Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Your explanation fell flat. Talk about imaginary. Like all your claims, beyond imagination. You have no answer.No I’ve explained the current theories on that to you too and the most likely explanation that doesn’t require an imaginary friend.
You just don’t believe in evolution because you’re not very smart and easily misled by fairytales. I don’t really see it as a useful conversation to have yet again and I got to go to work bud, so I think we are done for now.
No doubt the Universe is constantly expanding. Matter can be destroyed. Thus, not eternal.You are the one that keeps shoehorning creation in and claiming to know about “nothing” ever existing. I’m just having an honest conversation with you about the universe and big bang theory.
I suggest you look at the conservation of mass. Yes currently people talk like matter can not be created or destroyed as far as we can tell, so in some ways it does contribute to an eternal universe, but even that isn’t concrete evidence the universe is eternal. View attachment 471507
This does not teach that something came from nothing, it is just the history of how the universe has expanded into measurable space and time.
But, there had to be a first cause. An uncaused cause.
An endless chain of dependent causes is no answer.
It was a Big Bang. God spoke and bang it happened. That Bang has order which requires design. Order cannot come from disorder.
You're trying your best (again) to reason that no intelligence was required to produce and arrange all this,(not to mention the human body) and that no power was needed to get this thing going and keep it running and that all this is the result of blind chance. Sure.
Don't you smile indulgently at me when I tell you.... Hamlet was not written by Shakespeare at all, but was the result of an explosion in a print shop. Don't forget. The print shop came from something else exploding, too.
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