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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
just a stupid attempt at using fairytales as evidence.
Once upon a time...

El Correcto

god is dead
That's one country in Africa that's heavily influenced by the AIDS epidemic. They're attempting. Now go proclaim you're gay in any Muslim dominated nation. There's no comparison.
Genociding minorities isn’t a solution and it isn’t an attempt at fixing a problem. It’s Christianity fueled hatred.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Lennox isn’t bad, he is fighting an uphill battle polishing a turd and dragging people like you out of the stone ages.

Steven Hawking is goated and his quote is true while Lennox quote isn’t.
Welllll, I just felt my knuckles come up off the ground about an inch.

El Correcto

god is dead

Never mind this guy is pretty stupid when it comes to religious beliefs. Who created the creator is a response to people claiming the universe was created by god.
We have no evidence of “nothing” existing.

You have to make two unfounded assumptions to even really begin this argument. You have to assume the universe hasn’t always existed, which as far as we can tell it has, then you have to invent an imaginary friend that created it.

It’s such a stupid argument with way too many logical leaps for any good faith individual to make.

El Correcto

god is dead
Add a third unfounded assumption, you have to act like we even take your magical leap of faith nonsense seriously and that “Who created the creator” wasn’t just a smart ass rhetorical question that you failed miserably.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You're not seeing that in other Western nations but you want to paint us all with the same brush. That's gay fueled hatred.
Can't underestimate homos disdain for the Bible..
“The point is not really whether or not some passage in the Bible condemns homosexual acts; the point is that you cannot allow your moral and ethical decisions to be determined by the literature of a people whose culture and history are so far removed from your own. You must dare to be iconoclastic enough to say, So what if the Bible says it? Who cares?"-Robert Williams
In other words, the Bible is irrelevant to our day; what it says can be disregarded.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Add a third unfounded assumption, you have to act like we even take your magical leap of faith nonsense seriously and that “Who created the creator” wasn’t just a smart ass rhetorical question that you failed miserably.
Something cannot come from nothing.
Something is.
So, something always was/ is the necessary conclusion.
What is/was that something?

I always liked the rational thought discussion. We have a moral sense. A deep sense of that which is right and wrong.
Animals don't feel such morality. We have laws based on rights and when laws are violated, the violator is prosecuted in court. Why? Nature (animals ) don't have courthouses.
We must be different.
Man is esthetic in nature. Never seen an animal appreciating a Rembrandt or a dog admiring the beauty of nature? Man has a conscience. Where did that come from?

El Correcto

god is dead
Something cannot come from nothing.
You can’t prove nothing exists or has ever existed.
So, something always was/ is the necessary conclusion.
No that isn’t the conclusion, it is just as far as we can tell. You can’t prove “nothing”.
What is/was that something?
Now you’re just piling onto to your initial misunderstanding of the arguments.
The oldest thing we have proof of is the universe, so I mean it’s at least plausible with the current evidence that the universe could be eternal. Not sure where your imaginary friend comes in. Usually the scientist trying to explain this to religious fanatics quotes laplace.

I’m not reading the rest of your nonsense until you correct your mistakes.

El Correcto

god is dead
God of the gaps is the most correct argument I’ve seen about religion.
So far it has only been further disproven with time and study.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t say you’re all doing it, I just wished you luck in justifying not doing it with scripture.
I'd have to look up the scriptures but Christians are under the New Testament, not the Old. The New Testament certainly says that homosexuality is a sin, and continuing in it will cause you to lose your soul. But nowhere are we told to persecute or harm homosexuals. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and does endangers their own soul. If they do start executing gays anywhere then they are wrong.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I’m not reading the rest of your nonsense until you correct your mistakes.
I don't care what you do.
I do like the part where you throw out that the physical (universe) could be eternal. Current
Is matter eternal? If you thinks so, I haven't heard about it.
If matter created itself, then it acted before it existed. That would be some trick. If it did not create itself, then it was created by some outside force. Who or what was that force?
The Bible says it was God.
You say, "I don't know, but I know it wasn't God. Keep chirpin', you're a fool.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I’m not reading the rest of your nonsense
Yeah you did. You'll just sound even more ignorant trying to explain how and why we have a conscience that separates us from animals so you didn't comment.
I always liked the rational thought discussion. We have a moral sense. A deep sense of that which is right and wrong.
Animals don't feel such morality. We have laws based on rights and when laws are violated, the violator is prosecuted in court. Why? Nature (animals ) don't have courthouses.
We must be different.
Man is esthetic in nature. Never seen an animal appreciating a Rembrandt or a dog admiring the beauty of nature? Man has a conscience. Where did that come from?

El Correcto

god is dead
I don't care what you do.
I do like the part where you throw out that the physical (universe) could be eternal. Current
Is matter eternal? If you thinks so, I haven't heard about it.
If matter created itself, then it acted before it existed. That would be some trick. If it did not create itself, then it was created by some outside force. Who or what was that force?
The Bible says it was God.
You say, "I don't know, but I know it wasn't God. Keep chirpin', you're a fool.
You are the one that keeps shoehorning creation in and claiming to know about “nothing” ever existing. I’m just having an honest conversation with you about the universe and big bang theory.
I suggest you look at the conservation of mass. Yes currently people talk like matter can not be created or destroyed as far as we can tell, so in some ways it does contribute to an eternal universe, but even that isn’t concrete evidence the universe is eternal.

This does not teach that something came from nothing, it is just the history of how the universe has expanded into measurable space and time.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yeah you did. You'll just sound even more ignorant trying to explain how and why we have a conscience that separates us from animals so you didn't comment.
No I’ve explained the current theories on that to you too and the most likely explanation that doesn’t require an imaginary friend.

You just don’t believe in evolution because you’re not very smart and easily misled by fairytales. I don’t really see it as a useful conversation to have yet again and I got to go to work bud, so I think we are done for now.
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