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Well-Known Member
One of my best memories is my non-religious step-father (from continental India) running down the stairs of our apartment in Yonkers, NY, wrapped only in a towel, screaming at the Jehovah’s Witnesses that my eight-year old self was dumb enough to open the door for...

Step-dad (brown as can be) comes thundering down the stairs screaming, ‘We’re all happy Hindus, GTFO, never come back’...

They never came back.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
When you seek to twist and distort rather than have an honest conversation it means, as the Bible says, it's time to shake the dust from my sandals and move on.
VanMan VanMan.. you try, but mud doesn't shake off like dust.

One of my best memories is my non-religious step-father (from continental India) running down the stairs of our apartment in Yonkers, NY, wrapped only in a towel, screaming at the Jehovah’s Witnesses that my eight-year old self was dumb enough to open the door for...

Step-dad (brown as can be) comes thundering down the stairs screaming, ‘We’re all happy Hindus, GTFO, never come back’...

They never came back.
Thanks for the tip!


Well-Known Member
You present two options. A god exists, or a god doesn't. You leave out the third, obvious conclusion, which is that neither can be proven true.
I do agree with you on this..... are you agnostic to a certain belief about "how it all began" or do you tend to believe in a particular direction?


Well-Known Member
I do agree with you on this..... are you agnostic to a certain belief about "how it all began" or do you tend to believe in a particular direction?

I won’t answer for him, but the best scientists in the room can’t figure out what was ‘before’ before.

We simply don’t know.

By the way, that’s not an argument for or against anything, it’s just the case.

Science is limited to available light, beyond that no one has a clue.

Also, doesn’t mean ‘God’, just means we don’t have enough data.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
doesn’t mean ‘God’, just means we don’t have enough data.
I have enough "data''. There is proof of God everywhere.
Could it be you refuse to accept what is plainly seen because that would mean there is a God, which would mean there is a higher authority than man?


Well-Known Member
i never understood why libs like to attack your belief system. let me believe and not believe what i want.
Kinda like "pro choice." It is not possible with these types, they have to control everything, even thoughts. Their government and actions are those of tyrants. Plain and simple, for the United States to continue to exist as formed, they and their ideas must be annihilated, period. No bi-partisanship.


Well-Known Member
Please share your proof.
I will prove it but some questions must preclude it, and honest answers on your part are required.

1. Is the life and purpose of a Saviour prophesied in the Old Testament?
2. Was the prophesy fulfilled as recorded in the New Testament?
3. Did Jesus live, as recorded by scripture in the new testament and prophesied in the old testament?
4. Was this Man, Jesus, crucified, as recorded in the new testament and prophesied in the old testament?

I have offered only scriptural proofs of a prophesied and crucified Saviour.

My next question is,
1. Are there secular, historical notations in Roman, Greek and other cultural writings of this "Man" and what these writings attributed to Him and what the Romans did to this man?
The answer to the proceeding question,pertaining to secular recording of events is, YES.
Don't trust me, do your own research.

With the prophesied claims, actual eyewitness claims of the day, and secular unbelievers,


The scripture will be proven to be true again, with your response.
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