Putting in My Letter of Intent


Oh Yeah
We had a steward who was constantly pissing off a previous center manager. The center manager went to him and told him he wanted him to be an on-car sup and that he'd be making 150K. He laughed at him and said Yeah Right. The center manager again told him that he had it all set to go and just needed his letter and not to worry. The driver/steward again told the center manager that he was crazy and that he wasnt't born yesterday. He knew that his job was secure and he was protected by the union. The center manager assured him that his job was safe and that he was letting bygones be bygones. The steward declined.

The day after the center manager attempted to make him an on-car the center manager discharged him (for the 12th time). He laughed and thanked him for the paid day off and headed for his car. He got to the parking lot and the BA called him and said go back to work.
I wish him all the luck in the world seriously, but he knows what the hell hes getting himself into, its a lose-lose situation and he knows it but somehow some way hes coaxed himself into thinking hes going to win= ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN ON THIS JOB. Itll never change, 1 man cant save the planet we all know that, no matter how smart or intelligent or hard working, they dont want anyone to be happy or be successful. If somebody cant see that truth then they are truly stupid, naive or easily mentally hypnotized into their mind game. SAD BUT TRUE AND EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS.


Man of Great Wisdom
Looks like I'll if everything goes right I'll be starting my ORS job just after the first of the year. Yesterday morning my center manager told me my old center manager at was going to meet me on the road and talk to me about being a ORS in on of his buildings. He didn't make it and considering I was a good 80 miles from the building he was I decided to stop by my old center today on my way to work and talked to him. So I get there he is a morning meeting and I walk right in and excused the two SUP he was talking to in order to talk to me. Great conversation as has the one I been having with my current center manager. I won't be taking a pay cut and since I'll be starting in right after the first of the year I'll also MIP in February which for the first year will be all stock.
Read this and see if you would hire you as a Supe.

AZ Retired

allegedly went "Brett Favre" with his cell.
As many of you know I have had some big changes happen in my life over the past 9 months. I have come to realize that when one door closes another one opens. After much thought over the past couple of months tonight I put the wheels in motion to cross to the other side and become part of management. Although I love driving the brown truck I feel that I have a education and other skill sets that are not being used to their fullest and should be.
Good luck to you! I can comment on this decision you are making because I made the same one back in 1988 and went FT on car management, then security, then air.
1. You will feel "owned" by the company before too long if you end up in operations and that includes feeder, package, preload, hub or air. No one that I knew in management got the position that they wanted when they were promoted.
2. If you have a spouse or partner I pray that you have a strong relationship now because most spouses/partners don't understand that anyone can work such long hours. Divorces are commonplace because the spouse will not understand the level of commitment required for FT management.
3. If you are younger, in your 20s or 30s, check into the new retirement program for management NOW! It has CHANGED since I retired in 2013 and not for the better. I have heard that the starting wage for FT management has increased but management newbies are "on their own" for their retirement. No more pension for newly hired management, others are grandfathered in. Stock helps but it is not as good since the company is no longer privately held.
4. If you are younger and have an education behind you I would join FT management with the goal of it being a "resume builder." There are many companies that will still snatch you up with UPS management experience. If you don't have an education take advantage of the education benefits, I am sorry but I don't currently know what they are for management employees. I did get my MBA in 2010 using them however and paid next to nothing.
5. If you are not liked by your manager or division manager you will be SOL. You will be considered a "sub-par" supervisor and there's not much you can do about it except kiss :censored2: or try to get moved out of that position.
Best of luck to you!

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Another thought also.
If, as with peak of 2013, with the weather, management was brought in to the areas most backed up.
You could be one of those shipped off to another city with no idea if it will be a few days or weeks till you are back home.


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you! I can comment on this decision you are making because I made the same one back in 1988 and went FT on car management, then security, then air.
1. You will feel "owned" by the company before too long if you end up in operations and that includes feeder, package, preload, hub or air. No one that I knew in management got the position that they wanted when they were promoted.
2. If you have a spouse or partner I pray that you have a strong relationship now because most spouses/partners don't understand that anyone can work such long hours. Divorces are commonplace because the spouse will not understand the level of commitment required for FT management.
3. If you are younger, in your 20s or 30s, check into the new retirement program for management NOW! It has CHANGED since I retired in 2013 and not for the better. I have heard that the starting wage for FT management has increased but management newbies are "on their own" for their retirement. No more pension for newly hired management, others are grandfathered in. Stock helps but it is not as good since the company is no longer privately held.
4. If you are younger and have an education behind you I would join FT management with the goal of it being a "resume builder." There are many companies that will still snatch you up with UPS management experience. If you don't have an education take advantage of the education benefits, I am sorry but I don't currently know what they are for management employees. I did get my MBA in 2010 using them however and paid next to nothing.
5. If you are not liked by your manager or division manager you will be SOL. You will be considered a "sub-par" supervisor and there's not much you can do about it except kiss :censored2: or try to get moved out of that position.
Best of luck to you!

Thanks I appreciate the advice. I'll take all that anyone will give...

I'm not worried about feeling own. I'm prior military I know what being owned is all about.

I'm in my early 40's and recently divorced so that isn't an issue at this point, I also need a change and this is a perfect time for it for and. I have a BS degree and would definitely be interested in getting my master degree I'll check on those benefits.

At the current time my center manager and SUP's past and present only have good things to say about me. Some have even talked to the DM about me. So I'm not worried about not being liked. They know what kind of employee I am. I'm also not worried about leaning the job that the easy part. The tough part is going to be earning he respect of the drivers while at the same time making sure that they are doing there job and not trying to take advantage of me.

I could still use it as a resume builder like you say but I not ruling out apply for different position within the company sometime in the future.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
AZ retired pretty much nailed it.

Just remember, what they are telling you or promising you as far as position and hours you want to work....just take it with a grain of salt They are telling you what you want to hear to get you in the door. They will place you as they need you, you don't have much say, if any.

But just for arguments sake, and the point of many people here, you are still not comitted, you can always stay in delivery....until you finalize everything then you are a puppet.


Well-Known Member
AZ retired pretty much nailed it.

Just remember, what they are telling you or promising you as far as position and hours you want to work....just take it with a grain of salt They are telling you what you want to hear to get you in the door. They will place you as they need you, you don't have much say, if any.

But just for arguments sake, and the point of many people here, you are still not comitted, you can always stay in delivery....until you finalize everything then you are a puppet.

I'm going to start as an ORS and I know what the hours are. Somedays they are long and other I could get out early.

But like you said I haven't committed to anything as of yet. I will be a very well paid puppet that doesn't have to do physical labor all day everyday....

Rack em

Made the Podium
I'm going to start as an ORS and I know what the hours are. Somedays they are long and other I could get out early.

But like you said I haven't committed to anything as of yet. I will be a very well paid puppet that doesn't have to do physical labor all day everyday....
Those who can, deliver. Those who cant, supervise.


Well-Known Member

Those who can, deliver. Those who cant, supervise.

Well not in my case I'm one of the better Delivery drivers in my center I also know well over 30 routes and not afraid of learning new ones on the blind.

I love being a package car driver however I have a education and this is a perfect time for me to start using my head more that my body to earn money....

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Well not in my case I'm one of the better Delivery drivers in my center I also know well over 30 routes and not afraid of learning new ones on the blind.

I love being a package car driver however I have a education and this is a perfect time for me to start using my head more that my body to earn money....

Oh man. You sound beyond confident but borderline arrogant. Very naive to think this move is all rainbows and unicorns. From your posts it sounds like you think it's going to be awesome.

It really isn't. There's a reason ups can't attract good people to management anymore like 20-30 years ago.

You won't be using your head. ORS are grunts. That's it. Unless you're in a very small center where you're doing a job of many positions.

Good luck. Please let us know how being an ORS is in 5 years.


Well-Known Member
You may be an on road sup. ..that's my point. Once you're in, you are what they need you to be.

But hey, it might work out....pretty much every driver that went into supervision took the same route. It was great at first because they were out of delivery, then they worked with their drivers and showed them they can do what they ask. Then they go to the UPS hate school and come back like one of those zombies from the walking dead.


Well-Known Member
Oh man. You sound beyond confident but borderline arrogant. Very naive to think this move is all rainbows and unicorns. From your posts it sounds like you think it's going to be awesome.

It really isn't. There's a reason ups can't attract good people to management anymore like 20-30 years ago.

You won't be using your head. ORS are grunts. That's it. Unless you're in a very small center where you're doing a job of many positions.

Good luck. Please let us know how being an ORS is in 5 years.

I'm not arrogant or naive. I never said the job was going to be awesome the job is going to be challenging at time. I'm up for the challenge. Is it going to be hard and stressful at time yes. Good things in life aren't always easy in order to better yourself sometime you have to be willing to adapt and over come or you can just sit on the porch and watch life pass you by.

Unless you have done the job don't tell me how it is or what I'm getting myself into. Don't tell me why UPS can't attract good people because UPS is one of the best run companies out there they have attracted a lot of good people in management. You don't just way I want to be in management and they hired you have to pass a assessment, pass and interview and have a college degree or have a commitment to get one. Also these day a lot of the younger generation just don't want to work of do the work to have a better job....

ORS are far from grunts if you think they are just grunts you haven;t got a clue what they do when you leave the building as most people don't. and buythe way yes I'll be working at a center with about 25 drivers give or take a couple I'll be the only ORS in the building and also be the dispatch manager when the dispatch manger is on vacation. It going to be challenging and not easy at times I know that.


Well-Known Member
You may be an on road sup. ..that's my point. Once you're in, you are what they need you to be.

But hey, it might work out....pretty much every driver that went into supervision took the same route. It was great at first because they were out of delivery, then they worked with their drivers and showed them they can do what they ask. Then they go to the UPS hate school and come back like one of those zombies from the walking dead.

LOL UPS hate school that a good one.... :rofl:

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I'm not arrogant or naive. I never said the job was going to be awesome the job is going to be challenging at time. I'm up for the challenge. Is it going to be hard and stressful at time yes. Good things in life aren't always easy in order to better yourself sometime you have to be willing to adapt and over come or you can just sit on the porch and watch life pass you by.

Unless you have done the job don't tell me how it is or what I'm getting myself into. Don't tell me why UPS can't attract good people because UPS is one of the best run companies out there they have attracted a lot of good people in management. You don't just way I want to be in management and they hired you have to pass a assessment, pass and interview and have a college degree or have a commitment to get one. Also these day a lot of the younger generation just don't want to work of do the work to have a better job....

ORS are far from grunts if you think they are just grunts you haven;t got a clue what they do when you leave the building as most people don't. and buythe way yes I'll be working at a center with about 25 drivers give or take a couple I'll be the only ORS in the building and also be the dispatch manager when the dispatch manger is on vacation. It going to be challenging and not easy at times I know that.

The ups management of today is not the quality of management of years ago. If you don't see that, well good luck.

Enjoy your pay cut after you pay for your healthcare and you won't be receiving a pension in management.

I think this statement right here is full of being naive. Come back in 5 years and tell us if you feel the same.

The ORS has become the grunts because Atlanta took away the CMs ability to make decisions on a local level that affect the business. Until that changes, you'll do whatever they say whether it's right wrong or makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
The ups management of today is not the quality of management of years ago. If you don't see that, well good luck.

Enjoy your pay cut after you pay for your healthcare and you won't be receiving a pension in management.

I think this statement right here is full of being naive. Come back in 5 years and tell us if you feel the same.

The ORS has become the grunts because Atlanta took away the CMs ability to make decisions on a local level that affect the business. Until that changes, you'll do whatever they say whether it's right wrong or makes sense.

Won't be taking a pay cut will be getting a slight raise to start. Plus I will get MIP each year I even get it this after only being a SUP for a month. I'll also get yearly raises. 401 k match, and yes I''ll have to pay slightly for health insurance big deal.