulation and private sector job creation that ensures the economic stability of our country. And I believe in the moral foundation upon which this nation was based and continues to make Her strong, independent and free.

In the end, it will be up to the American people. They will decide if my “common sense solutions” make up the proper formula to “solve for x.”


Für Meno :)
Mr X has no clue !
Times like these in the US, with $50 trillion in long-term debt/liabilities (SS & Medicare), and $15 Trillion in current national debt, he wants lower taxes !
Yup, that's the answer, alright.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
......."Americans know that “solving for x” simply means using the right formula. What’s that formula, you might ask? Working on the right problems. Asking the right questions. Removing barriers to success. Surrounding yourself with the right people.

This is my “common sense” approach to real leadership. This approach is coupled with a steadfast belief that politics should never compromise principles. And my principles are rooted in the Constitutional guarantees of limited government and individual freedom.

I believe in a strong military and clear foreign policy that ensures the safety of our country. I believe in lower taxes, less regulation and private sector job creation that ensures the economic stability of our country. And I believe in the moral foundation upon which this nation was based and continues to make Her strong, independent and free.

In the end, it will be up to the American people. They will decide if my “common sense solutions” make up the proper formula to “solve for x.”

TALKING POINTS....not a single fact contained in this statement. Same old rhetoric, same old speech making, same old republicans.

Here is a man who has ZERO foriegn policy experience, ZERO goverment experience, ZERO elected office experience but he knows how to make a pizza and you want to claim him as your new "moses"??

Geez, and then you bag on obamas experience?



Engorged Member
......."Americans know that “solving for x” simply means using the right formula. What’s that formula, you might ask? Working on the right problems. Asking the right questions. Removing barriers to success. Surrounding yourself with the right people.

This is my “common sense” approach to real leadership. This approach is coupled with a steadfast belief that politics should never compromise principles. And my principles are rooted in the Constitutional guarantees of limited government and individual freedom.

I believe in a strong military and clear foreign policy that ensures the safety of our country. I believe in lower taxes, less regulation and private sector job creation that ensures the economic stability of our country. And I believe in the moral foundation upon which this nation was based and continues to make Her strong, independent and free.

In the end, it will be up to the American people. They will decide if my “common sense solutions” make up the proper formula to “solve for x.”

Herman Cain equals a token pizza. The problem is that the Republican solution for X is always wrong.


golden ticket member
Obama had "0" experience including No business experience or No military experience. That's why he doesn't comprehend "budget" or war!

Maybe the country doesn't want a "politician" anymore. I think the obama camp is shaking a bit now, because if Cain would make it as the candidate, they couldn't scream racism anymore.

He also believes in the fair tax.......get rid of income tax.

He's a cancer survivor too....that makes him a fighter. What he may lack in a certain political dept....he will surround himself with experts, not his best friend lawyers like Obama did.


Engorged Member
Obama had "0" experience including No business experience or No military experience. That's why he doesn't comprehend "budget" or war!

Maybe the country doesn't want a "politician" anymore. I think the obama camp is shaking a bit now, because if Cain would make it as the candidate, they couldn't scream racism anymore.

He also believes in the fair tax.......get rid of income tax.

He's a cancer survivor too....that makes him a fighter. What he may lack in a certain political dept....he will surround himself with experts, not his best friend lawyers like Obama did.

He doesn't have a chance. Why is military experience always so important to Republicans? It has absolutely nothing to do with being an effective leader. The difference between military and civilian life is vast. Maybe we shouldn't always be thinking war. Obama has government experience, which is far more important than being a CEO. There isn't a parallel between running a business and running a nation, but the retards on the Right reduce it to such simplistic terms.

Cain's plan to "get" Osama would have been to make a fake pizza delivery to the compound and then attack them with pork products. I cannot believe the low quality of your "candidates". So far, you've got a token Tea-Bag colonel (West), and the token CEO of a failed pizza chain (Cain). If you think either of these bozos show:

A. The diversity of the GOP.
B. The attractiveness of the GOP to potential minority voters.

You're absolutely crazy. And Obama's shaking with laughter at Cain, as he should be. Cain is another loser.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't have a chance. Why is military experience always so important to Republicans? It has absolutely nothing to do with being an effective leader. The difference between military and civilian life is vast. Maybe we shouldn't always be thinking war. Obama has government experience, which is far more important than being a CEO. There isn't a parallel between running a business and running a nation, but the retards on the Right reduce it to such simplistic terms.

Cain's plan to "get" Osama would have been to make a fake pizza delivery to the compound and then attack them with pork products. I cannot believe the low quality of your "candidates". So far, you've got a token Tea-Bag colonel (West), and the token CEO of a failed pizza chain (Cain). If you think either of these bozos show:

A. The diversity of the GOP.
B. The attractiveness of the GOP to potential minority voters.

You're absolutely crazy. And Obama's shaking with laughter at Cain, as he should be. Cain is another loser.

Do you really think before you type, or is that just how much class you really have?
Yet another example of your poor taste.


Für Meno :)
Besides, what are the chances that it already took over 200 years to elect a black president, that it will be back to back within 2 terms to elect another one ?

Lightning doesn't strike twice very often ! (just something to consider and think about).


Engorged Member
Do you really think before you type, or is that just how much class you really have?
Yet another example of your poor taste.

Why don't you toss a Bible passage at me? I'm just stating the obvious. Poor taste is banging the good book at those who don't agree with the Right Wing tilt of evangelicals. Republicans (in general) seem to be suffering from arrested mental development. Is that soft enough for you?

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Well-Known Member
Obama has government experience, which is far more important than being a CEO. There isn't a parallel between running a business and running a nation, but the retards on the Right reduce it to such simplistic terms.

You're absolutely crazy. And Obama's shaking with laughter at Cain, as he should be. Cain is another loser.

Hey when they name call and their leader is shakin in his boots and they compare running a failed government to running a business in the real world...oh, look out.....what I see is another attempt at the failure of CHANGE! LMAOgl

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Do you really think before you type, or is that just how much class you really have?
Yet another example of your poor taste.

I dont think hes addressing you directly Grunt, but more those in charge of placing a candidate in front of the gop voters to chose from. I agree with him there, those in charge are RETARDS. They have flooded the field with candidates who have absolutely ZERO chance of making to the GOP convention, and in the end, the GOP will have to settle for the best of the worst in next years primary.

The smart money is with huckabee, who will sit this one out because he is smart enough to know that beating OBAMA is going to be next to impossible. Hats off to him for his forward thinking. 2016 will be the best chance for Huck as Obama cannot run and the dems dont yet have anyone to step up and run. The dems may be in the same position that the repubicans are in when 2016 comes around.

The republican political machine is trying its hardest to bring the minority voters in line, but with Cain it has NO CHANCE. His positions on unemployment and welfare will shut out the minority vote. His position of "look at me, look what I did and Im black" will not reasonate.

He speaks about minorities as if he is "white". Calling them lazy, unmotivated and accustomed to hand outs isnt going to get him the hispanic vote either.

His lack of foriegn policy experience showed this morning, when he didnt realize that there was a UN resolution establishing Israels 1967 borders. A statement that will come back to haunt him in a debate.

Allen Wests military career ended in disgrace. No military person ever leaving in disgrace ever held an elected office of any authority.

The best of the worst, thats what your going to elect in the primary.

Obama 2012 "its in your best interests"



Well-Known Member
Why don't you toss a Bible passge at me? I'm just stating the obvious. Poor taste is banging the good book at those who don't agree with the Right Wing tilt of evangelicals. Republicans (in general) seem to be suffering from arrested mental development. Is that soft enough for you?


What is your problem?


Engorged Member
I dont think hes addressing you directly Grunt, but more those in charge of placing a candidate in front of the gop voters to chose from. I agree with him there, those in charge are RETARDS. They have flooded the field with candidates who have absolutely ZERO chance of making to the GOP convention, and in the end, the GOP will have to settle for the best of the worst in next years primary.

The smart money is with huckabee, who will sit this one out because he is smart enough to know that beating OBAMA is going to be next to impossible. Hats off to him for his forward thinking. 2016 will be the best chance for Huck as Obama cannot run and the dems dont yet have anyone to step up and run. The dems may be in the same position that the repubicans are in when 2016 comes around.

The republican political machine is trying its hardest to bring the minority voters in line, but with Cain it has NO CHANCE. His positions on unemployment and welfare will shut out the minority vote. His position of "look at me, look what I did and Im black" will not reasonate.

He speaks about minorities as if he is "white". Calling them lazy, unmotivated and accustomed to hand outs isnt going to get him the hispanic vote either.

His lack of foriegn policy experience showed this morning, when he didnt realize that there was a UN resolution establishing Israels 1967 borders. A statement that will come back to haunt him in a debate.

Allen Wests military career ended in disgrace. No military person ever leaving in disgrace ever held an elected office of any authority.

The best of the worst, thats what your going to elect in the primary.

Obama 2012 "its in your best interests"


Hey, I love the monkey. Is his name "Harry Callahan"?