Promoting racism, division and hate...Critical Race Theory.


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And you are mistaken in your belief that there's no apostolic authority for all Protestants.
There isn’t. Not even within the Lutheran church. The differences between the the ELCA and something like the Wisconsin or Missouri Synods are striking.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Would pay for everyone’s healthcare premium for 20 years plus a lot more.
Would it? You know this exactly how? How do you know what is going to happen by 20 years?

Ok. so they have healthcare....what about jobs?

Can they eat?

How much are you willing to give up in taxes and labor....and freedom...for this socialist utopia? Answer the question as a lot of these countries reach 70%.....

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
They're all liars. They all teach CRT from primary sources, with positive spin, in every seminary class. They are die-hard, in the tank commies, who are simply lying so they can continue to sign statements of faith and pretend not to be leftists.
Absolute truth. Go!

Most dangerous creature on Earth.......a liberal Christian. Will take everything away from anyone to give to some one else.....including at the point of a gun....


Staff member
Would it? You know this exactly how? How do you know what is going to happen by 20 years?

Ok. so they have healthcare....what about jobs?

Can they eat?

How much are you willing to give up in taxes and labor....and freedom...for this socialist utopia? Answer the question as a lot of these countries reach 70%.....
Nobody know but budgets always project. I recall Obamacare when it came out was going to reach $1 trillion over 10 years.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Nobody know but budgets always project. I recall Obamacare when it came out was going to reach $1 trillion over 10 years.
How much are you willing to pay for someone not to work? Exactly now. How much of your hard earned(well maybe not) money are you willing to give away to illegal aliens and 75% unwed mothers?


Staff member
How much are you willing to pay for someone not to work? Exactly now. How much of your hard earned(well maybe not) money are you willing to give away to illegal aliens and 75% unwed mothers?
I don’t care really. It’s part of the “United” part in “United States”. We determine as a nation what we want and we pitch in to pay for it. Nobody likes everything. There is no perfect budget.

My main disagreement is that neither side is willing to do the hard part in budgeting which is paying for it. We’ve done more than just ignore it. We’ve celebrated our prosperity and left the bill for future generations.

The best we can do now is to start investing in those future generations. We’ve friend’d them over and we owe it to them.


Well-Known Member
I’d be interested to know if your experience with the three.
No, other than my wife worked for a short time as a church secretary for a Lutheran church. There are about 500 denominations in the U.S. so it's a bit of a broad assumption to say that none operate without an apostolic authority.


Staff member
No, other than my wife worked for a short time as a church secretary for a Lutheran church. There are about 500 denominations in the U.S. so it's a bit of a broad assumption to say that none operate without an apostolic authority.
Just a little tidbit then.

If you were to enter an ELCA church on a Sunday and paid close attention and then a Missouri Synod church the following week, you would likely leave with the impression that you’d been to two completely different denominations on successive weeks. I would even say that if you asked each pastor their idea of that apostolic authority, you would get two very, very different answers.


nowhere special
Just a little tidbit then.

If you were to enter an ELCA church on a Sunday and paid close attention and then a Missouri Synod church the following week, you would likely leave with the impression that you’d been to two completely different denominations on successive weeks. I would even say that if you asked each pastor their idea of that apostolic authority, you would get two very, very different answers.
ELCA is far more liberal than the Missouri Synod


Well-Known Member
No, other than my wife worked for a short time as a church secretary for a Lutheran church. There are about 500 denominations in the U.S. so it's a bit of a broad assumption to say that none operate without an apostolic authority.
Which wife? It's hard to keep up. What year are we talking about? What happened to the last 'family'?


nowhere special
True. And neither synod thinks too highly of the other nor do they care to be confused with each other. May as we’ll be completely different denominations.

Their territories don't overlap much. I went to a church that was affiliated with the Missouri. It was basically the flagship church and closely linked to a seminary but had some criticisms of what was being taught at the seminary and split off to become independent but kept a loose affiliation.