Cheese and
crackers this thread can't be serious. As a PT driver, I actively do both drive AND preload frequently from one day to the next, so I have a pretty valid opinion when I tell you that stress on preload don't even freaking compare.
On the preload I bust my ass for four hours and go home at 8:30 in the morning. When I drive, I come in without the slightest clue as to what I'm getting into or when I'm getting home, and virtually zero control over my workload. I spend the day balancing commits on 120+ deliveries and pickups all the while under the gun of traffic and weather while having every aspect of my day tracked in an arbitrary report.
NEVER has the preload tightened the back of my neck quite like driving can. I may physically work harder on preload, but the mental strain and tension is nonexistent by comparison. If I could work AM/PM for the same wage as driving, I would take that every day of the week. If you think preload's that rough, one day on a package car would eat you alive.