
Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I've worked for UPS for 20+ years as a Teamster. All of you teamsters are not living in reality. Everybody pays something for their benefits. We all work very hard and are paid very well . You guys should be embarrassed of yourselves acting like spoiled children. You better hope UPS keeps making billions because if they don't we will all be taking pay cuts like every other company out there. Wake up people. And I've had those teamster benefits my whole career. You guys think you should have better than me. Ups teamsters are a bunch of whiny baby brats and I'm a teamster.

I didn't come up with this but it was texted to me from one of my fellow workers for me to post on this forum. This is what it looks like from where I'm from. What's your perspective??

I agree. I voted no because of issues other than health care and raises. Mainly for seniority language not having any teeth and having to deliver over 70s. To me it just doesn't make since to throw a fit about paying a little more for health care but not saying a single freakin word about being expected to deliver 130 pound freight up three flights of stairs.


Man of Great Wisdom
I agree. I voted no because of issues other than health care and raises. Mainly for seniority language not having any teeth and having to deliver over 70s. To me it just doesn't make since to throw a fit about paying a little more for health care but not saying a single freakin word about being expected to deliver 130 pound freight up three flights of stairs.

I walked the picket line in 93 because of the over 70 issue. I've delivered every one of them since without the help of another driver. Granted, I have no 3rd floors on my area.


Well-Known Member
I've worked for UPS for 20+ years as a Teamster. All of you teamsters are not living in reality. Everybody pays something for their benefits. We all work very hard and are paid very well . You guys should be embarrassed of yourselves acting like spoiled children. You better hope UPS keeps making billions because if they don't we will all be taking pay cuts like every other company out there. Wake up people. And I've had those teamster benefits my whole career. You guys think you should have better than me. Ups teamsters are a bunch of whiny baby brats and I'm a teamster.

I didn't come up with this but it was texted to me from one of my fellow workers for me to post on this forum. This is what it looks like from where I'm from. What's your perspective??

Would be a Great Story if UPS wasn't making Record Profits... USPS going down more every day, and more and more things being purchased online.
Also, if we were all in ONE plan, to get better rates. the 150K people being thrown into the central states plan... You think it would give the Current people in CS better coverage with a group discount... Those are the people that should be mad....


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns