Promoting racism, division and hate...Critical Race Theory.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
It isn’t fake. It’s just a theory studied in a way to understand history.

It isn’t what conservatives say it is though.
Studied? No man.....implemented. Forced upon. Used to take from gunpoint(Govt).

With no-one to stop it currently...short of civil war.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

That's as raw as it gets.......

Truth and reality can be a bitter, bitter pill.

Now about that proof.....

You have a chance right change humanity for all time.....the greatest proof ever revealed. You! Think of it!

I mean, anyone with such confidence and declarative statements.....YOU DO KNOW!
Raw? lol
What a lightweight.


Staff member
It IS the only or predominant socioeconomic theory. All other meaningful theories are derived from it.

The rest of your posts are just defending it as a good thing, not denying that this is a fact.

Crack should be penalized far worse than cocaine. You'll say it's because the harsher penalties were targeted on a racial basis.

The facts are that black drug crime more often brought bodies, violence, and other major social problems than white drug use. So, some drugs were penalized harder because those were the drugs that were destroying the communities due to the behavior around them.

There weren't too many shootouts over cocaine territory in American streets. Crack brought more violence, so it got treated more harshly.
It cannot be the only or the predominant theory because so much of it relies upon and suggests alternative ideas about existing theories.

Mexican and Central American drug lords weren’t transporting crack. Cocaine is at the root of it all. I’m not even saying make the crack sentences weaker. If you wanna be fair and strict, make the cocaine sentence stricter. Why on earth should that be problematic? I assure you the process between coke and crack is ridiculously simple.


Well-Known Member
It cannot be the only or the predominant theory because so much of it relies upon and suggests alternative ideas about existing theories.

Mexican and Central American drug lords weren’t transporting crack. Cocaine is at the root of it all. I’m not even saying make the crack sentences weaker. If you wanna be fair and strict, make the cocaine sentence stricter. Why on earth should that be problematic? I assure you the process between coke and crack is ridiculously simple.
You didn't even read what I said.

The process is simple. The drugs aren't very different in effect or severity.

But one of them was dropping bodies in american streets and the other wasn't. That's why one was treated more harshly.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Humans arguing over salvation......and we haven't even proved there is salvation......or a God......or Heaven.....laughable.

Absolute truth. Go!

Most dangerous creature on Earth.......a liberal Christian. Will take everything away from anyone to give to some one else.....including at the point of a gun....

Get rid of the scripture.....

Sorry....prove it. Exactly now.

Declarative/absolute statements need proof.

In fact....

Can't imagine wasting so much time on a fear based concept.

Stephen Hawking is proof there isn't a loving God....can't imagine waking up to that living"hell" everyday.....knowing there isn't anything in the whole universe to help him.....chew on that awhile...

I didn't say you had fear in your comment.

Reread my statement carefully. I realize how obtuse Christians can be. What I did say was how a modernly educated(awareness of the universe by modern information) could be a slave to a fear based concept(Christianity). Heaven and Hell and salvation....the concept is simply ludicrous. Non-conformity=Eternal Hell and all that.....even burning at the stake or crucifixion......Muslims beheadings.....

Now speaking of looking stupid......I dodge nothing! Nothin from nothin leaves nothin(Billy Preston.) Which is what you proof....just faith....while you cower from the specter of Hell. Face it- Christians are influenced by a 2000 year old concept designed for crowd control. Pathetic really....some might say stupid even. On the same level: God, bigfoot, UFO's......people can be talked into most anything.....Nazi's, Communist, liberalism, critical race theory, racism....truly idiotic stuff. Crusades.....

Btw, If I was Hawking.....I might try to grasp at anything...

Btw, you failed to prove there is a God.....I'm waiting. You afraid of looking stupid? Nothing big....just actual super-natural know God the circular argument creative design stuff......

Btw, notice how when I don't agree with attack me. An unfortunate sign of faulty logic and anger and dead-end thinking. A lot of that on BC......frustrated/manic keyboard Christian bullies.....awaiting/convinced........Salvation.....amen.

The length you geniuses go to bully/shame rational folks into believing there is a God is hilarious.


I think rationally.....not by intimidation.

Yes, by definition....Christianity(all that implies) is fear based....bully people if they don't believe like you, punish them, etc. All because they think differently or don't believe.

For all 3 of your circular questions......I cannot affirm or deny that what is or is not.

Now for you.....define what exactly creation and creator and designer....something and nothing.

Our paths of logic function on different planes....yours: fear, punishment, brain washing based intimidation founded in 2000 year old ignorance. Mine: rational evidence based conclusions. resolve your circular argument.....I'll accept one just one piece of evidence (that no person has ever been able to produce).

I'll travel to a meeting point of your choosing to witness this evidence. Please don't waste my intelligence and time.

Exactly now. Examples: talking/burning bush.....parting the Red Sea.....hell even walking on water....maybe even creating another Sun...universe.

More blow.....See...I can deflect also. While you smear me for "not answering" are doing the very same.

You haven't answered or proven anything....and never will.

Thus a circular argument that's been going on 2000 years Keyboard Christian.

Attack and smear. While I couldn't be more different than this guy......evidence none the less.

Onward Christian Soldiers! Marching as to war!

To belittle and murder! In the name of God!

We'll burn you at the stake! Hack a crucifix in your skull!

Brand a scarlet letter on your chest! Amen!

Killing non-believers in the name of God!

Say, isn't creation a made up theory? A 2000 year old theory to fill in the gaps of ignorance? That apparently still exist......and cannot be proven under any of the most far out ideas? And rests on the shakiest of foundations only supported by force and "faith"?



That's as raw as it gets.......

Truth and reality can be a bitter, bitter pill.

Now about that proof.....

You have a chance right change humanity for all time.....the greatest proof ever revealed. You! Think of it!

I mean, anyone with such confidence and declarative statements.....YOU DO KNOW!

What a

You. Can't even in any capacity....prove your "theory" all.

Deflect deflect ad nauseam.

The true sign of disengenous intellectualism. Brainwashed, frightened and cornered by facts. A true relic of an ignorant past.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.

Discuss this subject with you, on this forum?
Balanced discussion demands rational people. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Some articles no one will read.
CRT conflict is manufactured (even locally, eg Loudoun Co., where the whole thing was started and maintained by a prominent right-wing pundit who moved there)
That manufacture is both routine and desperate
And yet CRT is still bad, actually (this is a good one bc it comes from the early days of CRT, criticizes it for what it really is, and is surprisingly from a mainstream liberal) and the liberal reflex of defending it bc conservatives are pretending to attack it is also bad ideologically and politically


Well-Known Member
Oh please, every textbook is organized perfectly according to a Marxist worldview.

They fundamentally see every event as a struggle of oppressed vs. oppressor, where every action or institution is an attempt to maintain power or put folks down, and all the most salient historical events revolve around these developments.

Even on the AP US History test, you can get a perfect score without knowing any US presidents, wars, or anything else. But, if you know about the development of feminism, unionization, gay rights, reconstruction, segregation, and civil rights, you can get a perfect score.

CRT and social Marxism more broadly has already won so thoroughly that everyone has swallowed every tenet of it without even knowing where it came from.

That's why I've asked any of you to name an institution or social structure that isn't racist.

You can't name one. Therefore, you have already swallowed CRT plank number 1. Then, I'd move on to number 2. And 3. You've all swallowed all of them.


Well-Known Member
Bravo to the parents Black and White around the country who are fighting for their kids.
According to @It will be fine those protesting are paid by the Right to do so. He's so used to paying Leftists to burn, loot, and assault he just assumes everyone does it.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
According to @It will be fine those protesting are paid by the Right to do so. He's so used to paying Leftists to burn, loot, and assault he just assumes everyone does it.
I’m sure plenty of them are like you, twisted by the right wing propaganda you call news. They are convinced of nonsense and are too bad at parenting to teach their own children anything. It’s a shame.


Well-Known Member
I’m sure plenty of them are like you, twisted by the right wing propaganda you call news. They are convinced of nonsense and are too bad at parenting to teach their own children anything. It’s a shame.
I think those parents would prefer the school district focus on the basics like reading and math. And that's a pretty broad assumption of their parenting skills to make such a statement. That they are down at a school board meeting to voice an opinion says a lot about their interest in their child's education don't you think?


nowhere special
I think those parents would prefer the school district focus on the basics like reading and math. And that's a pretty broad assumption of their parenting skills to make such a statement. That they are down at a school board meeting to voice an opinion says a lot about their interest in their child's education don't you think?
The school board is ignoring they work for the parents.


Inordinately Right
CRT conflict is manufactured (even locally, eg Loudoun Co., where the whole thing was started and maintained by a prominent right-wing pundit who moved there)
That manufacture is both routine and desperate
So the problem isn't critical race theory, it's that conservatives are talking about critical race theory.

Lefties are so disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
So the problem isn't critical race theory, it's that conservatives are talking about critical race theory.

Lefties are so disingenuous.
Read the last one dude. I kind of object to the second one, bc some of the outrage over "CRT" is really just misdirected reaction to the presence of new, bad "woke" racial ideas, which really *are* being pushed down our collective throat. Whereas the Alinksy and "Cultural Marxism" stuff was without any real basis.
But imho I don't think conservatives really care about stopping these bad ideas just bc they're bad ideas. The guys who start this stuff are outside agitators and their primary concern is redirecting this energy to control institutions they can't gain control of democratically, or to just outright destroy them, and replace them with their own bad ideas and institutions.