If you don't believe me, look at the count of replies on this thread and compare it to the most happening forums posted so far.
I admit, lots of them are my responses, but I can't help but notice how popular it is to gang up on someone and attack simultaneously,
If anything, I'm at least glad to have broken the monotone peak season discussions and opened up the flood gates to turn Melrose Place into a dramatic Waterworld
We're not attacking you, we're trying to tell you to let it go, which you repeatedly say you have done, and then the very next post you describe new ways you're thinking of to win her back.
You clearly haven't let anything go.
The beginning of the thread may have been cheap shots at you, I'll admit I had one as well, but since then it's clear you're a troll or in need of serious help and the attacks have ceased and traded for advice to you.