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El Correcto

god is dead
As for funeral I’m not going to my father’s funeral. We had a heart to heart back when Texas froze over. I told him his family is one of the few terrible mistakes he has ever made in his life and we should quit pretending like it’s anything other than that. We haven’t spoken since.


Well-Known Member
This thread has helped me understand why talking about religion is one of the three things we should never discuss…. Anyone wanna talk about money or politics instead?

El Correcto

god is dead
This thread has helped me understand why talking about religion is one of the three things we should never discuss…. Anyone wanna talk about money or politics instead?
I think the lesson here is you shouldn’t throw rocks at homosexuals while living in a delusional glass house.
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Well-Known Member
I think the lesson here is you shouldn’t throw rocks at homosexuals while living in a delusional glass house.
i agree . I also dream of a world in which we stop trying to seperate everyone into their little groups.
Lets just be americans and stop talking so much about what makes us different.

El Correcto

god is dead
i agree . I also dream of a world in which we stop trying to seperate everyone into their little groups.
Lets just be americans and stop talking so much about what makes us different.

The problem is the people who fall on 1 and 7 on this scale cannot co exist.
When it comes to the god’s explained by any religion on earth currently I am a solid 7. There are some here, very few who are a solid 1 when it comes to Christianity. People who believe the Bible is the word of the creator of the universe and wish to live their life to best of their ability by his morals and spread those morals to all of man.

Most of you people are semi-agnostic Christians wether you realize it or not, I’ve talked to very few solid 1 Christians in my life. There is just too much evidence to the contrary and if you’re intelligent and take time to hear it you will see it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Bring up slavery in the Bible to a solid 1 Christian and they will begin to slide towards 2, unless they are some white supremacist.
Bring up homosexuality and they stay a solid 1.
That is where the hatred I won’t tolerate comes from.
When you know the roots of Christianity in Judaism and how the Jews felt about homosexuals, there is no compromise to be found with those people or their god.


Well-Known Member
I think the lesson here is you shouldn’t throw rocks at homosexuals while living in a delusional glass house.
Well I don’t, my personal conviction is you’re a sinner, but so am I, so it’s good to meet you brother. Hopefully we can get through this life and see what’s on the other side. You can have your beliefs and I can have mine.

El Correcto

god is dead
These intelligent atheists who can sit down and talk calmly with fundamentalist Christians are a great asset to me in my personal life and help give me perspective I could never reach on my own when dealing with these people.

They are educated and not as scarred by hatred for the religion they are discrediting as some gay men are. I’ll never be able to sit calmly with fundamentalist believers whose beliefs stems from gays are an abomination to the creator of the universe and we should kill them all.

Their perspective and calmness brings calmness to my heart. These are the type of “religious” thinkers who give me peace in this world, just like Jesus Christ does for you.

El Correcto

god is dead
Most Americans are agnostic Christians
Bible: Weatherhead believed the Bible to be an amazing and often inspired collection of works that progressively revealed man's search for and understanding of God, culminated in the best representation of God's true nature in Jesus Christ. He was, however, critical of many passages, including some from Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, because they went against the nature of what Jesus taught, stating that "some of the passages of Browning are of far superior spiritual value."[10]Weatherhead insisted that one must reject anything in the Bible that did not coincide with the gospel of Christ, that is, anything that did not harmonise with the spirit of "love, liberty, gaiety, forgiveness, joy and acceptance."[11]

El Correcto

god is dead
Fundamentalists and those who continue to
Mock and belittle gays as if they are sub human or not worthy of being equals in a free society are the ones who drag us back to desert jew morality.


Well-Known Member
These intelligent atheists who can sit down and talk calmly with fundamentalist Christians are a great asset to me in my personal life and help give me perspective I could never reach on my own when dealing with these people.

They are educated and not as scarred by hatred for the religion they are discrediting as some gay men are. I’ll never be able to sit calmly with fundamentalist believers whose beliefs stems from gays are an abomination to the creator of the universe and we should kill them all.

Their perspective and calmness brings calmness to my heart. These are the type of “religious” thinkers who give me peace in this world, just like Jesus Christ does ,for you.
I don’t know who these people are who are accusing gay people of being an abomination that should be put to death. Perhaps those that believe that should be put to death for lust, disrespecting their parents, taking God‘s name in vain, putting money before God etc. etc.. The book I read shows Jesus hang out with a bunch of social outcast. maybe not agreeing with what they do but loving them just the same and compelling them. Don’t know how I could compell someone if I want to kill them. 🤷‍♂️


Inordinately Right
These intelligent atheists who can sit down and talk calmly with fundamentalist Christians are a great asset to me in my personal life and help give me perspective I could never reach on my own when dealing with these people.

They are educated and not as scarred by hatred for the religion they are discrediting as some gay men are. I’ll never be able to sit calmly with fundamentalist believers whose beliefs stems from gays are an abomination to the creator of the universe and we should kill them all.

Their perspective and calmness brings calmness to my heart. These are the type of “religious” thinkers who give me peace in this world, just like Jesus Christ does for you.
Atheists are worse than fundamentalist Christians in my experience.

Just like christians, they know it all, know they're right, but won't admit that faith is at the core of their belief that there is no God... at least the Christians admit it.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t know who these people are who are accusing gay people of being an abomination that should be put to death. Perhaps those that believe that should be put to death for lust, disrespecting their parents, taking God‘s name in vain, putting money before God etc. etc.. The book I read shows Jesus hang out with a bunch of social outcast. maybe not agreeing with what they do but loving them just the same and compelling them. Don’t know how I could compell someone if I want to kill them. 🤷‍♂️
@floridays @BrownFlush @Fred's Myth
These are the fundamentalists here,
My grandfather was also one of these types.
There are other Christians who do not seek to love gays or treat them as equals though and a lot of agnostics will go along for the ride.

They don’t call for the execution of gays but view their Old Testament as context for Christianity and add it to the teachings of Christ to justify their hatred and convolute messages of love and acceptance of others. I’ve heard them say it even if they won’t admit to it when called out. They view all gays as mentally ill and not natural.

They are the worse of the worse when it comes to Christian thought.

El Correcto

god is dead
Atheists are worse than fundamentalist Christians in my experience.

Just like christians, they know it all, know they're right, but won't admit that faith is at the core of their belief that there is no God... at least the Christians admit it.
Not at all try watching Dawkins explain his views on agnosticism.


nowhere special
@floridays @BrownFlush @Fred's Myth
These are the fundamentalists here,
My grandfather was also one of these types.
There are other Christians who do not seek to love gays or treat them as equals though and a lot of agnostics will go along for the ride.

They don’t call for the execution of gays but view their Old Testament as context for Christianity and add it to the teachings of Christ to justify their hatred and convolute messages of love and acceptance of others. I’ve heard them say it even if they won’t admit to it when called out. They view all gays as mentally ill and not natural.

They are the worse of the worse when it comes to Christian thought.
the Old Testament was written for Christians but not to Christians. It is important but should never be used as the basis for doctrine.


Well-Known Member
@floridays @BrownFlush @Fred's Myth
These are the fundamentalists here,
My grandfather was also one of these types.
There are other Christians who do not seek to love gays or treat them as equals though and a lot of agnostics will go along for the ride.

They don’t call for the execution of gays but view their Old Testament as context for Christianity and add it to the teachings of Christ to justify their hatred and convolute messages of love and acceptance of others. I’ve heard them say it even if they won’t admit to it when called out. They view all gays as mentally ill and not natural.

They are the worse of the worse when it comes to Christian thought.
I get you, but I’m not gonna judge what’s in their heart, this is an Internet fourm, and all of us have said bombastic things when we’re agitated. Christ loves me he doesn’t love my sin, he also doesn’t force me to not sin. That’s my choice I can assure you I choose poorly most of the time lol.
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