PVD's and loss of overtime


Why then at the end of the day does my driver thank me multiple times for helping and is incredibly grateful and relieved to be done instead of working well into the dark by himself?
You are not a scab, scab is a guy that takes a job when they go on strike. What is the big deal? Who cares if I am seasonal or full time? Without us seasonals you all would be completely burned out and less effective. We all get a paycheck from same place, we seasonals don’t get benefits etc and don’t have got deal with union mumbo jumbo. I get up at 5 am do chores in my 1000 head pig barn, mix up feed for my 100 steers, then work as a helper for some extra holiday and vacation money, that is it. I don’t want your job. And don’t say you are not burned out, I am saving just got done with harvest and fall work and then started helper job. Can’t wait til I am done and can relax in my shop in January.
Thanks for stealing my overtime.
They’re not seasonal workers. The company used them from March through late July in our area and from October until present. They also pay them more than drivers in progression and they get to steal everyone’s overtime. They’re scabs and the so called union should be ashamed. Plus stupid not only did they manage to screw its members out of money but they didn’t even get a buck out of the PVD sellout deal.
Strongest labor union in the world. Lol.
We all know "Karen in her Honda" can't, or more importantly, shouldn't be expected to sweep a UPS Store. But that's not her problem. The problem is hiring anyone with a vehicle not entirely suited for the job. That falls squarely on management. "Karen" is just rying to keep a roof over her head, food on the table and her kids in clothes. I applaud Karen for doing what she has to, not the people on this thread who criticize her.
When they eventually eliminate all union jobs and Karens are doing all of the work, let me know how loud your applause is.


New Member
@Misthios I feel your pain and it seems that your name calling does the job of us “scabs” quitting so you continue to have a job. Maybe you are right to detest us so much because at the end I personally would not give a rat’s ass if my job bothers you that much or work is been taken from you. Union got your back so I am sure they will fight for you. For what its worth I get taken union fees from my paycheck without any benefit as you do. I am not complaining because I knew beforehand that it is a seasonal without benefits.


Big Kahuna Burger
Why then at the end of the day does my driver thank me multiple times for helping and is incredibly grateful and relieved to be done instead of working well into the dark by himself?


My main paychecks depend on usda reports and Chicago board of trade....and weather and crops around the world and domestic trade.....none of you would understand


I'm a star
I guess whatever he does is too complicated for us simple truck drivers

I must really suck only making $100,000 a year
Plus healthcare and pension...

What the hell do I know?

I took it to mean he was grateful to have a job, and was suggesting that because we have relatively stable and decent paying jobs, we wouldn't understand the difficulties that others face.