Funny, ran into a former feeder co worker today at burger joint and he asked me the same 3-4 questions I always get when i see a former co worker after retiring.
Q, how do you like retirement?
A . great , everyday feels like a Saturday
Q. How are the health benefits? ( I'm in Western conference )
A. Pretty good . pay $75 each for me and spouse a month . prescriptions and dr. co pay is pretty low.
Q. Do you miss UPS?
A. Don't even think about it unless in news. Feels like I worked there 100 years ago. ( been retired 5 years )
Q. Do you ever get bored?
A. hardly ever. always busy doing something. seems like we never have enough time to do everything we want to do.
Usually , without me asking they tell you about all the changes at UPS, usually for the worse.
Meanwhile , they comment that you look so happy/ content
"Ya, I am " I say.