@El Correcto Have you heard of Gobekli Tepe? A huge temple complex being unearthed in Turkey. The interesting thing is it's much older than anything ever found elsewhere. And built with technology that the hunter gatherers of the area didn't have. Ever hear of the Younger Dryas? A warming period that ended the Ice Age only to see a new ice age suddenly spring up. Recently under the Greenland ice sheet two huge comet or meteor impact sites have been discovered that struck about the time that new ice age sprung up. The Gobekli Tepe complex dates to around the time between the ice ages. Very possibly an advanced civilization that was destroyed by comet or meteor strikes on Earth that crushed them. More evidence of that era are the huge floods that carved up North America and left the Great Lakes. Anyways after that second ice age we don't see civilization until thousands of years later. One of the those earliest civilizations was Sumeria. The father of Judaism, Abraham, lived in the Sumerian city of Ur before eventually leaving. Strangely enough many of the stories of the Old Testament are similar if not identical to Sumerian mythology. Sumeria's greatest hero, Gilgamesh, for example survived a great flood similar to Noah. What I'm trying to convey is there's a lot we don't know about the history of mankind. But people are piecing together a good deal of it.