Promoting racism, division and hate...Critical Race Theory.


Staff member
Their territories don't overlap much. I went to a church that was affiliated with the Missouri. It was basically the flagship church and closely linked to a seminary but had some criticisms of what was being taught at the seminary and split off to become independent but kept a loose affiliation.
I’d say that happened quite a bit.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Is it believed by all Christians, everywhere, at all times? This is more or less all that is binding. Disagreements over this are decided by consensus at council.
Everyone believing something everywhere always is proof that something is doctrinal/ a salvation issue? What ever that is, is the truth?
No thanks.

Can you name something/subject/ issue that fits your formula where all have agreed everywhere for all time?
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Well-Known Member
Everyone believing something everywhere always is proof that something is doctrinal/ a salvation issue? What ever that is, is the truth?
No thanks.

Can you name something/subject/ issue that fits your formula where all have agreed everywhere for all time?
All Christians, not everyone. And whatever that is, yes, is the truth. I think we all agree on that, too. That was what was promised of the Holy Spirit and that's what the Apostles received on Pentecost (which we celebrated yesterday, coincidentally), and that's also why apostolic succession is considered important. Obviously there are disputes, otherwise the whole thing would be moot. The Eastern Church is not a good place for people who need everything black and white and can't tolerate any ambiguity or disagreement.

The things/subjects/issues that fit that that formula are what is decided by the councils. Most notable of all these somethings we all agree on that was the result of these kind of councils? The Bible!


Well-Known Member
Just a little tidbit then.

If you were to enter an ELCA church on a Sunday and paid close attention and then a Missouri Synod church the following week, you would likely leave with the impression that you’d been to two completely different denominations on successive weeks. I would even say that if you asked each pastor their idea of that apostolic authority, you would get two very, very different answers.
I've seen a lot of division within the Catholic Church too. The Episcopal Church exists because of division among Catholics. So there's no cookie cutter one size fits all out there although there is but one Church in the New Testament.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
"Reparations fee" to be charged for white people at Seattle Gay Pride event

"A Pride event in Seattle will charge white people a "reparations fee" to attend, organizers said.

"White people and their accomplices" will have to pay anywhere from $10 to $50 at the TAKING B[L]ACK PRIDE event, according to the event's webpage.

The Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network is organizing the event in collaboration with Queer the Land. The event is not associated with Seattle Pride, which will be hosting all of their events virtually this year, a spokesperson for Seattle Pride told Newsweek.

"TAKING B[L]ACK PRIDE is about lifting the voices, narratives, and contributions of Black queer and trans voices. It's about centering who we are and what we need to feel empowered, joyful and heard," the organizers said about the event this Saturday at Jimi Hendrix Park.

The event is specifically being held for Black and Brown members of the LGBTQ community and is "centered, prioritized and valued" around them. The reparation fee for white attendees is a way for the organizers to keep the event free for minority LGBTQ attendees, the event page said."

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
"Reparations fee" to be charged for white people at Seattle Gay Pride event

"A Pride event in Seattle will charge white people a "reparations fee" to attend, organizers said.

"White people and their accomplices" will have to pay anywhere from $10 to $50 at the TAKING B[L]ACK PRIDE event, according to the event's webpage.

The Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network is organizing the event in collaboration with Queer the Land. The event is not associated with Seattle Pride, which will be hosting all of their events virtually this year, a spokesperson for Seattle Pride told Newsweek.

"TAKING B[L]ACK PRIDE is about lifting the voices, narratives, and contributions of Black queer and trans voices. It's about centering who we are and what we need to feel empowered, joyful and heard," the organizers said about the event this Saturday at Jimi Hendrix Park.

The event is specifically being held for Black and Brown members of the LGBTQ community and is "centered, prioritized and valued" around them. The reparation fee for white attendees is a way for the organizers to keep the event free for minority LGBTQ attendees, the event page said."
They collecting reparation fees for blow jobs??

Makes you Proud…to keep your distance!!

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
yawn… yawn again…Deny that creation demands a Creator.
Deny that design demands a Designer.

“ Something can come from nothing “ - Stephen Hawking
The length you geniuses go to deny God is hilarious.
Can't imagine wasting so much time on a fear based concept.

Stephen Hawking is proof there isn't a loving God....can't imagine waking up to that living"hell" everyday.....knowing there isn't anything in the whole universe to help him.....chew on that awhile...


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Can't imagine wasting so much time on a fear based concept.

Stephen Hawking is proof there isn't a loving God....can't imagine waking up to that living"hell" everyday.....knowing there isn't anything in the whole universe to help him.....chew on that awhile...
Fear? lol
Where is fear in my comment?
You failed to deny the two statements in my comment . You afraid of looking stupid?
While you're dodging, affirm Hawking's statement. "Something can come from nothing."

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Fear? lol
Where is fear in my comment?
You failed to deny the two statements in my comment . You afraid of looking stupid?
While you're dodging, affirm Hawking's statement. "Something can come from nothing."
yawn… yawn again…Deny that creation demands a Creator.
Deny that design demands a Designer.

“ Something can come from nothing “ - Stephen Hawking
The length you geniuses go to deny God is hilarious.
I didn't say you had fear in your comment.

Reread my statement carefully. I realize how obtuse Christians can be. What I did say was how a modernly educated(awareness of the universe by modern information) could be a slave to a fear based concept(Christianity). Heaven and Hell and salvation....the concept is simply ludicrous. Non-conformity=Eternal Hell and all that.....even burning at the stake or crucifixion......Muslims beheadings.....

Now speaking of looking stupid......I dodge nothing! Nothin from nothin leaves nothin(Billy Preston.) Which is what you proof....just faith....while you cower from the specter of Hell. Face it- Christians are influenced by a 2000 year old concept designed for crowd control. Pathetic really....some might say stupid even. On the same level: God, bigfoot, UFO's......people can be talked into most anything.....Nazi's, Communist, liberalism, critical race theory, racism....truly idiotic stuff. Crusades.....

Btw, If I was Hawking.....I might try to grasp at anything...

Btw, you failed to prove there is a God.....I'm waiting. You afraid of looking stupid? Nothing big....just actual super-natural know God the circular argument creative design stuff......

Btw, notice how when I don't agree with attack me. An unfortunate sign of faulty logic and anger and dead-end thinking. A lot of that on BC......frustrated/manic keyboard Christian bullies.....awaiting/convinced........Salvation.....amen.

The length you geniuses go to bully/shame rational folks into believing there is a God is hilarious.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I didn't say you had fear in your comment.

Reread my statement carefully. I realize how obtuse Christians can be. What I did say was how a modernly educated(awareness of the universe by modern information) could be a slave to a fear based concept(Christianity). Heaven and Hell and salvation....the concept is simply ludicrous. Non-conformity=Eternal Hell and all that.....even burning at the stake or crucifixion......Muslims beheadings.....

Now speaking of looking stupid......I dodge nothing! Nothin from nothin leaves nothin(Billy Preston.) Which is what you proof....just faith....while you cower from the specter of Hell. Face it- Christians are influenced by a 2000 year old concept designed for crowd control. Pathetic really....some might say stupid even. On the same level: God, bigfoot, UFO's......people can be talked into most anything.....Nazi's, Communist, liberalism, critical race theory, racism....truly idiotic stuff. Crusades.....

Btw, If I was Hawking.....I might try to grasp at anything...

Btw, you failed to prove there is a God.....I'm waiting. You afraid of looking stupid? Nothing big....just actual super-natural know God the circular argument creative design stuff......

Btw, notice how when I don't agree with attack me. An unfortunate sign of faulty logic and anger and dead-end thinking. A lot of that on BC......frustrated/manic keyboard Christian bullies.....awaiting/convinced........Salvation.....amen.

The length you geniuses go to bully/shame rational folks into believing there is a God is hilarious.
A lot of blow to continue to refuse to deny or affirm 3 statements.
Attack? Rational? Bully/Shame? You're are hilarious. You're the lefts poster boy.
I'll try again, and depending on your response, we might have a rational conversation.

Creation demands a Creator. Affirm or deny?
Design demands a Designer. Affirm or deny?
Something can come from nothing. Affirm or deny?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
A lot of blow to continue to refuse to deny or affirm 3 statements.
Attack? Rational? Bully/Shame? You're are hilarious. You're the lefts poster boy.
I'll try again, and depending on your response, we might have a rational conversation.

Creation demands a Creator. Affirm or deny?
Design demands a Designer. Affirm or deny?
Something can come from nothing. Affirm or deny?
Tommy turning a thread into a religious debate?!