Well-Known Member
He's actually prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem in most of Matt 24 I believe.One of the key verses that pre-mill misses is in Matt. 24:34
Much, but not all the language in Matt 24 is figurative and it represents judgement, notice.."Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" What ever is in Matt 24 up to V34 has already happenened. That generation Jesus was talking to seen it happen. What they seen was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. Judgement because they rejected the Christ.
A key to understanding Matt. 24 is looking at the questions asked by the disciples in V3. They were asking 2 different questions but didn't even know it. They thought if the temple was destroyed, it had to be the end of the world.
Jesus begins to answer in V35 about the end of the world and how things will be, before that, he is talking about Jerusalem's destruction.
Read it and notice the difference. Warning after warning. Instruction what to do. Sign after sign. When you see these things. Drop everything. Flee to the mountains.
Then after V34..There won't be any warning ...When the Son of Man comes it will be just like the days of on Garth..No sign given..Paul says like a thief in the night....
Two questions...two answers
Some of that chapter may be about the end though