Legio patria nostra
No, I think you're full ofHow long have you been with UPS? I've seen a Center Manager sent home for being drunk, laughed at an ORS' FB pics of him smoking weed, and some other things that can't be mentioned. You're probably guilty of this stuff too. There's a reason so many of you get fired. Least professional, or ethical, management culture I've EVER seen.

I'm in the FAR 120.215 pool and the only people I've seen drunk, high or unable to perform their duties wore uniforms and punched a timecard.
It may happen in the Ground Operation, but rarely in the Air.
I've had center manager's talk to me about paying particular interest in some individuals, but my counsel is to back off and don't stalk them. They'll eventually get over confident and

If you hate it so much, go elsewhere....oh: no skills, huh???