Putting in My Letter of Intent


swollen member


Well-Known Member
Ours switch between on roads and inside ft sups. You work it every 5-6 weeks I think.

There is no switching in my area ORS are ORS until they apply for another job or get moved. They sometime fill in as dispatch manager when they are on vacation other that they are just ORS....

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Won't be taking a pay cut will be getting a slight raise to start. Plus I will get MIP each year I even get it this after only being a SUP for a month. I'll also get yearly raises. 401 k match, and yes I''ll have to pay slightly for health insurance big deal.
And in other news , unicorns are real.

Man, they really sold you. That 401k "match" is nothing to the pension you would have received. And your "yearly raises and MIP" are based on if you perform well and make your numbers. Nobody is making the numbers they want.

Good luck. Please tell us next year how your take home for the year was less than a full rate driver because it will be.


swollen member
46 pages... ok, do it, be a "do it man" enough already MODS please close this !!!

we are all grown adults, sometimes they make decisions.... make your bed, you sleep in it


Well-Known Member
And in other news , unicorns are real.

Man, they really sold you. That 401k "match" is nothing to the pension you would have received. And your "yearly raises and MIP" are based on if you perform well and make your numbers. Nobody is making the numbers they want.

Good luck. Please tell us next year how your take home for the year was less than a full rate driver because it will be.

With the hrs I will work my hr compared rate will be less but Over all I will be making more and I won't be doing physical work every day all day. I also plan on taking all MY MIP in stock option the first year you get MIP it's all stock.

Look I get it you prefer to do manual labor for the rest of your working career. That's fine I have nothing against that however I don't want to be a package driver beating my body up every day for the next 20 years. Once in management there are many other opportunities than just being a ORS. However you need to start somewhere to get in....

Orion inc.

I like turtles
With the hrs I will work my hr compared rate will be less but Over all I will be making more and I won't be doing physical work every day all day. I also plan on taking all MY MIP in stock option the first year you get MIP it's all stock.

Look I get it you prefer to do manual labor for the rest of your working career. That's fine I have nothing against that however I don't want to be a package driver beating my body up every day for the next 20 years. Once in management there are many other opportunities than just being a ORS. However you need to start somewhere to get in....
You think you're going to work less hours as an ORS? Wow that's naive. You'll be working way more and you'll have more stress. Bet on it.

I don't mind the physical aspect. Never have. I work smart and I stay in good shape. I'll bet you after my 35 plus years are up, I'll walk out physically fine.

For me it would be about getting the better compensation for my time. If I work 60 hours, I'm paid for that. You won't be and trust me, you will be putting those hours. You can have the stock. Putting all your compensation into that and thinking it'll be a huge pay day, I'd rather diversify when comes to that. Ups stock is ok. I buy some every week. But I wouldn't trade my pension for it.

I hope you do get to move around. But if you're a good ORS, I've seen that ups will leave them there. A good ORS is impossible to find that meets all their criteria.

Good luck. I will say if you're going to be management, work on your writing presentation. It'll help you come across professional in all aspects. Apply that college degree and present yourself that way. Some of your responses in this thread came off as less than. I'm sure you're not like that and I'm sure you're aware. Just an observation.

Good luck in your endeavors and happy New Years.


Well-Known Member
You think you're going to work less hours as an ORS? Wow that's naive. You'll be working way more and you'll have more stress. Bet on it.

I don't mind the physical aspect. Never have. I work smart and I stay in good shape. I'll bet you after my 35 plus years are up, I'll walk out physically fine.

For me it would be about getting the better compensation for my time. If I work 60 hours, I'm paid for that. You won't be and trust me, you will be putting those hours. You can have the stock. Putting all your compensation into that and thinking it'll be a huge pay day, I'd rather diversify when comes to that. Ups stock is ok. I buy some every week. But I wouldn't trade my pension for it.

I hope you do get to move around. But if you're a good ORS, I've seen that ups will leave them there. A good ORS is impossible to find that meets all their criteria.

Good luck. I will say if you're going to be management, work on your writing presentation. It'll help you come across professional in all aspects. Apply that college degree and present yourself that way. Some of your responses in this thread came off as less than. I'm sure you're not like that and I'm sure you're aware. Just an observation.

Good luck in your endeavors and happy New Years.

I didn't say I be working less hours. I did say I'b be making more money....


Well-Known Member
The company does seem to be romancing the OP.

Maybe the OP should wonder why.

They aren't romancing me. I'm the one that inquired about going into management. No one asked me. When I asked my center manager a couple of weeks ago he was surprised.

I know that being a ORS isn't going to be easy and there is going to be a big leaning curve. But I'm up for the challenge.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I didn't say I be working less hours. I did say I'b be making more money....

No you won't but ok. They really glossed you over with all this. After your healthcare deductions and putting more money away for retirement because you won't receive a pension. Your take home will be less than ours.

That's why drivers with a lot of time in don't jump that side of the fence


Well-Known Member
No you won't but ok. They really glossed you over with all this. After your healthcare deductions and putting more money away for retirement because you won't receive a pension. Your take home will be less than ours.

That's why drivers with a lot of time in don't jump that side of the fence

He will still receive a pension; however, it will be reduced and he will not starting receiving monthly payments until he reaches normal retirement age which for us in Upstate NY is 65.

Do I think he is being somewhat naive? Yes----he is in for a rude awakening.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
He will still receive a pension; however, it will be reduced and he will not starting receiving monthly payments until he reaches normal retirement age which for us in Upstate NY is 65.

Do I think he is being somewhat naive? Yes----he is in for a rude awakening.
For the time he will put in, it's a bad move financially. If he had 1 year in with ups, sure.

I'm aware he will receive a small amount based on years. But if he puts 35 years collectively at ups, he won't get near what you or I would.

He better max out his 401k and then also start a separate investment plan now. That'll eat into his "pay raise ".

I would of stayed driving.