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El Correcto

god is dead
I wouldn’t say they are the worse of the worse either. There are cult leaders who are worse but I don’t even consider those folks Christian.
Like Texas Jesus was way worse than any of them.


Well-Known Member
There is no defense for murdering homosexual for being gay.
I didn’t defend them, I said you have to give credit to the Bible for not sugarcoating. Clearly the book of the Bible was written in a way that would be detrimental to most religions. Instead you can see most of these people were a bunch of scumbags saved by grace. David was one of gods favorites look at all the awful things he did. Thank God women don’t generally bath naked where I can see them. 😂


Well-Known Member
@floridays @BrownFlush @Fred's Myth
These are the fundamentalists here,
My grandfather was also one of these types.
There are other Christians who do not seek to love gays or treat them as equals though and a lot of agnostics will go along for the ride.

They don’t call for the execution of gays but view their Old Testament as context for Christianity and add it to the teachings of Christ to justify their hatred and convolute messages of love and acceptance of others. I’ve heard them say it even if they won’t admit to it when called out. They view all gays as mentally ill and not natural.

They are the worse of the worse when it comes to Christian thought.
What is the primary purpose of sex? Pleasure or procreation? I believe the point of sexual pleasure is to make sure we procreate. If there's no possibility of procreation with the sex one participates in then it's an aberration of nature. Whether one should be punished for that aberration is a matter of established morals. In Western culture those morals primarily come from the Bible. In order to reorder society and gain acceptance for aberrations the Bible must be suppressed. That's what we're seeing these days. When Christians see what goes on in gay pride parades they're reminded of Sodom and Gomorrah. You may or may not be familiar with that story, but I'm sure you've heard of sodomy. The decadence of those two cities are exactly what many don't want to see their cities devolve to. So you may be angry at Christianity, religion in general, but you're never going to have the world you want as long as there are people, Christian or otherwise, who are afraid that the world you represent, full of decadence and lasciviousness, is the world we'll have if people like you get in power.

El Correcto

god is dead
What is the primary purpose of sex? Pleasure or procreation? I believe the point of sexual pleasure is to make sure we procreate. If there's no possibility of procreation with the sex one participates in then it's an aberration of nature. Whether one should be punished for that aberration is a matter of established morals. In Western culture those morals primarily come from the Bible. In order to reorder society and gain acceptance for aberrations the Bible must be suppressed. That's what we're seeing these days. When Christians see what goes on in gay pride parades they're reminded of Sodom and Gomorrah. You may or may not be familiar with that story, but I'm sure you've heard of sodomy. The decadence of those two cities are exactly what many don't want to see their cities devolve to. So you may be angry at Christianity, religion in general, but you're never going to have the world you want as long as there are people, Christian or otherwise, who are afraid that the world you represent, full of decadence and lasciviousness, is the world we'll have if people like you get in power.
Oh sorry I left you out. But you question your faith a bit too much to be in that line up. I’ve heard you questioning god and being consoled by these people.
Mainly when it comes to is religion just a tool to keep poor people in line.


Inordinately Right
Any atheist worth his salt is a bit agnostic, but they make no bones about the lack of evidence or their personal perspective of the religions of man.
I'm not playing this semantic nonsense where you combine two different belief sets.

Atheists believe there is no God.
Agnostics believe you can't know if there is a God.

Every actual atheist I've talked or listened to is a pretentious prick who refuses to admit that his belief that there is no God requires faith.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm not playing this semantic nonsense where you combine two different belief sets.

Atheists believe there is no God.
Agnostics believe you can't know if there is a God.

Every actual atheist I've talked or listened to is a pretentious prick who refuses to admit that his belief that there is no God requires faith.
Yes they believe that, but unlike fundamentalist they do not take that extra step to say for certain if any god exist or not because that is unknowable and anti-scientific. There is no proof no god exists just like there is no proof every time I fart a kitten dies somewhere. I cannot
Make that claim.

You just don’t understand what an atheist is and how the ideology has been shaped since emerging.

El Correcto

god is dead
Are there bad atheist just like there are bad Christians, yes I’m sure. But you can talk reason to an atheist you can’t to a fundamentalist.
It is very stupid to think fundamentalist are less rigorous in their beliefs than an atheist would be on average.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’ll amend that to say less rigorous in their beliefs of deny that their could be some sort of god maybe possibly but no evidence to prove it.


Well-Known Member
Southern American Irish on my mother’s side, Scottish on my father’s side. Match made in heaven.
I think you misunderstand. "Irish twins" (sometimes called Mexican twins) are siblings who are born from two separate conceptions, and less than 365 days apart. Regardless of their nation of birth or actual ancestry.
He is a good man, just not a good father or husband.
It's impossible to be everything to everyone. It's all anyone can hope to be is to be good for something, anything good.

There is much to consider and there are many unknowns about the effects of stress related hormones on the unborn.

There is an old saying that goes very much something like this: "a child born in times of joy will be a dour boy, a child born in times of trouble will be a gay fellow."

It may be worth considering that the very poor behavior of yer dad while his wife was expecting with you is the reason yer a poof.


Inordinately Right
Yes they believe that, but unlike fundamentalist they do not take that extra step to say for certain if any god exist or not because that is unknowable and anti-scientific.
Yes they do.
They usually explain their belief that God doesn't exist with a smirk and pretentious laugh at all the dum dums who have faith that God exists. All the while completely ignorant or in denial of their own faith that he doesn't exist.
You just don’t understand what an atheist is and how the ideology has been shaped since emerging.
Yes I do.
You're just blurring the definition.
In this sense I am agnostic, as any scientist would be.
-Richard Dawkins.
This is what I'm talking about.
The article calls him an atheist, then quotes him saying he's agnostic. Just lefties playing stupid word games like always.

El Correcto

god is dead
Communist atheist doctrine was very evil as well. It’s why I support freedom of religion and individual rights. No one should go through what religious folk go through in communist dictatorship with a state sponsored religious belief of atheism.
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