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Bad Moon Risen'
Don’t be ridiculous. You can find the same ideas in all kinds of literature over the eons. Eastern, western, you name it. Even something as supposedly Christian like the “virgin birth” crops up many times in theological and moral texts.
Ancient aliens visited this rock a long time ago. Civilization took those aliens as Gods and wrote about them.


Well-Known Member
I like that.
The mistakes in translations rarely affect the overall message.
The Vulcan and the KJV have many translation mistakes but none that significantly affect the message .

The most notable is the Aramaian words for camel and rope are translated into Hellenic Greek as the same word.

The Bible saying, "It is easier for a rope to pass through the eye of a needle ... " now makes more sense.
I mentioned that before. The eye of the needle was a small door in the city gate that allowed people to pass through, but was about impossible for a camel to. Camel caravans were kept outside the city walls at night.


Well-Known Member
Ancient aliens visited this rock a long time ago. Civilization took those aliens as Gods and wrote about them.
The honest truth is we don't know exactly what God is and there are passages in the Bible referring to chariots of fire in the sky. Recently the military released a tape of a UFO their pilots observed that made their jets look slow and cumbersome in comparison. What I believe is God is a superior being who cares about us. Exactly what he is remains to be seen.


Well-Known Member
That leads me to the same conclusion. It's made up nonsense, the version you choose to believe in has no more validity than any other nonsense. Universal themes and dramatic story telling don't define truth.
What I do know about Christianity is that it had a civilizing influence on a very brutal world. We can point to all the hypocrisy, etc but ultimately most people trying to live by a moral code has allowed the world to move forward, to progress. Whether you love it or hate it it made the world a better place. Pushing all that aside hasn't improved things.


Well-Known Member
Act 2:38, Mark 16:16

Both say you must make a decision before the baptism.

Acts says repent
Mark says believe

Neither one can an infant do.

I've given you 2 that contradicts infant baptism, give me some were it says it is ok. I don't see anywhere besides "household", which is is a leap to get infants meant in that circle.

Besides, it is not up to me who gets "in", but believe that baptism is an outward expression of an already inward change.
I've been taught that baptism is for those old enough to understand the need for salvation, having reached an age where they are being held accountable for their sins. Thus an innocent child is not held accountable, and would go to heaven if he died before reaching the age of accountability.


Well-Known Member
Just the opposite. If salvation is by God’s grace and by God’s grace alone, it can be bestowed upon any he so chooses.
Ultimately we are saved by his grace because no one is truly worthy of salvation without his grace. But there is a judgment, and an accountability for our actions. God judges our heart, our intent. We come out of baptism in a saved state. But if we remain in a saved state depends on our efforts to be faithful as Christians, and God's judgment of that effort. "Not everyone who sayeth unto me Lord, Lord will enter into heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."


Inordinately Right
I've been taught that baptism is for those old enough to understand the need for salvation, having reached an age where they are being held accountable for their sins. Thus an innocent child is not held accountable, and would go to heaven if he died before reaching the age of accountability.
Ya, Protestants like to just make stuff up like that.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ultimately we are saved by his grace because no one is truly worthy of salvation without his grace. But there is a judgment, and an accountability for our actions. God judges our heart, our intent. We come out of baptism in a saved state. But if we remain in a saved state depends on our efforts to be faithful as Christians, and God's judgment of that effort. "Not everyone who sayeth unto me Lord, Lord will enter into heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. I am saying that I do not understand God or his ways.

If God decides to save the unborn, and you find that to be somehow unjust...well I suggest you, @floridays, and Job lodge your complaints wisely. Go in with your loins already girded. It will save time that way.
I asked questions about how you as a six month old could become a christian by your parents act of having you baptized, and since God says he knew us in the womb, would an aborted child be robbed of the chance because he/she was aborted. Nowhere did I give the state or give an impression as to my belief pertaining to both situations. I do hold strong beliefs on both, and you have made it obvious with this post that you have no idea what these beliefs are. The only statement I made (in a different post) was no child can become a christian at six months by his parents act of having him or her baptized, it is simply not scriptural.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ultimately we are saved by his grace because no one is truly worthy of salvation without his grace. But there is a judgment, and an accountability for our actions. God judges our heart, our intent. We come out of baptism in a saved state. But if we remain in a saved state depends on our efforts to be faithful as Christians, and God's judgment of that effort. "Not everyone who sayeth unto me Lord, Lord will enter into heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
The context here is against false prophets ... Not the normal sinner.


Staff member
I asked questions about how you as a six month old could become a christian by your parents act of having you baptized, and since God says he knew us in the womb, would an aborted child be robbed of the chance because he/she was aborted. Nowhere did I give the state or give an impression as to my belief pertaining to both situations. I do hold strong beliefs on both, and you have made it obvious with this post that you have no idea what these beliefs are. The only statement I made (in a different post) was no child can become a christian at six months by his parents act of having him or her baptized, it is simply not scriptural.
Your fundamentalist view is not binding on my faith.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What I do know about Christianity is that it had a civilizing influence on a very brutal world. We can point to all the hypocrisy, etc but ultimately most people trying to live by a moral code has allowed the world to move forward, to progress. Whether you love it or hate it it made the world a better place. Pushing all that aside hasn't improved things.
As did Islam.


Well-Known Member
The context here is against false prophets ... Not the normal sinner.
The Apostle James I believe said faith without works is dead. It's not enough to just believe. Satan believes too. Jesus made it very clear that we have to do God's will, false prophet or not. And the Bible makes it clear that not everyone who claims Christianity will be saved. That those saved are a clear minority. If it were just a matter of belief it would be wonderful. But we do have to live a Christian life. Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement."


Well-Known Member
Your fundamentalist view is not binding on my faith.
No attempt is being made, you having faith is not the important thing,
Sounds like a pretty friend-up religion that doesn't allow babies into heaven.
Nothing in my post alludes to a belief that God does not allow babies in heaven. Quite the contrary I believe God bestows his Grace on all born that die in infancy, regardless of their parents belief's, and I believe God bestows his Grace to all unborn, aborted babies. I hope my belief pertaining to babies is crystal clear.
I was pursuing a line of questioning to reveal what I anticipated would be flawed theology, @bbsam chose not to answer the questions and chose to make untrue claims or assumptions of my beliefs.


Well-Known Member
And bringing order and preserving knowledge and adding to it.
Ask the folks about that order. Christians had to build smaller churches than the mosques because they couldn't outshine the mosques. Families with more than one son had to give up a son to Ottoman Army and he was forced to convert. Any dissent was brutally put down. People converted to Islam to get better treatment and pay less taxes. 500 years of domination in SE Europe and they're still paying for it.
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