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El Correcto

god is dead
Yes they do.
They usually explain their belief that God doesn't exist with a smirk and pretentious laugh at all the dum dums who have faith that God exists. All the while completely ignorant or in denial of their own faith that he doesn't exist.

Yes I do.
You're just blurring the definition.

This is what I'm talking about.
The article calls him an atheist, then quotes him saying he's agnostic. Just lefties playing stupid word games like always.
Okay bud quit ranting and prove it.

El Correcto

god is dead
My concern with the use of the term “atheism” is both philosophical and strategic. I’m speaking from a somewhat unusual and perhaps paradoxical position because, while I am now one of the public voices of atheism, I never thought of myself as an atheist before being inducted to speak as one. I didn’t even use the term in The End of Faith, which remains my most substantial criticism of religion. And, as I argued briefly in Letter to a Christian Nation, I think that “atheist” is a term that we do not need, in the same way that we don’t need a word for someone who rejects astrology. We simply do not call people “non-astrologers.” All we need are words like “reason” and “evidence” and “common sense” and “bull:censored2:” to put astrologers in their place, and so it could be with religion.
-Sam Harris


Well-Known Member
I’ll amend that to say less rigorous in their beliefs of deny that their could be some sort of god maybe possibly but no evidence to prove it.
I can see out my window and understand there’s intelligent design everywhere, we can disagree about the theology, but something had a hand in this creation.


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry I left you out. But you question your faith a bit too much to be in that line up. I’ve heard you questioning god and being consoled by these people.
Mainly when it comes to is religion just a tool to keep poor people in line.
I have a lot of questions because I read a lot and consider a lot. A lot of what I've read would be rejected immediately by some here. I'm comfortable with telling you what is necessary to be acceptable as a Christian while at the same time wonder what is the true nature of God and if it's all just some system devised to control the masses. But at the end of the day I don't want a world that's being pushed by homosexuals. I want innocent children kept away from that world. I want people to get up every day and go to work and build a future and a family. I don't want to deal with people who'd rather harm others and take what they have by force. Or abuse themselves with drugs. Or are eager to kill others in far away lands to get even wealthier than they are. Christianity is about striving for something better and rejecting something worse. Sorry you don't see that. Christianity is made up of humans who often do terrible things. But if actual Christianity is practiced it's a beautiful thing and worth striving for.


Inordinately Right
My concern with the use of the term “atheism” is both philosophical and strategic. I’m speaking from a somewhat unusual and perhaps paradoxical position because, while I am now one of the public voices of atheism, I never thought of myself as an atheist before being inducted to speak as one. I didn’t even use the term in The End of Faith, which remains my most substantial criticism of religion. And, as I argued briefly in Letter to a Christian Nation, I think that “atheist” is a term that we do not need, in the same way that we don’t need a word for someone who rejects astrology. We simply do not call people “non-astrologers.” All we need are words like “reason” and “evidence” and “common sense” and “bull:censored2:” to put astrologers in their place, and so it could be with religion.
-Sam Harris
Oh look another atheist who now is disavowing the term because he can't defend it without talking about his faith that there isn't a god.

Please, continue to prove my point.

El Correcto

god is dead
Oh look another person who called himself and atheist but now is disavowing the term because he can't defend it without talking about his faith that there isn't a god.

Please, continue to prove my point.
You’re welcome friend I’m glad you found clarification about your deranged statement that fundamentalist are less rigorous than atheists.


Well-Known Member
Oh look another atheist who now is disavowing the term because he can't defend it without talking about his faith that there isn't a god.

Please, continue to prove my point.
Did you really ask me to prove something so complicated LOL? I drive a truck for a living come on man. Let me live 😂


Inordinately Right
You’re welcome friend I’m glad you found clarification about your deranged statement that fundamentalist are less rigorous than atheists.
Atheists are worse than fundamentalist because they won't even acknowledge their faith. All you've done is prove my point by posting quotes from people who have abandoned the stupid atheist belief system.
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