I'm a bit torn about how I feel when my sup works. I don't think my center is understaffed at all. I see new hires standing around waiting for assignment every other week. They hire people... lots of people... they just quit. I'm sure management is partially to blame with how they treat people. But they don't fire them, so in the end it's the workers choice to quit.
What I'm seeing right now is a lot of part time drivers working (loading package cars). We have three on my belt, and I know of three others. What's going to happen when volume goes up? These guys are gonna be sent out to drive, and they're going to send sups to load. But... these pt time drivers want to work, hiring new loaders and telling the drivers they can't load is a bad idea too. The only solution would be to add routes and make them all full time. This is never going to happen without cutting pay and benefits. I feel like the bs drivers have to put up with is made up by how much they earn.
I can't figure out what the best solution is in the above scenario.
But even with all of these people working, sups are still working right now. I don't think ALL of the sups work. Because we've had a sup cover our belt a few times and she stayed away from packages like they were the plague. There are some other sups that I know for sure also don't work, or work very little.
If they didn't work, and we came in 30min earlier every morning, that would be pretty great. I could afford to drink more and completely forget what work is all about!!
Unless management really starts to piss me off, I don't think I will be filing grievances. Right now, I am sitting in the lightest area on my belt. Other loaders benefit from that because I can help them throughout the morning. If I started to file... I Imagine they'd boot me out of there to hell in a heartbeat.